View Full Version : ~ REST IN PEACE SILVERBACK ~

Officially Retired
09-03-2012, 01:12 PM
Had a real rough weekend and had to kill Silverback yesterday.

He took ill on my way to Trish's last Friday (8/24), which I attributed to car sickness (that he never got before). I was also worried about a blockage (since he eats stuff out of my trashcan), but since he pooped while I was at Trish's, and ate a bit, I figured he was okay.

By Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Silverback was again eating & pooping normally ... but on Thursday he refused to eat and also again on Friday. By Saturday, he was wobbly, but (cold as this may sound) I wasn't going to pay $1,000 at an emergency clinic for a 10-year old dog with cancer on his nuts, and other places, and so I just did the best I could with supportive care. By Saturday night, Silverback ate some chicken and seemed stronger again and on his way back to normal ... but I remained concerned as he hadn't pooped since Wednesday. I again considered blockage, but it seemed odd a case of blockage would last so long and have the symptoms be sporadic.

By Sunday morning, Silverback pooped again ... but there was a lot of blood in his stool ... and by noontime he started shitting pure blood. It began to dawn on me that Silverback probably had cancer in his intestines, that finally ruptured, which is what Tuffy died of last year ... which in Tuffy's case was confirmed by xray and autopsy ... and Silverback's symptoms happened suddenly just like Tuffy's had. Well, when Silverback started shitting blood he really started going downhill (vomiting, grandmal seizures, blood out of his ass, etc.) ... so I put him down then and there on Sunday, which was very hard for me to do.

Before I go, I have to say that Trish was great with her support throughout. She came up here to see me for a weekend of "fun and relaxation" ... and she handled this very tragic curveball like a truly good woman would. Where Trish was originally "against pit bulls" at all ... and yet quickly grew to love Silverback ... she was also totally against shooting any dog for any reason ... yet went out with me to do the deed, gave Silverback a sobbing kiss goodbye, and supported my decision when she saw how bad he was getting. I thought this was an amazing display of open-minded willingness for a city girl who was pretty much born with a Silver Spoon.

Anyway, Silverback marks the last of an era for me. He was the very last dog off of the 3 original littermates (Poncho, Missy, and Ruby) and IMO he the last true "superstar" in ability that I have personally owned. Silverback was right there with Stormbringer in his ability to finish, and while perhaps not as robust as Stormbringer in some areas, Silverback was a better-structured, better overall athlete ... and an absolutely great companion and house dog to boot.

For those who have his offspring, that are still alive, please take care of them ... because there will never be any more of them after this ...

Rest In Peace My Friend,



09-03-2012, 01:31 PM
wow r.i.p. wish you strength for the coming time.

09-03-2012, 01:38 PM
Deepest condolences

09-03-2012, 01:53 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss, I'm sure we all knew how much he meant to you.

09-03-2012, 02:15 PM
RIP SilverBack

09-03-2012, 02:20 PM
His legacy will be felt for decades to come. RIP SILVERBACK

scratchin dog
09-03-2012, 02:34 PM
So sorry for your loss. Rest in peace Silverback. :(

09-03-2012, 03:04 PM
Sorry for your loss. R.I.P. Silverback

09-03-2012, 03:27 PM
my condolences

Ez Country
09-03-2012, 03:48 PM
sorry to hear, condolences

Officially Retired
09-03-2012, 04:03 PM
Thanks everybody for your kind wishes ... I sincerely appreciate it.

I've had a lot of dogs (over a lot of years) but this was a tougher loss for me to take than losing Poncho himself. With Poncho, I expected his death. While not pleasant, Poncho stopped producing by 7 years of age, and then faded out on me over a period of 2 years, until finally I made a decision he had faded out far enough. By contrast, Silverback was 10 years old and had never been sick a day in his life. He was still fertile and, up until a week and a half ago, was still looking in phenomenal shape.

Silverback was literally born in my bed, he has has always been vibrant & beaming with health, and he has been my buddy non-stop for basically his entire life.

This was a drastic and unexpected blow to me ... but all anyone can do is pick up the pieces and keep rolling ...


09-03-2012, 04:24 PM
Sorry for your loss Jack.

09-03-2012, 04:28 PM
R.I.P silverback

09-03-2012, 05:16 PM
Damn, Jack. I really hate to hear this :( My greatest condolences.

No Quarter Kennel
09-03-2012, 05:57 PM
Jack, I sure hate it you had to go through this and handle this situation. I've been in the same exact situation and having been there, I applaud your courage, thoughtfulness and objectivity and agree with every step you took. For anyone who has been through this themselves, I doubt they can read it without a tear.........I couldn't.

Honor the dog............Keep Scratchin!

