View Full Version : pedigree database

12-28-2011, 01:56 PM
This is just a suggestion and maybe others feel the same.I hate where on the other board people can go and make peds with other people's dogs without permission. Maybe if you create a ped database that there can be away that if i own a dog and didnt make the breeding or post the ped it can be deleted. Nothing i hate worse than to see someone post some BS dog under one of my peds saying "IN THE FUTURE OR IF SHE TURNS OUT". Just a thought and keep up the good work. thanks

Officially Retired
12-28-2011, 03:38 PM
This is just a suggestion and maybe others feel the same.I hate where on the other board people can go and make peds with other people's dogs without permission. Maybe if you create a ped database that there can be away that if i own a dog and didnt make the breeding or post the ped it can be deleted. Nothing i hate worse than to see someone post some BS dog under one of my peds saying "IN THE FUTURE OR IF SHE TURNS OUT". Just a thought and keep up the good work. thanks

My brother and I are working on this, and I think even PedsOnline addresses it. You can set your permissions to True or False, so if other people are making comments on your breedings, all you need to do is change your permissions to False, and no one will be able to edit your peds but you.

12-28-2011, 03:53 PM
Thanks for the reply. Mine are set on false but what im talking about is when someone else with another handle builds a ped with your dog. Just say i had 5 females at home and built 5 diffrent peds with Silverback as the sire and all of them were just me looking at what the peds looked liked but never went back to delete them. It should easy for owner of either dog to delete. Thanks

Officially Retired
12-28-2011, 04:58 PM
Thanks for the reply. Mine are set on false but what im talking about is when someone else with another handle builds a ped with your dog. Just say i had 5 females at home and built 5 diffrent peds with Silverback as the sire and all of them were just me looking at what the peds looked liked but never went back to delete them. It should easy for owner of either dog to delete. Thanks

Hmmm, I understand what you mean. In fact, there are several "imaginary" breedings to Silverback right now, that I might take the time to delete.

Still, it's a double-edged sword as a host for a pedigree database, and it could even be a double-edged sword for you. For instance, suppose you were going to do an imaginary breeding to a stud you liked, but the computer ped program wouldn't let you do it, you probably wouldn't like that either. You couldn't even align your bitch up with this stud to see how it looked "on paper." I guess you could buy a pedigree program and do it at home, but I think doing this is part of the "fun" of having a database.

What will probably happen is I will enter a basic database of all the "core" dogs, and then people can link to them as they wish. Each user can set their own dogs to be un-editable, while the dogs they enter that aren't theirs will be editable. In the end, I will just probably have to correct or delete certain peds (or hire someone to do this), and will give severe warnings (or worse) for intentional abuse.

I want this to be a positive community where people don't always have to be "on guard" for abuse or clowning around, but can just enter their pedigrees in peace. However, I honestly don't think someone wanting to breed to your dog, and taking a look at it, is abuse ... and, while it might be nicer if they took down the theoretical breeding, I wouldn't consider it an infraction if they did not. (However, talking trash on someone's pedigree is something else again, and is a whole other issue that most definitely should not exist in a positive community.)



12-30-2011, 06:01 PM
Can't wait until this is up and running. Peds online has finally turned to s**t!!!!

Officially Retired
12-30-2011, 06:08 PM
I have about 10,000 dogs in my own personal database.

My brother is developing a MySQL database, hooking it up to PhP for a proof of concept, and then I am going to design a basic and repeatable web structure in concert with the color scheme of the general site and forum, and then test it out to make sure there are no bugs.

Once implemented, it will only take a little bit of work on the user end to connect your own personal dogs to the "core familiar" dogs (Mayday/Buck/Eli/Bolio/Redboy, etc.) ... and it will be smooth sailing from there 8-)



12-31-2011, 06:13 AM
I have about that many in my personal database if you want . I use PEDWIN by Charles Orange

Officially Retired
12-31-2011, 11:51 AM
That would be great Albert!

Does your program export in .bfx format?

Right now, we are trying to export my files from the .bfx format of The Breeder's Standard into proper form, from where we will then load them into the MySQL database. I am sure you and I have many "duplicating files," but I am also sure you have dogs in your pedigree database that I don't, so your contribution would be most welcome, helpful, and appreciated.

If you decide to do so, please email it to administrator@thepitbullbible.com




01-03-2012, 07:05 AM
what about other people taking and making peds under your dogs name or alias? This is happening to others including me. I feel if you post you better have a true pedigree and not post other peoples hounds. There is a false pedigree on my Jesse hound. He is listed to have been born in 2009 when on his A.D.B.A paperwork it says 2006 and I called the good ol timer who did the breeding and the breeding in fact was done in 2006. If a real dog man does his research and gets information from the source vs people that bought dogs just to peddle it'll help them in the long run. I have talked to people that bought hounds and did breeding with them and lied about them ever being bred or the number of time they were bred. Really makes for a heated moment.

01-03-2012, 08:01 AM

Officially Retired
01-03-2012, 08:10 AM
what about other people taking and making peds under your dogs name or alias? This is happening to others including me. I feel if you post you better have a true pedigree and not post other peoples hounds. There is a false pedigree on my Jesse hound. He is listed to have been born in 2009 when on his A.D.B.A paperwork it says 2006 and I called the good ol timer who did the breeding and the breeding in fact was done in 2006. If a real dog man does his research and gets information from the source vs people that bought dogs just to peddle it'll help them in the long run. I have talked to people that bought hounds and did breeding with them and lied about them ever being bred or the number of time they were bred. Really makes for a heated moment.

