View Full Version : GARNER'S CH DYNOMITE

06-26-2012, 11:18 AM
Can any one give me his match reports or any info regarding mouth, speed, abillity, match times ecs.


06-27-2012, 12:22 PM
No takers, any body that know somebody that might be anable to help?

Officially Retired
06-27-2012, 08:29 PM
Even though he's not here, the first person I would ask would be Tom Garner.

It would be like going to Garner's board to ask about Silverback.

No one on this earth knows more about Silverback than I do, and I would imagine no one on earth knows more about Garner's Dynamite than Garner.


06-28-2012, 10:17 AM
Thanks but Tom Garner will only give you information if you buy dogs off him. I asked him this before and he just ignored me flat, then I ask him this for the 10th time and then he replied that he does not know.
Well this is BS, Does he think that I'm fucken 3 years old. Lol
The reason why I ask this is because I imported a daughter of Dynomite. His pissed because I did not buy it from him, but he did not want to sell me this type of quality dogs.

Officially Retired
06-28-2012, 10:19 AM
Oh, well then, I am sorry I don't have enough second-hand info to help you.

No Quarter Kennel
06-28-2012, 10:43 AM
Back in my virgin/rookie days of bulldogs, I had a pretty damn good Snooty/Alligator dog http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=64538. Well, it got me interested in the Chinaman stuff. I call Garner and ask him a few questions. To say he didn't act as if he had much time to answer questions about his line of dogs is an understatement. I then ask him about Frisco (remember - these are my rookie years). I say, "Mr. Garner, it's rumored that although Frisco was a pretty good dog and is producing very well, I heard he quit. Is there anything to that?"

His reply, "What the fuck does that matter? He'll go down as the greatest producing dog in bulldog history. Who gives a fuck if he quit or not?"

Needless to say, I cared if he quit and that was the end of my interest in Garner bred dogs. Call me particular, close-minded, etc., but there are a TON of great dogs and lines out there to not have to put up with that kind of crap. That's just me though!

06-28-2012, 11:14 AM

06-28-2012, 11:19 AM
Thanks but Tom Garner will only give you information if you buy dogs off him. I asked him this before and he just ignored me flat, then I ask him this for the 10th time and then he replied that he does not know.
Well this is BS, Does he think that I'm fucken 3 years old. Lol
The reason why I ask this is because I imported a daughter of Dynomite. His pissed because I did not buy it from him, but he did not want to sell me this type of quality dogs.

No offence, but if you asked me about my dogs with no intention of buying, I wouldn't tell you either. I'm guessing garner has quite a few questions like that every day. He has no reason giving up information just like that for free, by the 10th time I guess he was just fed up with you. Imo you got to earn the information you get out of people. I'm talking in general here. I have no business with garner what so ever. I hope you get the information you need.

06-28-2012, 12:37 PM
I think he won't talk about fighting at all, specially not to strangers. He's all business.

Officially Retired
06-28-2012, 01:51 PM
No offence, but if you asked me about my dogs with no intention of buying, I wouldn't tell you either. I'm guessing garner has quite a few questions like that every day. He has no reason giving up information just like that for free, by the 10th time I guess he was just fed up with you. Imo you got to earn the information you get out of people. I'm talking in general here. I have no business with garner what so ever. I hope you get the information you need.

That is a very good point.

I think he was right to go to Garner for the information, but I also understand why Garner wouldn't just freely discuss matters with a stranger.

On the other hand, Xavier is not from the US, but still I can understand why Garner wouldn't just spill the beans to everyone who asks.


06-28-2012, 01:58 PM
iv asked him for pictures of black velvet once. not even a reply that he didnt have it. >> tom garner <<

Officially Retired
06-29-2012, 03:58 AM
His reply, "What the fuck does that matter? He'll go down as the greatest producing dog in bulldog history. Who gives a fuck if he quit or not?"

Can't agree that Frisco will go down in history as "the greatest producer."

The "most bred stud dog" in history, possibly, but greatness as a producer has to do with percentages also, as well as "best of best," not just volume of pups produced.

The most influential stud dogs of the last 20 years, that are seen in the highest-percentage of truly top-shelf, title-winning dogs would have to be Buck, Yellow, and Mayday IMO.


