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View Full Version : FALSE PREGNANCY

07-19-2012, 07:15 AM
I took my bitch to vet yesterday and found out my old vet had passed away and his protege is the new vet at the same location.
My bitch has tits full of milk but is not pregnant i knew that so i take her to the vet see what he thinks.And the first thing that comes out of his mouth is you should probably get her spayed so that dosent happen again.I answered with i dont want her spayed so he said that it was dangerous because he noticed the milk was bad and that it was infected and the infection was gonna go to the uterus. He finally gave her a shot of penecillin and prescribed me Amoxcillin 500 mg 1 every 12 hours is there something i can do i looked in the pit bull bible and cant find any input on this i dont wanna go back to that vet so im asking if theres something i can give to get rid of the milk and the bad milf it has any imput would be apreciated thanks

Officially Retired
07-19-2012, 08:03 AM
Your vet is a HSUS-funded dumbass who just wants to spay dogs (pit bulls).

Does your bitch really have an infection, or is your vet just trying to use "scare tactics" on you to force a panicked c-section? Also, for him to say that mastitis will "spread" to the uterus is an outright lie (or quackery at best), so I agree with your decision never to go to this POS again.

If your bitch doesn't actually have an infection, then I wouldn't give her anything. If she does have an infection, then penicillin is a low-budget solution, and even amoxicillin isn't the best choice.

If you have The Pit Bull Bible, there is a discussion in Chapter 10 (Animal Husbandry & Raising Pups) on what to give bitches for mastitis ... and the 3 best choices are TMZ, Clavamox, or Cephalexin.

As for getting the milk to go away, there are a lot of alleged herbal remedies & such (dandelion, etc.), but all I have ever done is cut their feed back a bit and exercise them, and that seems to do the trick.

I have hear people mention other tricks, though none of them comes to mind at the moment, but I think antibiotics and reduced feed intake are all you really need with the rest of it being a waste of time.


07-20-2012, 06:36 AM
ok thanks thats what i fugured but i just was not sure

07-20-2012, 10:23 AM
I agree on cutting the feed is the best solution to rid the milk. Something along the lines of missing a day/next day 1/3rd feed/next day 1/2 feed/next day 2/3 feed. Reduce water intake also.
I did use some type of salts (cannot remember name) on a previous occasion but found the above worked better.
It is also easier & better for owner & dog if you treat at the earliest possible opportunity once it is confirmed she is not pregnant.