View Full Version : staple's or stitch's what's your preference

pig mad
10-23-2012, 11:17 PM
Seeing as though we have no vet within 500km of here i seem to be designated patcher upperer between local's. I got 2 mate's live next to each other with shit fence they forever grabbing each other through the fence had to stitch a 10inch tear today on mate's sharpei got me thinking i wonder if they make big staples?
Staples are so much easier to use but seem to fall out on good tears and knots are hard for stitches to stay in. Anyone know good internet site to buy good staple gear or an easy knot tieing technique??

Officially Retired
10-25-2012, 03:35 AM
Staples are far easier to deal with IMO, but it doesn't hurt to have stitches available.

Another great remedy used to be Nexiband, but it has been replaced by Vetbond (http://www.revivalanimal.com/Vetbond.html). It is essentially super-glue (which you can also use) and which, if applied early enough, and if the dog holds still long enough, trumps them all.


10-25-2012, 07:33 AM
i was going to reccomend that as thats what weve done over here before. b ut i didnt wanna sound cheap and get flamed!!!! lol

Officially Retired
10-25-2012, 07:36 AM