06-29-2012, 04:51 AM
I agree. There is no doubt Frisco produced some top class animals. Especially with the lee ling breedings. But percentage wise, I find it hard to believe he would be up there with Buck, Yellow, Jeep and may other famous producing dogs. On the other hand, it would be interesting if more Frisco dogs would've ended up in more competitive hands. Garner sells dogs to almost anyone with the cash, hell my grandma probably could by dogs from him. It's like the saying: If you throw enough shit on the wall, some should stick. An impressive producer to me is one that in a few breedings make a big impact on the breed. Or one that produces solid bulldogs no matter what it's bred to.

06-29-2012, 06:55 AM
I must of caught Mr Garner on a good day when I emailed him, many moons ago.

I asked his opinion on which way to breed a Frisco/Snooty gyp I once owned; he couldn't of been more helpful and courteous.

06-29-2012, 10:02 AM
Likewise MTK,TG was more than helpful to myself in the past & answered my questions. Although i never asked on any particular dog.
No offence to the original poster,but if someone i never knew asked me questions in person,never mind on the phone,then i would not incriminate myself in any way & i would not incriminate anyone else. The laws may be different in our countries,but i know where i stand in mine. I know by my own personal circumstances that it is quite easy to record a phone call/calls. Thankfully i was being the person who was doing the recording & being oh so polite,trying to get what i wanted hehe.

Officially Retired
06-29-2012, 01:49 PM
Possible recordings is one of the reasons I no longer make my phone publicly-accessible.

Besides the potential for recordings, not only do you sometimes never know who you're talking to, but even if every one of them is cool, stll, if 10 random dogmen call ... and you talk to each of them for :30 (and most dogmen talk longer than that, LOL) ... and before you know it 5 hours of your day are gone :shocked: :lol:

So, for me, the best "time management tool" I ever implemented was changing my number and not making it accessible anymore :mrgreen:


06-29-2012, 06:27 PM
Lol You're right Jack. What should be a five minute call ends up 1-2 hours.

06-30-2012, 07:46 AM
If I'm not mistaken dynomite was owned and campaigned by a kennel namned Weight in gold or something. You might have better luck if you can get ahold of them...

Officially Retired
06-30-2012, 08:12 AM
Lol You're right Jack. What should be a five minute call ends up 1-2 hours.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

07-02-2012, 12:27 AM
Can't agree that Frisco will go down in history as "the greatest producer."

The "most bred stud dog" in history, possibly, but greatness as a producer has to do with percentages also, as well as "best of best," not just volume of pups produced.

The most influential stud dogs of the last 20 years, that are seen in the highest-percentage of truly top-shelf, title-winning dogs would have to be Buck, Yellow, and Mayday IMO.


One very underrated producer was Baileys Bingo. This dog is behind almost all the modern Redboy dogs. Even though he wasn't a rom dog himself, he was able to produce producers and performers for generations that are still very competitive.

Officially Retired
07-02-2012, 03:58 AM
One very underrated producer was Baileys Bingo. This dog is behind almost all the modern Redboy dogs. Even though he wasn't a rom dog himself, he was able to produce producers and performers for generations that are still very competitive.

I wouldn't say he was underrated, pretty much everyone knows he's important to the Redboy strain.

What it is would be yet another example about how "POR" and "ROM" don't tell the whole story. Also, some dogs produce better when linebred upon than they do as individual stud dogs. My Truman dog threw mostly curs in the 2 breedings I did with him, but when his offspring were bred together (so I doubled-up on Truman) I got all-game (or nearly-all-game) litters.

Sometimes a particular stud dog needs something built around him to really shine as a producer.


07-02-2012, 05:12 AM
I wouldn't say he was underrated, pretty much everyone knows he's important to the Redboy strain.

What it is would be yet another example about how "POR" and "ROM" don't tell the whole story. Also, some dogs produce better when linebred upon than they do as individual stud dogs. My Truman dog threw mostly curs in the 2 breedings I did with him, but when his offspring were bred together (so I doubled-up on Truman) I got all-game (or nearly-all-game) litters.

Sometimes a particular stud dog needs something built around him to really shine as a producer.


What I meant that he is very seldom up there with the names of important producers of the breed. Interesting point about Truman.

