View Full Version : Fleas?????

06-27-2012, 04:25 PM
Nothing ive tried has worked.
1:5 premithren:oil they come back
frontline plus, worked for a week.
Conquer and precor, been spraying and dont do shit.
Tried sevin dust, high yeild.

Im constantly using the precor, conquer and premithren. Spraying every week.

Officially Retired
06-27-2012, 05:15 PM
Have you done them all together?

06-27-2012, 06:25 PM
I sprayed the dogs one week. 5 days later i sprayed the spots with the pro grade stuff and used the frontline. Fleas where back.in a week.then i started doing permithren on dogs and pro grade in dpots on same day and ive nlbeen doing it for three weeks. Noe i have seen a big cut back but they are still here

Officially Retired
06-27-2012, 08:26 PM
I use the permethrin @ 1:4 not 1:5

Have you tried Bayer Complete Insect Spray?


06-28-2012, 03:47 AM

scratchin dog
06-28-2012, 08:11 AM
Have you bombed your house with a flea fogger? Its possible you are carrying fleas into your home and then back out to re-infest your yard. I would do everything, house and yard all in the same day.

07-03-2012, 06:26 AM
jack what do think about the cut-heal zonk it 35?

Officially Retired
07-03-2012, 08:25 AM
I don't have an opinion, sorry, as I have never seen it or used it :)

Tru Blood
07-10-2012, 03:17 PM
Sentry Fiproguard is just as good as Front Line Plus for a fraction of the price. I bought the 89-132 lbs for $42.00 plus tax.

07-18-2012, 11:26 PM
I recently had an bad issue with fleas, but they seemed to only have been messing with my black dog and not the other 4 on the yard. Since then, I have spread hydrated lyme on the chain spots (50lbs for 7bucks), used a generous ammount to completely cover the spots/yard, tealed that in with my rake, re-lymed it, tealed summore and again every day for about a week while the dogs were off of ther chain spots. On top of that, have thrown some salt down also. I have bathed the dogs with a dish soap. then oiled them with a permethrin 13.3 mix with light oil (as my friend suggested) on the hounds. I yahs seemd to do the trick for me thus far, @ and was not that expensive. Hope this helps..

09-30-2012, 11:30 AM
Tuarus SC from doyourownpestcontrol.
It works great. Used it on all of my dogs using 2cc on each dog and after a few days no fleas,its not a repellant, it kills them. Generic version of termidor.

pig mad
09-30-2012, 12:17 PM
spectrum 200 or confidor mix 1ml with 2ml water in syringe and comb into coat down back line mix a good amout in water and spray yard repeat in 7 days when eggs hatch can buy the shit off ebay my bottle is 2 years out of date and still works a treat havent had to repeat myself for years but done plenty of mates yards with it out of date no drama...

Try it you will never use anything else again its like majic..