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View Full Version : best and safest dewormer for pregnant gyp

07-30-2012, 05:01 PM
Hey Fellas,

Gyp is around 5-6 weeks in since tie ups. Got some diarrhea issues and haven't wormed since a week before the tie up.

What are some safe dewormers? Best ones?

What dosage? Not sure if I should up it a bit since she's got the pups draining her too

Officially Retired
07-30-2012, 05:17 PM
Not that it is required to be here, but just curious if you have "The Bible"?


Officially Retired
07-30-2012, 05:18 PM
To answer your question, pyrantel and panacur are the safest to use on pregnant/lactating gyps.


07-30-2012, 06:31 PM
I do have the bible...very informative book...but I also like to hear people's personal experiences as things change and everyone has slightly different experiences or dog reactions.

Officially Retired
07-31-2012, 10:30 AM
I do have the bible...very informative book...but I also like to hear people's personal experiences as things change and everyone has slightly different experiences or dog reactions.

The quickest way to make bad judgment calls in the use of medicines is to ask the "opinions" of general laymen (who themselves don't bother to read the latest medical literature).

The truth is, what are the safest wormers are not matters of "opinion," but matters of scientific fact, which facts themselves are based on controlled published studies on arrays of different wormers that are given to pregnant bitches, all the while statistically measuring the internal results (both favorable and unfavorable) to both the bitch as well as her fetuses.

The dosages for each of the drugs I listed above (pyrantel and fenbendazole) are listed in your book, and I didn't just pull these out of a hat, or base them on my "experience," but rather I actually looked up the latest published information on the ever-changing dosages and frequencies of each drug, respectively.

That said, pyrantel pamoate @ 50mg/ml is dosed at 1ml per 10 lb ... and fenbendazole @ 10% is dosed at 1 ml/4 lb, twice daily, for 3 days in a row ... again both of which are listed a few times in your book :)



07-31-2012, 01:50 PM
I have used Panacur 10% which starts from around day 40. One bottle is enough for a low 30lb bitch,i think i remember rightly. I started using this after reading a write up which more or less said it was safe & benificial to use during pregnancy. I had no problems in pups born & they tended to be of good weight & health.

08-05-2012, 03:17 PM
What about for deworming the pups at age 2 wks, 4 wks, 6 wks, 8 wks, and 16 wks? What dosage would be correct?

I have it written down as 3 ml/10 lbs (I believe I got this from the breeding secrets dvd)...is this too much? for both the mama and pups?

Officially Retired
08-05-2012, 04:35 PM
What about for deworming the pups at age 2 wks, 4 wks, 6 wks, 8 wks, and 16 wks? What dosage would be correct?

Same dosage.

I have it written down as 3 ml/10 lbs (I believe I got this from the breeding secrets dvd)...is this too much? for both the mama and pups?

Either you mis-wrote, or I made a mistake, but there is none of these wormers that is dosed like that.

The only one would be ivermectin FOR DEMODEX (not worms), but you should not be giving ivermectin to pups at all.

Pyrantel is 1 ml/10 lb. You can triple-dose it if you want, and it won't hurt. Maybe I said something to this effect on the tape, I can't remember off hand. But, yes, sometimes I do give two- to three times as much as I need to, but only with pyrantel, because it has such a huge margin of safety (up to 20x the recommended dose without ill effect).


08-05-2012, 06:38 PM
thanks Jack...I believe I wrote it down while watching the DVD to have a quick cheat sheet...I'll probably keep the dosage at 1ml/10 lbs +1 extra ml (for adult)

Officially Retired
08-06-2012, 03:40 AM
I said so much on that 5-hour DVD, that it's hard to remember everything exactly. However, thinking about it more, sometimes the "standard dosage" isn't enough.

Case in Point: I had a bitch named Salsa, who was bred and delivered pups, and she looked like shit: skinny, drawn-down, etc. I had wormed her with the usual, correct dosages but she just looked like crap 3 weeks after delivery. It was cold (winter in TN), and I was feeding her what should have been enough to cover her needs (pups & all), and was scratching my head as to "why" she might be looking like that. I kept thinking "it had to be worms," but yet I had wormed her "normally" the day she had pups, and again at Week 3. So I decided to just BOMBARD her with wormers ... and I gave her a triple-dose of pyrantel, piperazine, panacur, and even ivermectin. The Result?: that poor bitch shit-out nothing but worms for almost three days straight :shocked:

MORAL: standard dosages don't always work, becase sometimes parasites build resistance to the medicines you're using. In fact, by the time standard dosages "change" in vet books, you can best believe there were TENS OF THOUSANDS of instances of resistance that took place out in the field, before science and literature caught up to that fact. So don't be afraid to double- and triple dose your wormers (provided you don't do so on those that can be toxic).

The piperazine was a no-no for me to triple-dose on, but I did it anyway at the time. Probably wouldn't do that again though.