07-02-2012, 10:51 AM
Hi guys.
Just to get something clear, I did not email Tom out of the blue asking 50 questions. I spoke to him for months and sometimes I have to send an email 3 times before he replied.
I want to buy something of his yard but all the good stuff is not for sale, At the end he had a 2 time winner that he gave me a price on including shipping and I accept and ask him how must I go ahead to pay him all the money cash.......and believe it or not I'm still waiting for his reply and it’s now 1 year ago. According to me this was a done deal. This was not the only deal that went wrong, The second deal is: I ask him for semen out of Bolo and he gave me again a price with shipping and I ACCEPT.....again I ask "MR TOM HOW MUST I GO TO PAY YOU NOW, TELL ME CAN I PAY VIA PAYPAL OR HOW DO YOU GET THE MONEY CASH"
And again up to date NO REPLY and its now 8 months ago. So I give up with Mr Tom as his a peddler but once it come to the GOOD stuff your just a number.

I finally bought a young brood bitch from another man and once the deal were through I emailed Tom telling him about this female that I bought and so on, he replied within 10 minutes saying that that female were supposed to be his brood bitch and that his pissed that the guy sold it to me as he would have paid double what I paid for her. He said that the day he sold this female to this guy he made the guy promise him that they will breed together out of her and that he has first option on buying her back. How this guy got hold of the female happened like this: He paid Tom cash for a pup and when time arrived for him to get the pup he drive 8 hours to Tom's house (he were a regular customer) Once on arrival Tom realised that he by mistake sold this man's pup a few days before to someone else and that the pup is now gone. Then this guy was pissed as he drove all the way for nothing and it cost him a lot of money. Then Tom has 2 pups a male and a female that were standing alone one side he ask Tom to give him one of them as he know how they were bred as Tom almost shits his pants and said NO, He showed them other dogs and this man just refuse to take something else and at the end of the day Tom gave up and give him the female and told him that they should breed together as this is supposed to be one of his main brood bitches once she grew up. He that got the papers right away and they were on the road.....And how I got her is another story lol.

I will post her ped now if I can

07-02-2012, 10:55 AM

I hope this way you guys can get it as I still don't know how to post a pedigree. :lotsagreen:

ADMIN: All you have to do is copy the URL and paste it :)

12-02-2012, 05:57 AM
made CH on JMK Pretty Boy Floyd (son of Brown's Syco) coming from the bottom at :30 to take control, Floyd on all 4, would not go at 1:05.

12-07-2012, 03:37 PM
Tom is a very hard person to deal with and respect. I purchased many dogs off him and like you every trip which is a total of 15 hour drive was a hard one. Every dog I wanted was already sold or not for sale. I got 1 good dog and the other 7 were rank culls. The good dog was the first and cheapest one from him which is why I kept going back. He cursed me out In our first meeting when I asked him about dyno's match times. I used to think Tom was a honest man but lie after lie and insult after insult I would much rather not even own a bulldog then get one from Garner. I also had the opportunity to call Cali Jack. I wish I would have spoke to him long before I called Tom. He was very polite and honest in every conversation we had. Even though I was not able to get a dog from him he still showed me respect. And I respect him for that. I tried not to believe the stories surrounding Tom but when you live through more than one lie you realize that there is much truth to the rumors. From the lies about Bobby Peru to the lies about my male and his breeding I cant see why anyone would pay that much money to a ungrateful prick for a lifetime of confusion regarding your dogs pedigree. Every dog I bought based on the traits and qualities of the line were total opposite of what it should have been. If your planning on getting a chinaman dog my advice to you is look for someone who has good ones from Tom and get a pup from them. Your chances will be higher in getting a dog that your looking for.

12-07-2012, 08:51 PM
What I meant that he is very seldom up there with the names of important producers of the breed. Interesting point about Truman.

He's seldom up there, in this day and age, because so many people think producer equates to number of champions produced, which is just complete bullshit. A dog's production record is built around the entire picture, not just a few dogs here and there throughout it's life. Bingo has been up there as an important dog in the breed for decades with people that actually care about a dog's actual production. Too much emphasis is put on the ROM list which is simply a record of champions produced. It's not an actual list built around production.

Bingo was one of the most important dogs of the last 30 years, and there simply is no denying that no matter what.

