View Full Version : VISE-GRIP'S U-NHAN-RHA

12-27-2011, 04:24 AM
Is he still producing? Seemed to throw some good ones..

Officially Retired
12-27-2011, 04:35 AM
Unfortunately, U-Nhan-Rha is dead.

However, his sister Twilight (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=68964) is alive, and there are some really nice-looking prospects off of her to Silverback 8-)

Also, Redrum has a fantasic son of Uey, named Ice Storm (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=196615), who is being advertised on this forum. And, in keeping with the family tradition, the very first dog matched off of Uey's son Ice (Blackrocks' Nazi (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=341090)) won BIS in 2hrs in a huge Mexico convention. (Nazi was also 1/4 Legend (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=23918) on the bottom, who was another inbred Poncho bitch.)

Further, Northern Express also has Ch Red Bull (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=210878) up in Canada ...


PS: There is also Captain Jack Sparrow (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=183891) (off U-Nhan-Rha to Icon's sister Brick House) that I have been rubbing my chin about doing a future breeding with Amazon (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=403988) (Silverback/Brick House) down the road ...


12-27-2011, 08:43 AM
Is that Ch Red Bull up for stud? That's beautifully bred dog and a proven hound. Hope he lives a long time and produced plenty...

Officially Retired
12-27-2011, 10:20 AM
Is that Ch Red Bull up for stud? That's beautifully bred dog and a proven hound. Hope he lives a long time and produced plenty...

Nick doesn't advertise and I don't even think he's online.



12-28-2011, 12:40 AM
Unfortunately, U-Nhan-Rha is dead.

However, his sister Twilight (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=68964) is alive, and there are some really nice-looking prospects off of her to Silverback 8-)

This was actually the breeding I were looking after: http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... _id=327851 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=327851)

Would be a cornerstone to anyone who likes to start with this blood..

Btw, was there only one in this litter?

Officially Retired
12-28-2011, 03:20 AM
This was actually the breeding I were looking after: http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pu ... _id=327851 (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=327851)
Would be a cornerstone to anyone who likes to start with this blood..
Btw, was there only one in this litter?

I agree, that is a nice breeding involving rock-solid, very well bred dogs ... which is why I made the breeding: to have a storehouse of durability if and when I needed. Yet, here again, this is why it is so important to actually know all the dogs involved ... and this is a case in point ;)

Because, as expected, the 1 pup produced from the above breeding (Buddha) is a very good, rock-solid little head dog like his genes tell him to be--and he has a great work ethic!

However, the two Silverback dogs Buddha has been put with, Nightstalker (Silverback/Dirty Diamond) and 007 (Silverback/Twilight), have decimated him. I am very proud of Icon, U-Nhan-Rha, and Twilight, as they were/are terrific, talented, deeply-game dogs ... but Silverback (while not having the natural wind of these dogs) is by far the more powerful animal ... a straight finisher ... which is why I kept Silverback over every other stud dog I had.

The truth is, I can get game, talented head dogs now in my sleep ... as that is all I have bred for 20+ years ... but to get dogs that can DOA an opponent in :05 - :15 "that" I haven't had since Stormbringer. This is why, when I sold nearly 70 dogs and essentially "got out" back in 2007/2008, Icon and U-Nhan-Rha (good as they were) got sold ... while Silverback stayed with me ... and it would be vital to any connoisseur of this line to ask themselves "why?" Silverback is the one who stayed here :mrgreen:

The reason is simply Silverback is an awesome, explosive dog--and he's throwing it in a significant portion of his pups. Not in every pup, of course, but in enough of them so that those people "who actually have" Silverback dogs ... and who have put them with other dogs (and that included Icon/UNhanRha/Rocko dogs, let alone dogs of other bloodlines) have repeatedly had to pick up "their other dogs"--and quickly--because of how much more powerful the Silverback dogs have been by comparison. Naturally, this can't be expected to hold true "every" time ... but it's held true often enough so that the owners of the dogs you mention are all breeding their bitches to Silverback ... including both of Twilight's former owners, one of whom is still the owner of Twilight and the dog who's ped you posted (as well as of Nightstalker and 007).

