View Full Version : Thoughts on this Breeding

06-25-2012, 07:28 AM

For those more experienced with the Hollingsworth dogs, what traits would you expect to get from the above breeding.

The dam is hard tested with a very well rounded skill set. Typical of the Mayday side of her pedigree.

Officially Retired
06-25-2012, 08:56 AM
For those more experienced with the Hollingsworth dogs, what traits would you expect to get from the above breeding.
The dam is hard tested with a very well rounded skill set. Typical of the Mayday side of her pedigree.

First of all, way to use the Test Breeding feature (rather than the Add Breeding), since at this point it is a theoretical breeding and not an actual breeding :)

As far as what to expect, I am pretty familiar with a lot of those dogs, if not first hand, by doing enough research on them second-hand (from credible sources), so I might have "some" valuable insight.

That said, Hollingsworth's Bull was essentially a very sturdy, very game dog who liked the face. He was neither fast, nor too bright, but more like a "canine rhinoceros" ... well-built, powerful, and it would take "a lot of lions" to kill him. So that is what he was, and he has repeatedly and consistently proven that that is what he will throw :)

Naturally, you would have a better understanding of her mama than I, but she is a composite mix of the RBJ/Hollingsworth dogs (and the extremely similar RBJ/Buck/VGK dogs), both of which have repeatedly and consistently produced some world class animals, so if your bitch has "all the tools," she's got a license to, and I expect your breeding to have an excellent chance to produce more of the same.

Breeding to Bull might slow your dogs down a bit, but it might also increase your gameness/durability % a bit too. A point of interest would be the Nana bitch, who is out of Bull's daughter Angel Face. It is my opinion (backed by historical fact) that Angel Face came from the highest-caliber "pure Hollingsworth" performance breeding made. Every dog in her litter (Ch Blade, Hero, Riot, Pencil, etc.) was matched and won, except Riot who lost in 2:02 to Fat Bill's Ch Zabo, when Riot had only been rolled once or twice for experience. (Both dogs died afterwards.) So it was a very high-caliber breeding! (I actually tried to buy Angel Face, both from Hollingsworth before Vic got her, as well as from Vic after he got her, but couldn't get her.)

Anyway, Vic breeding Angel Face to Mayday naturally makes a 3/4 "Hollingsworth" ped, and Ch Heavy D was the product of Ch Nico Jr. being bred to a Poncho/Mayday bitch in Hot Tamale, with Heavy D of course being a Champion ... who had proven his gameness well and was yet another 2-hour dog.

In conclusion, therefore, I think you can look forward to get some pretty solid, dependably-DEEP game bulldogs out of this, that will be very hard to beat, and even if one or two "can" be beat ... it would take at least 2 hours to pull something like that off.

No "easy marks," that's for sure ;)


06-25-2012, 09:17 AM
Tx Jack. As always, good stuff.