09-03-2012, 06:49 PM

sam i am
09-03-2012, 07:07 PM
Sorry for you're lost jack

09-03-2012, 07:29 PM
Damn. Sorry jack for your loss. Rip old man

09-03-2012, 10:45 PM
RIP Siver Back. Jack keep your head up.Some people think we're crazy and say : it's just a dog,But we here understand that there are dogs & there are companions. Companions are your buddies day in and day out,dogs can be replaced(some very easily)companions are irreplaceable and FOREVER missed. I had to put one down 2 months ago.I use dry ice to produce Co2,it put them to sleep & they're gone.It's better for me to put a companion down like that.

09-03-2012, 11:05 PM
I'm really sorry to hear this. Especially when you loose THAT special dog. May he rest in peace.

09-04-2012, 01:05 AM
Not a pleasant weekend, rip sb.

09-04-2012, 02:24 AM
Truly am sorry to hear this.

Officially Retired
09-04-2012, 04:39 AM
Jack, I sure hate it you had to go through this and handle this situation. I've been in the same exact situation and having been there, I applaud your courage, thoughtfulness and objectivity and agree with every step you took. For anyone who has been through this themselves, I doubt they can read it without a tear.........I couldn't.
Honor the dog............Keep Scratchin!

Thank you for your thoughtfulness and empathy brother, I appreciate it.

A big thanks to everyone else too.

I haven't got a good night sleep in a few days now. I suppose it is arguable that "every dog is unique," but the truth is some dogs are truly irreplaceable while other dogs don't really have much of an impact on you.

That said, Silverback's collar is simply unfillable. There is no dog I have, or have had, that can take his place.

I guess the lesson to take from this is, "Treasure what you have, while you have it."



09-04-2012, 07:27 AM
Damn, this is not what I expected to read when I came on here this morning...

I am so sorry you had to put him down Jack. But at least he went with dignity and with those who loved him. It is the hardest decision in the world but you did the right thing, and did not let him suffer.

He will live on in your heart and in his offspring. What a fine bulldog he was! I have always enjoyed seeing his photos and hearing about him, he was a once in a lifetime dog.

RIP Silverback, you will be missed.

09-04-2012, 09:36 AM
Sorry to hear that Jack. You were not only loyal to him but also took impeccable care of him for the last 10. RIP Gorilla.

09-04-2012, 12:13 PM
Sorry for your loss... RIP Silverback

09-04-2012, 02:55 PM
Sorry to hear this Ca Jack.

Officially Retired
09-04-2012, 05:13 PM
Thanks again everybody, I appreciate it.

09-04-2012, 05:30 PM
Sorry to hear the bad news Jack

09-05-2012, 03:44 AM
Sorry for your loss Bro, RIP SB...

Maxx Kennels
09-05-2012, 04:49 PM
Sorry for your loss.

09-05-2012, 05:17 PM
Sorry for your loss


Tru Blood
09-05-2012, 07:53 PM
Sorry for your lost. I truly feel your pain. Some of them are closer than your family and are irreplaceable.

09-06-2012, 02:12 AM
R.I.P The Gorilla

09-06-2012, 03:43 AM
Soz to hear

09-06-2012, 08:09 AM

Officially Retired
09-06-2012, 09:03 AM
Thanks again everyone.

I don't think any dog will ever get as deep into my heart again as Silverback was ...

I have had hundreds and hundreds of dogs, but if I could start all over again with just one puppy, as an all-around animal, he would be the one I would select.

Aside from his ability, and aside from his Hollywood good looks, Silverback was also a perfect companion. Never chewed on anything, never caused me grief on the yard, and still had perfect teeth tips even in old age.

I would have to go through ten thousand dogs to get another one like him.


09-06-2012, 05:50 PM
Sorry to hear of the loss Jack...RIP Silverback

09-07-2012, 07:05 AM
Sorry Jack. So goes the cycle of life, it is just easier to see it in the dogs than through the eyes of our own mortality. When you've been around these hounds as long as you or I, you'd think it should get easier to lose a good one, but it sure doesn't.

09-07-2012, 07:34 AM
Hey Jack, sorry for your loss. Even when they're up in age it still hurts to see them go. RIP Silverback.

09-07-2012, 06:54 PM
Sorry jack. He will be missed even by the ones that never had the pleasure to meet him
The Gorilla lives forever in legacy !

09-09-2012, 12:31 AM
Today I'm pissed. Saw on feds online people giving you shit when you are mourning. Calling you and your loved dog the worst shit I've seen. This is whats fucked up with the game today. NO FUCKING RESPECT! All personal differences aside when a dog dies stuff like that don't matter no more. Stay strong brother!

09-09-2012, 12:38 PM
Are you new to fedsonline skipper? Anyone familiar with fedsonline should already know what to expect when making any post, as the chance's of there being a negative comment is very high on any topic. This is also true on ANY forum.

Like the saying goes," you have to take the good with the bad comments", if not don't post at all.

09-09-2012, 12:45 PM
I dont use feds online anymore, so dont know what was said (and dont want to) but FFS how low can you get to jump on someone and call them when they are down. Some folk have no class.

