View Full Version : pre mill workout

08-19-2012, 09:15 PM
I've just got blessed with a outstanding prospect. The problem is from the looks of it he had not had as much as a good boy. He's came around to everything even running the mill exceptional quick. But the problem is getting him to to empty out. I've hand walked and walked till it's almost turned into a workout it's self. Even the first time i looked at him i waited till i know he had plenty of time to empty out and walked him five different times at 20 to 35 minutes and nothing. But as soon as everything was over and was walking him back to his spot bam. It's like he holds it for as long as he can. He doesn't have any problem going. His stool is normal. As Jack describes in his video. I took him to the vet when i first got him just as normal protocol and he is ok per my vet. I guess my question is there a way i can make him empty out or am i doing something wrong? We all know how important it is to empty out for getting his true weight as well as working a mill. Please any and all advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks scary

08-19-2012, 11:10 PM
I've heard of slot of people having this problem. I set up a chain spot to hold the dog on before the work out. New smells and wanting to mark the spot often makes one go. Heard a guy say once that he would work his on the mill a short time before emptying out. He claimed that being active made them go, which is what it sounds like yours is doing. Then we all know about using a q- tip to jump start the movement. Hope this was some help

Officially Retired
08-20-2012, 01:50 AM
That is sad, Scary, when a good dog has never received so much as a "good boy" from his owner and is pretty much a social retard. Fortunately, with a little time and TLC this can eventually be overcome.

I agree with Widerange, in that putting a dog on an empty chainspot is the quickest way to have them empty. In fact, when I get bitches over here at the house to breed to Silverback ... and if I keep them inside ... I have an empty chainspot right outside my back door for precisely the reason that many of them will take an hour to empty, if I try to walk them, but will do so almost immediately if I just put them out on the chain I have setup for them :)

Good luck with him!


08-20-2012, 07:21 AM
You should try putting a Qtip (or something little larger) up his rectim. It usually makes them go if they have a dump in them. Since this dog is new to you be careful, some dogs don't like anything being inserted in them.

08-20-2012, 09:10 AM
Well known method the qtip one, if you try it go for the larger size and do not forget to use lubricant, remember, you try to tickle, not anything more than that.

08-20-2012, 03:59 PM
Some dogs just don't like going anywhere else but in their own back yard. When I used to work Ch Buddy and PonchoBack, they would never go outside my yard. They would wait til we got home no matter how long the walk was. So it's normal. Put him on a chain spot until he goes. As soon as he goes, bring him in and reward him with workouts. If he doesn't go then don't work him out. Soon he'll know the routine. It takes time but just be patient with him.
Also some dogs absorb their food better than others and don't need to go as much.

Officially Retired
08-20-2012, 04:42 PM
Good point.
Raw-fed dogs especially don't need to poop as much.

08-20-2012, 07:23 PM
Thanks for all the input gentlemen. I have no clue why he would let a bulldog with so much potential go to waste. But hey that's a ok with me. His trash i will proudly call my treasure. ;)

08-21-2012, 08:07 PM
I also use a chainspot for a dog to empty. Recently, a certain dog I'd been keeping inside got thrown off his "schedule" due to being inside as all the laying around in the crate changed his BM habits to some odd schedule. What I've had to do is leave him outside for the previous 5 days for him to get back to his normal routine. Dogs are weird, and the best thing to do is to be flexible when their weirdness arises.

12-02-2012, 03:49 AM
This was one of the harder lessons I learned after switching to RAW. On the bag food i could take off the chain and they would dump within a few feet of the fence. Most under the same cedar tree. Then I switched. The first dog I worked (while being on RAW prior to the start of work) passed right by the tree and the Qtip thing did not work either.I put him on and empty spot, still nothing. After a couple of days I figured he just did not have one in him. On RAW I was just happy with the smaller and fewer dumps to clean up. But I learned I had to start counting them on a regular basis to get a feel for how many and how long after they needed to dump. I had to figure out how much I was putting in and how much they were putting out and gauge if a dump was needed. It took some time to get the dogs patterns down and then sync our schedules together. EWO

12-02-2012, 09:24 AM

12-02-2012, 02:20 PM
Vaseline and a qtip my friend