View Full Version : Did Termidor KILL my Dog?

07-20-2012, 06:21 PM
Hello my people today when I got home from work and went out to get on my second job, no my passion. My 22month "Bull Bob" bred male "Mr. P. Diddy" was dying. 4 gasp he went. Ca Jack and all concerned parties. He was 39-40lbs WIDE the F$@K OPEN. I treated my yard on Wednesday. He was so geeked always that when I applied 1.8 cc from a 3cc syringe down his back and between the shoulder blades as always it wasn't a smooth task. My question do you think if he was able to lick some off was that enough to kill him? To say I pissed is a understatement. And as a family man I must keep my emotions in check so not to take it out on my family. He was my pure source of "Bolio" blood. CRUSHED!!

Officially Retired
07-22-2012, 10:22 AM
First of all, I am sorry your dog died.

Regarding causation, several points come to mind:

1. How could he lick Termidor off his back?;

2. I have used Termidor for 6 years, on a dozens and dozens of dogs, and have never had one single animal get sick;

3. Countless other people have used Termidor also, with zero ill effect;

4. Your other dogs did not get sick;

5. I do not think fipronil is a fatal poison, even if ingested;

6. That said, severe individual reactions do happen, for which there is no way for anyone to know "in advance" it might happen (e.g., simple penicillin can kill a dog IF that dog's particular make-up can't handle it, and there is simply no way to know this in advance of giving the shot);

7. Your dog probably died from something else, but he may well have had an anaphylactic reaction, again that no one on earth could predict.

Regardless, I am sorry your dog died.



07-22-2012, 03:30 PM
Thanks Ca Jack. I came to the realization that it was not the Temidor. All my other dogs are fine and this was something I'll never get the answer to. He was his same nutty self the day before. It might have been the heat. NC has been H-O-T, HOT.

Officially Retired
07-22-2012, 03:57 PM
Sorry to hear that.

Yes indeed many dogs die of heat prostration, all the time, especially black dogs (and especially again if they're hyper).

Did he have an area of total shade?
Did he have a water bucket where he could soak his whole body?

Those two elements usually will prevent heat prostration, but not always.


07-22-2012, 05:21 PM
He had a shade board and water but he didn't have enough like a kiddie pool to wade in. Sadly the nut wouldn't have left it intact. He was well on his way to becoming a very hard keeper. He was just in the hard stage at the time of his death.

07-23-2012, 08:19 AM
Sorry for your loss.

07-23-2012, 02:53 PM
Thank Nash. He was a up an coming SUPERSTAR and he did he's breeding honest. I believe in the saying "never say never" but sadly in the current job climate. It will be a while before I can afford to get another dog of his Bolio/Maloney blood. And more than likely the price will be out of my wallets reach. This loss was HUGE.. Again thanks Nash.

Officially Retired
07-25-2012, 12:12 PM
It is terrible to lose any of your keepers, let alone your favorite one.

I have lost only 4 dogs to kennel accidents in 23 years breeding them ... 2 were puppies (daughters of Poncho I got back as stud payments), both of which were back in the mid-90s when I didn't know any better about housing pups in chain link kennels ... and I lost 2 absolutely critical adult dogs to me (Stormbringer and Jezebel) both of which were lost due to kennel-crate accidents while I was in-transition from moving. I have never lost a single dog to a chain accident before.

Regardless of how you lose them, it is never a fun thing to go through, and the "what-ifs" will forever haunt your mind as you ponder what they could have done for you "if only" that hadn't happened.

You have my sincere condolences,
