View Full Version : Things like this ...

06-13-2012, 09:06 AM

Need to stop ! I just cant stand the stupidity of dog owners like this, both the bully and the owner of the smaller dog. Don't speak spanish but there's plenty of english. I'll just leave it here and am curious about your toughts. Especially what can be done to avoid these dogs even getting that close to each other.

Officially Retired
06-13-2012, 10:37 AM
Nash, there is nothing you and I can do to overcome human stupidity: it is ubiquitous.

The only thing you can do is avoid it, by not having your dogs anywhere where "common retards" are found ...

06-13-2012, 12:57 PM
Things like this infuriate me. You need to call animal control? On the people who had their animal on a LEASH for a walk, as opposed to the apparent family of people letting their nasty poodle run around freely in a busy intersection? I have a wire muzzle that I walk my dogs with if I know we'll be somewhere people are apt to show such ignorant negligence, but even then, I give people AMPLE warning to pick their dogs up or put them on a leash when approaching me, and I'm not above kicking the little shits if their owners don't comply. I used to simply pick my dogs up and walk around them, but as the RESPONSIBLE party in any confrontation like that, I don't feel compelled to do that anymore. If you called the cops on a driver who ran over your dog because it was running amok, off leash, the officer would not only not offer any condolences, but they'd issue the irresponsible owner a ticket for their trouble. I don't understand why an "attack" like this one should be any different. And, as a personal observation, I find it incredibly appalling when people sit around and scream at dogs, rather than doing anything productive in getting your animal away from it. What good do you think comes from screaming? If a bigger dog attacked a dog of mine, I would be on that dog in a second, rather than standing idly by, hollering at the heaven's for Jesus to save my precious puppy. It's insanity. Things like this... make me despise people.

Officially Retired
06-13-2012, 01:53 PM
Things like this... make me despise people.


06-13-2012, 02:01 PM
i guess nothing can be done but keep advising people

for yourself, the only things that counts is to always take the responsibility. stay away from area's with loose dogs when walking your dogs, even when its illegal to keep dogs off leash. rights dont matter cause the p[itbull type will be the one to blame when it goes wrong. and of course carry a breaking stick. this little dog could have been killed, with a breaking stick this could have been stopped fast.

06-13-2012, 02:22 PM
Same here, these things get on my nerve. People with helpless dogs seem to put themselves in the victim position no matter who's fault it is that the dogs came in this type of trouble. I had the crasiest things happen with other dogs being 200 yards from their owners . Not a care in the world. Even when it was an open field and the owner had sight on his dog walking up to mine he just strolled towards us. This f@k& german sheperd popped up and i try to block it from getting to a dog we had with us with my leg. Man came up trying to tell me what would have happened if i had kicked his dog ... please sir go right ahead lets not talk too much.

Than i had two dogs hangin on to eachother with this nutcase kicking and nockin his dog in the head only making things worse. Bulldog owners should be aware of what to do in these situations, i agree. When i'm in the woods i carry a breakingstick. But not on their daily walks when i know they wont come of their leash.

This other guy i tested by acting like i was busy with the phone. Keeping a close eye on how close he tought he could pass with him holding his dog short on the leash. All i said after was " Yeah, he bit him right ? " He had judged right on the situation but still wanted to gamble.

All i can say about small dogs getting into trouble because of their owners negligence, is that they must not truly love their dogs and are looking to loose them. God forbid one of my dogs grabbing a small one like in the clip. Honestly even with it being the dog his owners fault, i'd feel sorry as hell for the dog.

The walk of of the bulldog is some other serious stuff. Please dont get a dog that you cant handle to walk on a leash.

06-13-2012, 02:50 PM
Please dont get a dog that you cant handle to walk on a leash.

word, but more often this applies to mentally then physically. cus strength wont help you when a bulldog has a hold of something

Officially Retired
06-13-2012, 04:32 PM
I remember when I was conditioning Truman for his match, riding him on a bicycle through the neighborhood.

A little mutt comes tearing out after me/him, and I go ass-over-head on my bike, get all banged-up, and then quickly hold Truman over my head (who is SCREAMING and going apeshit). I say, "Lady, get your damned dog before he gets killed!", to which she says, "Well, you shouldn't own the kind of dog that would do that."

Unf-ing believable. I am like, "No lady, YOU are supposed to have control of your animal, and not let it chase after dogs that can kill it."

I don't like neighborhoods and bulldogs ... and for that matter I don't like neighbors ... only the country and bulldogs (and no neighbors) will do for me :D


No Quarter Kennel
06-14-2012, 12:21 PM
moron in the background after the dogs are apart, "....that dog is a beast..." LOL!

06-14-2012, 01:10 PM
He shook the crap out of that little dog, and it wasn't even bleeding after. That dog is the exact opposite of a beast, and people are just morons.

06-14-2012, 02:03 PM
That thing couldn't bust a grape. I can't wait for my wife to get home to translate this for me. What a bunch of idiotas

06-14-2012, 11:57 PM
LoL, true ! The little dog even has this amazed look in his eyes at the end.

06-19-2012, 03:38 PM
To your point Jack about country living. I love being able to condition my hounds in the country. But i have a huge problem with loose dogs in the country. People let their dogs roam freely and it creates huge problems for me. I have a route now that i do without too many problems but i feel i should be able to go wherever i want. The reason I don't is proven by what that lady said to you. I try to stay as low key as possible. But by doing so i miss out on some of natures wonders. This is a good topic for a post.