12-07-2012, 08:58 PM
If anyone's looking for chinaman stuff why not get it from Mr Romeo the actual owner of chinaman

12-07-2012, 09:04 PM
Plus he has reasons to be careful Mr garner he had a lot of heat on his area plus he already was recorded once I doubt he wants to be in a national show again Luke he was many years ago

12-08-2012, 01:12 AM
From the lies about Bobby Peru .

What lies about Bobby Peru?

12-16-2012, 03:46 AM
He's seldom up there, in this day and age, because so many people think producer equates to number of champions produced, which is just complete bullshit. A dog's production record is built around the entire picture, not just a few dogs here and there throughout it's life. Bingo has been up there as an important dog in the breed for decades with people that actually care about a dog's actual production. Too much emphasis is put on the ROM list which is simply a record of champions produced. It's not an actual list built around production.

Bingo was one of the most important dogs of the last 30 years, and there simply is no denying that no matter what.yes sir!

12-16-2012, 07:24 AM
What lies about Bobby Peru?

He told me that Bobby Peru aka Squeeze was a man biter because his owner was attacked in a raid in front of him. That before the raid he was a friendly dog towards humans.

Black Hand
12-25-2012, 04:56 AM
I've emailed Tom back and fourth about quite a few things from his dogs to storing semen an straws vs pellets etc. always a timely reply and in detail. never had no problems or any intentions of buying dogs. just general questions. but you ask 20 different ppl on their experience with someone you should have atleast 10 different answers.

12-30-2012, 11:34 PM
I'm new on here as of 5 minutes ago lol. But let me start by saying hello to everybody. I to have bought pups from TG and recently got another out of the Crocodile/Miss Crocodile breeding. My first TG experience was more than I could have asked for. Long story short, I had a Female that got extremely sick out of nowhere. She just stopped wanting to walk and had no use of her tail. I emailed TG on a desperate attempt to seek answered or help from someone with far more experience than myself. I never expected a reply...but he did. I never even mentioned buying a dog from him. Just plead my case and what was wrong with her. We spent several days emailing back and forth numerous times as he was trying to help me figure out what was wrong. After a week I had to put her down as her pain level had increased and lost use of her legs aswell. The vet had no answered after numerous test. I emailed Tom and told him about my loss. He said he was sorry to hear it. I told him that I'd always wanted a pup from him but simply could not fork out 1500 bucks. He said, I tell you what. Come pick you out a dog and I will be more than happy to cut you a significant break on that price as I know you have alot of vet bills piled up. So off I went...hand picked my pup out of all the litters and he held true to his word about a significant price drop. To this day I can call the man and can talk dogs or any other subject and treated with respect. I am very pleased with my Croc pup...he is 5 months old now.

12-31-2012, 09:04 AM
It seems there are a variety of different experiences. If I go into a store and the man treats some folks like a king, and treats others like crap, I think it is safe to say there are customer service problems. Now, the way people handle themselves may have a lot to do with it, but either way if you are a commercial enterprise; and he is, you need to accomodate your customers. I have 3 close friends who have bought dogs from him anywhere from the early 90's right up until a couple of years ago. Two of them bought multiple dogs, one bought a single dog. The guys who had multiple dogs from him had a very low turnout of good ones. The only ones that have been good were down from either the Lee Ling or the Hollingsworth blends.

12-31-2012, 07:06 PM
I do agree.. but in talking to Mr Garner, I know that he's bombarded with calls of non serious people asking dangerous or bogus questions. I can see how that would be aggravating at times. But on the flip side...he put himself in that roll. Double edged sword I guess. IMO he has owned, produced and still producing some world class dogs. I am not ashamed to say I own one and had a few more off his line in the past despite alot of controversy and people that dislike him. And I also know that alot of people that "Hate" on him couldn't even hold his leash so to speak lol. Me being one of them as I have nowhere near the experience as him or as some of you do on this forum. Its sad in general that this "use to be" a gentlemans dog/game. But truth is alot of that has been tarnished by alot of shady folks. Its a lying, cheating, crooked, paper hanging business for the most part...atleast what I've discovered. But he did me right and I can't complain at all. I've met a few good dogmen in the last 15 years of being involved with these dogs. Seems to be a rarity now days though. Hope to meet more on here as I'm new to the forum. Seems to be a good forum with legit folks on here that can teach alot to those like myself willing to learn. Y'all have a happy new year and keep up the good work! Cheers!