I know things like this can get frustrating, and what it is going to take is a team of knowledgeable fanciers working to keep things straight.

Sometimes you can't blame the guy entering the ped, as he might not know any better, and is just entering-in what he has in front of him. Other times, it is a deliberate transgression by a liar.

One thing I do know is that I will have harsh penalties for abuse. Intentionally lying about pedigrees, or talking trash on other people's pedigrees, will not be tolerated.

And yet, the user (especially if he's sold dogs before) will have to realize sometimes people make mistakes, and realize that at some point honest disputes can arise, where nobody has done anything wrong, it's all just a misunderstanding. I myself have people making mirror dogs of Poncho (and Silverback), and have had many people post duplicate dogs of mine on the other site, but I am not going to let it bother me.

On here though, when my database is up, honest mistakes will be handled gracefully for the benefit of all, while intentional transgressions can cause a member to be suspended or banned. There is simply no need, nor any excuse, for intentional bullshit ... but there is also no need to get upset over honest mistakes.



Officially Retired
01-03-2012, 08:15 AM
It's a shame the other place has gone downhill so fast...
the webmaster refuses to edit or delete false pedigrees, and instead just takes our money.
We pay for a pedigree database and the forum is just an added perk, but the database has gotten out of control. Jack, congratulations on the new board and I'm looking forward to seeing the new database up and running. It's been a long time coming, keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for your thoughts, and thank you also for your support.

I intend the database to be visually attractive, as well as functionally-accurate, and will do my best to keep things ordered straight. I have some other ideas as well, that will help things run smoothly, and as things progress I will also be open for user issues that pop-up, so it will be an ongoing, evolving process.

Thanks again,



01-03-2012, 06:58 PM
To Evolution what is the difference between the paid version of PEDWIN and the free download before I waste my time building on it?

To Jack, one of my biggest things with POL is there will be 3 different versions of a dog entered by 3 different people, then 4 people entering dogs off 3 different peds so there is no true reflection of a dog, its off spring and it's siblings.

I wish there was a pop-up that said, "This dog has already been entered".

01-03-2012, 07:11 PM
Another thing you might want to consider Jack, when you print a ped, it have a url to a public link that prints on the ped, unlike POL. That could do nothing more than drive more business you way as well.

Officially Retired
01-04-2012, 06:12 AM
To Evolution what is the difference between the paid version of PEDWIN and the free download before I waste my time building on it?
To Jack, one of my biggest things with POL is there will be 3 different versions of a dog entered by 3 different people, then 4 people entering dogs off 3 different peds so there is no true reflection of a dog, its off spring and it's siblings.
I wish there was a pop-up that said, "This dog has already been entered".

The unfortunate reality is people can't spell. Therefore, even with a computer-generated warning of "duplicate ped," one man can still enter Crenshw's Honeybunch, another may enter Crenshaws Honeybunch, and a third may enter Crenshaw's Honeybunch ... and there is no way for a computer program to catch the flaws, because the first entry is missing an "a," the second entry is missing an apostrophe, and only the third is spelled correctly.

And, after tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands) of dogs get entered, there is no way to keep track of all of that. The only way to address this is to 1) make sure all of the core dogs are spelled correctly and NOT duplicated, and 2) handle each case individually. There will have to be a few trusted members of the site acting as "quality control" eventually.

Another thing you might want to consider Jack, when you print a ped, it have a url to a public link that prints on the ped, unlike POL. That could do nothing more than drive more business you way as well.

That is a good idea, thanks.



01-04-2012, 06:28 AM
My opinion, only my opinion is that if its a "proposed breeding" or a "just looking" breeding. It should have a different color code or at a very minimum only be visible to the person making the "proposed" breeding. That would kill two birds with one stone, the person seeing how the dogs stack up can view it all he wants. The person who is the owner of the dog doesnt have to worry about fake breedings done under his dog. If an "actual" breeding is made with the dog, then the payer of the stud fee can post that pedigree. For me, that is ideal, now i dont know what programing constraints this may have , but it would be ideal. Just my opinion.

Officially Retired
01-04-2012, 07:46 AM
My opinion, only my opinion is that if its a "proposed breeding" or a "just looking" breeding. It should have a different color code or at a very minimum only be visible to the person making the "proposed" breeding. That would kill two birds with one stone, the person seeing how the dogs stack up can view it all he wants. The person who is the owner of the dog doesnt have to worry about fake breedings done under his dog. If an "actual" breeding is made with the dog, then the payer of the stud fee can post that pedigree. For me, that is ideal, now i dont know what programing constraints this may have , but it would be ideal. Just my opinion.

That is an excellent idea, and if it is possible we will definitely implement it.

I appreciate everybody providing suggestions like this, because it will only help to provide the best resource possible, so keep them coming!



01-04-2012, 06:56 PM
When posting a pedigree.. you can have two selections "actual breeding" or "proposed" whether it is a drop down menu or a check mark a click on the dot.

01-04-2012, 06:58 PM
The paid version is infinite records. The non paid limits to 100. There is a trick to it though. I paid for it and LOVE the program