View Full Version : Jack

06-24-2012, 03:21 AM
Wondering if you can help me out with any possible info on several photo's i have. They all have similar writing on the back,so may well be from the same yard.
Writing on the back is a wee bit similar to my dialect,so please bear with me.
1st pic of 4x yearlings,or roundabout that age in pens.
One is (possibly) called "Sebrina" & out of Tonka x Robin.
Another may be called "Pet" out of (possibly) Idi x Honey.
Two others in the same pen are out of (possibly) Idi x Reba.
2nd pic of Wood's Classy Chameleon.
3rd pic of Wilder's Red Inferno.

Another in the same envelope is of an adult female called Jessey out of Rufus x Susie. It says Susie just died. She was famous for her gameness. Medium ability. This pic may or may well not be linked to the above 3x photo's.
I have looked on your database with no luck,other than siblings from Tonka x Robin. This breeding being the one which i thought may well ring a bell with yourself.

Officially Retired
06-24-2012, 03:29 AM
Tonka to Robin would be a littermate to Ch Tonka Bear (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=799).

The only Idi I know is Uptown's Idi Amin (2xW) (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=1464). However, what bitches would be under Idi I couldn't say (although Lady In Red did have a sister named Yazoo Reba (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=173)). However, Otter also had a bitch named Reba (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=784), so I couldn't say for sure which Reba it would be, though I would tend to lean to the one Otter himself had.

06-24-2012, 04:46 AM
Thanks for taking time out to reply,Jack.

06-25-2012, 01:29 AM
After digging a wee bit deeper, "Jessey" was STB Jersey Girl & was born in 86.

Officially Retired
06-25-2012, 06:02 AM
Well, if you're sure of the IDs, feel free to contribute the images to the site :)


06-25-2012, 01:42 PM
Sorry for jumping on the thread but does anyone happen to know anything about otter's Reba. I see she was breed to ch Butkus. I also see three offrings from this breeding. Spanky, lil Kim, and and deoji. How was this litter?

Officially Retired
06-25-2012, 02:02 PM
No problem amigo, but I am sorry I do not know the answer.

06-26-2012, 02:45 AM

Gambler (?) & Reba out of Idi (?) x Reba
Sebrina out of Tonka x Robin
Pet out of Idi (?) x Honey

06-26-2012, 02:47 AM

Wilder's Inferno out of Wilder's Geronimo Boy x Wilder's Nikki (daughter of Geronimo Boy)

06-26-2012, 02:54 AM

Wood's Classy Chameleon. No breeding wrote on.
ps i deleted something (obviously) important on my computer a while back & pictures don't come up good on my laptop anymore. Therefore apologies if it is the same when i send pix.

06-26-2012, 03:13 AM
Nice pics. Thnx for sharing.

06-26-2012, 03:44 AM

ST Benedict's Jersey Girl out of Gr Ch Hargrove's Rufus R.O.M. x Brewer's Susie (2xw)
She was also known as "Pink Chiffon Tricycle Queen" & i noticed she was bred to Well's Ch Scallywag & produced "Ch Lefevre's Skywag".
I tried to put this pic up on the database,but it was a wee bit too big. Maybe someone can help me out & resize it ?
Hope i managed adding the ped ok.......

06-26-2012, 03:56 AM
size of the picture is alright. only 118kb

nice pictures.

Officially Retired
06-26-2012, 04:09 AM
I tried to put this pic up on the database,but it was a wee bit too big. Maybe someone can help me out & resize it ?
Hope i managed adding the ped ok.......

That photo uploaded just fine :) http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=6605

Officially Retired
06-26-2012, 04:18 AM
Gambler (?) & Reba out of Idi (?) x Reba
Sebrina out of Tonka x Robin
Pet out of Idi (?) x Honey

While it is good to see old photos of our historical dogs, I find it amazing how many old-timers had rank-beginner yard set-ups :embarrassed:

The center kennel is okay, as at least it is tall with a roof (though any dog can chew out of standard chain link), but the kennels on the right & left are way too low and have no roof at all :shocked:


06-26-2012, 05:16 AM
I agree Jack,but in a wee bit defence of the owner,it has wrote on the back of photo "brood & puppy pens". May well be that the 3x youngsters were being moved shortly,although they look to be more than large enough to be past "that size" puppy pen stage. The kennels also appear to be slightly smaller than the pen fence & close to it,which would make the actual height less.
Maybe someone knows any history on the Sebrina female ?

Officially Retired
06-26-2012, 05:31 AM
My puppies start climbing by 6 weeks :shocked:

I guess some lines of dog are more "ground-bound" than others ... and I suppose there are athletic/unathletic differences in what people are used to ... but no way would those pens hold pups of mine at even half the age of the dogs in there.

Anyway, don't want to digress too much off the privilege to see some of the dogs of long past, but did want to point out that many "old timers" really weren't all that knowledgeable in their care/practices at all.

A person's setup doesn't have to be super-expensive or fancy, but it should be able to prevent any possibility of escape.


06-29-2012, 05:09 AM
Very nice old photos. It is a treat to see the old dogs and so many old photos get lost over time, or they don't have anything written on them to identify the dogs shown.

Thanks for posting them!

I wonder if it would be useful to have a section of Historical Photos where all such pictures could be posted?