View Full Version : Perform aid/ creatine / L Carnitine

10-11-2012, 02:30 AM
To try I have bought a perform aid together with a few other products.

It contains HMB ( beta hydroxy beta methyl butyrate)
MSM (methyl sulhonyl methane)
Creatine monohydrate

How many if you use creatine in a keep? I don't think there is a very big dose in this but i know it makes the muscle hold water, so i wonder how much days/weeks i would best stop using this product before an event, to make sure the excessive water leaves the body?

One of my other products, a blood tonic also contains L carnitine. Would it harm the dog to get a little to much of this when using both products in training?


10-11-2012, 02:58 AM
Carnitine in the L form is good to put the blood lipids into energy production, nothing else. That is regarding humans, so it is good for cholesterol lowering, this does not mean it aids fat loss.
Acetyl carnitine is a different product.
Creatine holds water because it holds glycogen, which itself holds water like everything else in the human body.

10-11-2012, 04:15 AM
so when would you stop using creatine prior to an event? i have never rly used it so i wonder how much weight it will add and how long for it for that extra water to get out when you stop using it.

the package says, start using it a minimum of 20 days prior to a event. its orginally geyhound suplement, i guess its not a good avice for bulldogs.

10-11-2012, 06:31 AM
hm this is what the company responds

Creatine will not affect the water balance in the body and can be used up to the day of racing.


10-11-2012, 07:40 AM
You wouldn't stop using the creatine. People have this notion that by using creatine, the dog is retaining a significant amount of water. It's not. It is helping shuttle water into the muscle after the workout which is vital.

Creatine does not make your body, or a dog's body, hold any significant amount of water. You give it just as you would any supplement.

10-11-2012, 08:01 AM
So that's 2-0 against my assumption. Thanks allot once again, this board is great ;)
I believe creatine is in this expensive kibbles as well, what's it called RF1?

10-11-2012, 09:19 AM
RF-1 is not a kibble, its a supplement like vertex or peak. (only better)