The truth is, a man can get good, solid dogs breeding to any halfway-decent Poncho dog ... but if a man wants the chance to breed to a dog from this family that has a very real chance to close the deal in the first or second throat hold he gets, then Silverback is the only choice.

Does this mean Buddha isn't a good dog? Nope, far from it. In fact, I may (and probably will) breed to Buddha, any time I need rugged structure and dependable gameness. But for supreme athleticism, Silverback is in a class by himself. Case in point: there were two dogs that recently went 2 hours from by bloodline, one off of a son of U-Nhan-Rha the other right off of Silverback. I am very proud of both dogs. Yet, if examined closely, the dog off Uey's son got brutalized the whole time and lost half his face ... he just refused to quit ... while the dog off Silverback went 2:36 and was ahead all the way, in fact he only got bit 4x in almost 3 hours. Unfortunately, those bites happened to come from a dog whose mouth was such he could kill you with 2 bites. In the end, both dogs from my line won, both dogs stopped their opponents, but there was an enormous difference in talent between the two ;)



12-28-2011, 02:16 PM
Case in point: there were two dogs that recently went 2 hours from by bloodline, one off of a son of U-Nhan-Rha the other right off of Silverback. I am very proud of both dogs. Yet, if examined closely, the dog off Uey's son got brutalized the whole time and lost half his face ... he just refused to quit ... while the dog off Silverback went 2:36 and was ahead all the way, in fact he only got bit 4x in almost 3 hours. Unfortunately, those bites happened to come from a dog whose mouth was such he could kill you with 2 bites. In the end, both dogs from my line won, both dogs stopped their opponents, but there was an enormous difference in talent between the two ;)



I have no doubt Ponchoback was a fantastic animal.
I hope to be so blessed in my breedings to Silverback. My ultimate goal is to keep a stong genetic pool of (line/in-bred) Silverback dogs as well as (line/in-bred)Icestorm dogs and continously interbreed the best of these two families together.


Silver Pearl should be coming in any day now. :)

Officially Retired
12-28-2011, 03:45 PM
have no doubt Ponchoback was a fantastic animal.
I hope to be so blessed in my breedings to Silverback. My ultimate goal is to keep a stong genetic pool of (line/in-bred) Silverback dogs as well as (line/in-bred)Icestorm dogs and continously interbreed the best of these two families together.

And that is exactly what I am doing myself. Silverback's weakness is long-distance stamina, so I too am breeding him to bitches where exceptional stamina is there.

Silver Pearl should be coming in any day now. :)

I am ready when you are my friend :mrgreen:



12-30-2011, 06:19 PM
Jack, Could you give a break down of pedigree, style, traits, strengths, weaknesses and production history of these dogs: uhn-nha-rha, ms bobbi, sassy, brickhouse, solid gold, screaming banshee, twilight, cherry cola and icon

Officially Retired
12-31-2011, 04:33 AM
That is A LOT of writing you just asked me to do partner ... with a one-liner :shock:

Unfortunately, I regret to say it is more than I am willing to do at this point. You must understand that I am only "one guy," and I have other articles I am working on right now, health articles that will be of benefit to all & their living dogs :D

So that is what I am going to do for now, rather than devote what time I have to tell tales about my dead dogs. I did take the time to write that one article on Ouch, when I was asked, and (true to form) the guy who asked me to do it couldn't even be bothered to take 5 seconds to say "thanks," despite the fact I took about 3hrs of my time to write a detailed response to his question :ugeek:

So I am going to stick to my plan on providing important health articles for now, that will benefit everybody, and then maybe I will get into some of the individual Poncho dogs later ... one-by-one, though, not all at once :mrgreen:



12-31-2011, 07:25 AM
Understandable. But I know when you do finally write about the vise-grip dogs of the past it will help people who dont feed this family or who have thought about trying this family, a full understanding about how and why these dogs are what they are today. I'll be waiting. Thanks in advance! Lol

By the way, is solid gold still around?

