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View Full Version : NEED HELP!!!! WEANING. PUPS Problem

08-29-2012, 08:48 AM
So I'm following the book on to weaning the pups from their mother I already loose previous female due to massits my ignorance so I went back to my bible and now I stared weaning the mom from her pups @ 4 weeks due to we had a tropical storm and I'm following everything from the book to a T but looking @ the mother see her tits starting to get hard with milk like my other female did what do I do I can't loose her I lost her littermate sister to massits I can't loose her. WHAT TO DO?

Officially Retired
08-29-2012, 09:06 AM
What drug are you using for mastitis?

I mention 3 possibilities: cephalexin, clavamox, and TMZ ... so I need to know which one you're using ... plus the amount ... plus the weight of the mother.


08-29-2012, 10:36 AM
None I didn't thought I need any drugs if I followed you directions what should I use the female is 40-42lbs on the chain ill weigh her in the AM @ work now won't be off till morning I put the pups back with the mom but the are all bathed and kennels are clean

Officially Retired
08-29-2012, 10:51 AM
If you didn't give drugs, then you did not follow the directions on how to prep a bitch for mastitis at all.

Read Chapter 10 "Animal Husbandry & Raising Pups," and you will see I clearly recommend the use of 3 drugs (in a 3-step process) for bitches who have mastitis.


08-29-2012, 11:11 AM
Ok its in the black book

Officially Retired
08-29-2012, 11:37 AM
The Black Book has the same information, in Chapter 13 "Breeding Dogs & Raising Pups."

Look at p. 266 and the instructions are clearly there.

Good luck.


08-29-2012, 04:54 PM
Thanks Jack will address it and let you know the turn out