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View Full Version : Heavy Maverick / Six Bit pup available for sale or trade

09-04-2012, 11:49 PM
I Bred Goon to Michelle as a favor.She only had 1 female & we worked out an agreement so I let him keep the female. I got 2 males as payment for stud services & Im only keeping 1. They were Born 7-18-12. The other pup is for sale for $500 kash or I'll trade for aPure Bolio or Pure Red Boy,(or Red Boy/Snooty) or Pure Boomerang or Pure carver(L.G. stuff or something from the Lacefield's crazy Horse stuff)or Heavy Butkus Blood. Im looking to trade for a female PuP. Im also willing to trade him for a slat mill.This male PuP will B ADBA reg. Im in Northeast La. Thanks for looking. PM me if interested.I have'nt figured out how to add my peds to this site yet. His ped id on online peds is 428170.If some1 will Post it on this thread I will B much aBliged.

09-04-2012, 11:51 PM

11-29-2012, 09:24 PM