View Full Version : PG 600

07-15-2012, 06:06 PM
Could someone please explain to me how to use this stuff? Thanks in advance

Officially Retired
07-15-2012, 07:37 PM
Don't use it.

Go to a reproductive vet and have them examine your bitch.

What is the problem exactly?

07-16-2012, 08:28 AM
The problem is that my partner's dog has not come into heat yet and she should've by now. We need her bred as soon as possible. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

02-18-2013, 03:08 PM
The problem is that my partner's dog has not come into heat yet and she should've by now. We need her bred as soon as possible. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


02-27-2013, 06:03 AM
Fix #1 for a bitch who should come in and doesn't................ change what yard she is on. That works over half of the time within a few weeks.

Officially Retired
03-01-2013, 03:43 AM
The problem is that my partner's dog has not come into heat yet and she should've by now. We need her bred as soon as possible. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Why do you "need" to breed her as soon as possible? Do you realize that the biological clock of a bitch's heat isn't dependent on "your schedule." Do you also realize that fiddling with a bitch's hormones can give her pyometra?

The only thing I can help you with is understanding that every bitch is different ... some come in every 4 months, most come in every 6 months ... but it is also within "normal range" for other bitches to come in only once a year+.

For example, my own Amazon bitch just came in heat for the first time yesterday ... and she is 17 months old. I have had many other bitches come in heat their first time at 8-9 months ... so Amazon took twice as long to come in as other bitches I've had in the past ... but this is no reason for me to hit the panic button and initiate monkey-level "hormone therapy" on Amazon, just because she didn't come in heat as fast as I would have liked her to :idea:

The best thing you can do with any bitch to keep her "regular" is 1) feed her well, and by "well" I mean a truly good raw diet not shit-kibble; 2) keep her in a healthy, not-too-lean, but nice athletic condition; and 3) keep her near other bitches who have normal heat cycles. In fact, being next to a bitch in heat oftentimes brings about a heat cycle.

If you're looking for a "trick," one other thing I have noticed is rolling a bitch who's due to come in, for no more than :05-:10, brings them in more often as not. Don't know why it is, but maybe there is something about "vying for dominance" that triggers breeding. Other than that, leave her alone and just follow steps 1, 2, and 3 above.


07-19-2013, 11:35 AM
It comes in a 5 cc single dose or. A 25 cc 5 dose .give the bitch 5 cc in the Han .she should be in heat within a week most of the time with in 3 days you will see swelling .i have used 100's of times .no side effects that I can see or none my vet knows about .

Black Hand
07-19-2013, 06:12 PM
I have one who is going on 14 months. she's the last of her siblings to come in, it's best just to wait it out if they are young. if she hasn't had her first heat that is the last one I would want to rush as they are just not at sexual maturity yet. it's like asking for something to help your males balls drop faster.

07-19-2013, 06:31 PM
Pg 600 is nothing more than progesterone

07-20-2013, 06:35 PM
I used it once about ten years ago. Bred a daughter of Vietnam's Ch Spike to Gr. Ch. Sparky. Once naturally and once with the PG600 neither time took but I just chalked it up to Sparky's low sperm count, but I've heard many use it without any problems or issues arising from it's use. Personally, I'd just wait if she is young and if not I'd get her checked out by a vet to make sure everything is kosher with the bitch...

Black Hand
07-20-2013, 10:43 PM
I wouldn't administer progesterone until I was confident in how the hormone acts and all of it's side effects since it has a lot to do with not only when a bitch goes into heat but also plays a role in labor and tells the bitches body when to start producing milk. I don't know enough about the drug and how injecting can or will effect the natural progesterone. I wouldn't mess with it based on the accounts of my friends telling me Hey I used it and it worked! You might want to do more thorough research on it.