12-31-2011, 08:03 AM
Just write the book on the vise grip line n hurry up hee hee
We are waiting :D
Seriously, I know you are a one man band and now have a lady in your life, so handle your business 8-) hopefully one day I can make it your way and shake your hand... Stay cool dude

12-31-2011, 05:14 PM
I did take the time to write that one article on Ouch, when I was asked, and (true to form) the guy who asked me to do it couldn't even be bothered to take 5 seconds to say "thanks," despite the fact I took about 3hrs of my time to write a detailed response to his question :ugeek:



I don't know what thats all about.

I actually just got done reading your response to the Ouch thread and get the chance to respond to all the PM's I had recieved.

For what its worth. I'd like to thank you for such an excellent and detailed response. I sincerely appreciate it.

Have A Very Happy New Year!

03-28-2012, 12:13 PM
Silver Pearl should be coming in any day now.

I am ready when you are my friend :mrgreen:




Silver Pearl is in heat now. I'll let you know when she is ovulating so I can make that breeding to Silverback.

03-28-2012, 02:37 PM
I talk to CH Red Bull's former owner weekly. It should be noted that he has given the dog away to a fellow who has had dogs a long time and is taking good care of him. Truth be known, he missed a few breedings, and it was questionable as to whether he could sire pups. His semen was tested and the sperm count was very low. He finally did sire a litter to an outcrossed bitch recently. Northern Express bred him twice to CH Shiver, and unfortunately did not get pups. That would have put some of the best of the Chase/Chita blood with some of the tightest of Jack's more recent stuff, but it was not to be. I would expect CH Red Bull to be one of those dogs that people look back on and lament that he was not bred much, or bred in the family. History is full of those stories.

Officially Retired
03-28-2012, 04:31 PM
Silver Pearl is in heat now. I'll let you know when she is ovulating so I can make that breeding to Silverback.

Good deal 8)

Officially Retired
03-28-2012, 04:43 PM
I talk to CH Red Bull's former owner weekly. It should be noted that he has given the dog away to a fellow who has had dogs a long time and is taking good care of him. Truth be known, he missed a few breedings, and it was questionable as to whether he could sire pups. His semen was tested and the sperm count was very low. He finally did sire a litter to an outcrossed bitch recently. Northern Express bred him twice to CH Shiver, and unfortunately did not get pups. That would have put some of the best of the Chase/Chita blood with some of the tightest of Jack's more recent stuff, but it was not to be. I would expect CH Red Bull to be one of those dogs that people look back on and lament that he was not bred much, or bred in the family. History is full of those stories.

And thus is how bloodlines die ... lack of diligence and follow through :(

I remember Mason's Bolio Jr., who could hardly sire any litters at all, finally did sire three litters. 2 of those three litters were to Lineman's Rosa, that produced Bandana's daddy Charlie Boy, and to Patrick's Rosyta, that produced Coca Cola. Those two dogs produced an awful lot of poison that won some incredible awards ... so sometimes it is worth it to "keep trying" if the dog is bred well enough ... and is good enough ... which Red Bull certainly is ... but alas N. was never much of a breeder.


PS: U-Nhan-Rha's sister Twilight was bred to Silverback to produce a little dog up north called Magilla. Well, the guys who had Gr CH Rose Red 5xW (and who took her devastating brother into Silverback's ACE son PonchoBack--and lost in 2:36 to PonchoBack), own the Magilla dog and say he is as slick as PonchoBack with twice the mouth. Meanwhile, Uey's Twilight was then bred to Screaming Icon to produce Buddha, who grew up to be a helluva head dog, just smart as a whip. Well, Twilight was bred to Silverback again and these pups grew up on the same yard as Buddha ... and one of them was rolled with Buddha ... and the Silverback/Twilight dog absolutely decimated the Screaming Icon/Twilight dog, and it took an hour to stop all the bleeders in Buddha. Then they put the other Silverback/Twilight dog on a RBJ-type dog, who was 4 lb bigger and had stopped multiple dogs bigger than he was, and that dog was picked up in :09 with "Primate" in his intestines. Wildchild said that this dog was the best out of all the dogs he's ever got from me, which have been at least 12. He just lost DG with a son of Rocko in over an hour, and he really liked that dog, but said he didn't think he'd live to the :20 mark with Primate. There is something about Silverback where a significant portion of his pups are simply devastating! Too bad I can't get too many of them up passed the 31-lb mark :(