View Full Version : socialising adult dog

08-27-2012, 04:13 AM
I've just picked up a 2,5 year old dog who never got of the chain and wasnt socialized with anything* (*almost)
I moved him to a kennel setup now, from the country to an urban area. he seems to be ok with that "for the first few houres", lol. Since i got only a few dogs and i keep them in kennels i like to walk them once a day and bring one in the house every now and then. For now he doesnt like the leash, just stands still a little frightened to the new world that just popped up and that alien guy who trying to decide which way to go, did not bring him into the house yet.

If any of you got comments or tips for me (besides patience and understanding) that would be very welcome.

08-27-2012, 04:46 AM
Good luck with him. Sounds like you got the two most important things covered. I'm working on a female around 18 months old that must have been kept in a closet from the way she acted when she came here. Its been around ten weeks now and she is a totally different dog and improving all the time.

08-27-2012, 05:08 AM
That's good to hear bgblok. It's just the first day for him but i hope we'll make the same progress.. I believe awareness of different surroundings/noises and overall confidence are good for a dog. Some apparently never touchi a leash nor introduce the dogs to anything else then wood.

Officially Retired
08-27-2012, 06:00 AM
Most dogs get used to routines, so another word I would add to "patience and understanding" would be "consistency of routine."

He is in a new world now, and does not know what to expect.

However, soon he will come to learn and anticipate the new routine, and when he does so will no longer "fear the unknown" ... but will "anticipate his turn" :)


08-27-2012, 08:18 AM
Sounds like you got some work ahead of you. First of all I would spend lots of time with him to begin with, just so there is no trust issue. Just hang out with him in the kennel. Try to make all the new stuff he is about to experience as fun for him as possible. If he enjoys the new stuff it will go way smoother. If he's ok with dogs from the opposite sex I would bring a bitch with him for his walks on the leash, perhaps tie him to the bitch instead of you. The monkey see monkey do practice has been successful for me in the past. He looks real good, would you like to share a ped on him? And good luck, personally I love to get to know a new dog.

08-27-2012, 08:26 AM
Nice lookin’ young dog! Like the other posts mention, take it slow with him since it is all new for him. Try him with the leash and some treats as a reward but keep it short and end it on a happy note each time with lots of praise. I’d also leave him alone a bit too so he can just settle in on his own.

After a couple weeks of taking it slow and having a routine with him, you will have a bond started with him, then you might want to start bringing him the house a little and having him around people more so he gets used to it all. Patience and common sense will go a long ways to settle in a grown dog. He is at a good age to learn new things, but best not to rush it.

Good luck with him, he looks like a confident happy bulldog.

09-09-2012, 02:57 AM
Thanks for the replies everybody. He's slowly doing better and better.
Walking with another dog in front of him was a good idea. Though he was so eager to catch the other dog he would open up all his nails. Had to scrub the entrance to my yard because of the blood, lol.

I'll post an update soon when he's all fine.
Will send you a pm with the ped skipper.