Chin up Jack! I'm sure you wont give a bunch of toss pots a second thought as to what they say or think. At least you had the pleasure to spend time with a good dog, care for him, and build something around him. All they have is their bitterness and bad mouthing.

I was told early on in my dog days that if people wasnt talking about you its because your doing something wrong. Sadly that has been proven to be true many times over.

Officially Retired
09-09-2012, 05:10 PM
Thanks again fellas, I appreciate it. Actually, I thought most of the folks on FedsOnline were pretty cool about it ... but, as always, a few bad eggs have to spoil the atmosphere.

That said, I am not all that down really (been through this shit too many times). In my heart I knew Silverback wasn't going to last more than a year or so, I just did not expect him to go so quickly from "fine" to "dead" like that.

His death really is just the final "push" for me in heading towards a new direction in my life, as The Gorilla's ability was forcing me to stay out in the country and continue to breed him, simply because I knew how long it would take to come across another dog like that again.


Officially Retired
09-09-2012, 05:18 PM
Sorry Jack. So goes the cycle of life, it is just easier to see it in the dogs than through the eyes of our own mortality. When you've been around these hounds as long as you or I, you'd think it should get easier to lose a good one, but it sure doesn't.

Good post amigo.

It is not fun to say goodbye to any dog you've cared for for a number of years ... especially if they're "the last" of something ... but it makes it even worse if you know in your bones that you'd have to go through several thousand dogs to get another one like "that" again. (If you can!)

As someone who has bred scores of dogs capable of whipping fastlane dogs, all over the world, I can truthfully say that Silverback was simply in a class by himself, and was a truly unique and irreplaceable animal.

I have lost a great friend, and a great asset, but I have also accepted this and moved on.



09-09-2012, 10:10 PM
Are you new to fedsonline skipper? Anyone familiar with fedsonline should already know what to expect when making any post, as the chance's of there being a negative comment is very high on any topic. This is also true on ANY forum.

Like the saying goes," you have to take the good with the bad comments", if not don't post at all.

I have been paying for that shit for years and years. I have 15 days left and won't give them a dime anymore. I know every thread turns to bullshit, now to mock another mans sorrow is something you just don't do. There are times for bullshit, but there are times when there is absolutely no room for it. For example when a man has lost his pride and joy. Mourning...

09-10-2012, 12:18 AM
I'm with you on that Skipper. Once my subscription is due, I'm done with that site. And I'm taking down all the peds I created also.
Jack, I know you ain't going out like that. After 20+ years of breeding so many good dogs, you're just gonna walk away and not have at least 1 dog? That's got to be hard. I know you're gonna miss it. Well except for picking up doo doo :lol:
Anyhow if you got rid of all your dogs and sometime in the future you ever decide to want one from my stock, just let me know an ill give you one. :cheers: to your new life after bulldogs

Officially Retired
09-10-2012, 06:26 PM
I have been paying for that shit for years and years. I have 15 days left and won't give them a dime anymore. I know every thread turns to bullshit, now to mock another mans sorrow is something you just don't do. There are times for bullshit, but there are times when there is absolutely no room for it. For example when a man has lost his pride and joy. Mourning...

I agree. I thought it started out as nice, but then all civility has gone to hell, which seems to be the final result to virtually every thread on there.


I'm with you on that Skipper. Once my subscription is due, I'm done with that site. And I'm taking down all the peds I created also.

Thanks. Your efforts in putting up pedigrees will be rewarded with more features over here anyway.

Jack, I know you ain't going out like that. After 20+ years of breeding so many good dogs, you're just gonna walk away and not have at least 1 dog? That's got to be hard. I know you're gonna miss it. Well except for picking up doo doo :lol:

You know me too well :lol:

And Trish wants me to keep Amazon and Silver Jett :mrgreen:

Anyhow if you got rid of all your dogs and sometime in the future you ever decide to want one from my stock, just let me know an ill give you one. :cheers: to your new life after bulldogs

Very, very kind and generous of you!

A huge THANK YOU for that :cheers:


09-15-2012, 12:16 AM
This is the only survivor out of the last Silverback breeding, he had an infection in one of his eyes at 1 and a half weeks old which will need to be removed. We named him Odin after Thor's one eyed father and God of war, death, and wisdom. As you can tell he may lack an eye but he doesn't lack attitude. Sorry again for your loss Jack, thought you would want to see the Gorilla's last son.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXSSfbxWyzc&feature=share&list=ULQXSSfbxWy zc

Officially Retired
09-16-2012, 03:41 PM
Thank you very much man, I appreciate it.

He's already had a rough start ... as did the original Poncho/Missy/Ruby litter ... where I lost 4 out of 7 pups ... but the 3 who made it sure impacted everything I did after that, for more than 2 decades now.

Hope your little guy is able to do the same thing as his ancestors :mrgreen:


09-19-2012, 01:44 PM
Sorry for your loss. RIP Silverback.