View Full Version : Antibiotic question, for jack

10-26-2012, 06:14 AM
Hi there jack, hey question, the anibiotics you spoke about on the preparing the male video, beraniel I no u cant get it in the u.s, but were can I find the emadox, and the doxycycline, and also can I give this combo, not just 4 breeding the male but if your dog is showing symptoms, like dry nose, pale face and coat, white gums, ect, instead of takin him to the vet and tryna figure out whats wrong and spending a whole waud of money can I give and see how he does fron that. Thanks

10-26-2012, 07:11 AM
Jack is moving, No access to pc until late tonight.

10-26-2012, 07:33 AM

ships anywhere

10-26-2012, 08:02 AM

10-26-2012, 08:41 AM
i would try n get the dog diagnosed before pumpin him full of antibiotics!

10-26-2012, 01:25 PM
so did u see the preparing the male video, thats what jack is basicaly doin, he is basicaly taking precasion, with that anti combo, just in case your male might have those dieseases that he is mentioning, basicaly those antibiotic will basicaly cover what ever is goin on with him or her, they are a very broad spectrum drugs, that the vet will basicaly give, regardless of the illness, so why spend a whole waud of cash,? how many times you have taken your dog to the vet for some symptoms and the vet said it was this and that, and gave you a antibiotic that you have never heard of that jack doesnt mention, or just by your own knowledge, so the vet isnt useing anything different, than what we talk about. aperently its not goin to kill him, if the stud dogs arent even sick and its said to be given.

10-27-2012, 12:45 PM
i see jack never responded to my question, than what's the point as i go threw he responded to everyone elses, makes me wana say hum.

10-27-2012, 03:08 PM
Jack is on the middle of MOVING. does that not mean anything to you? It means he had to pack ALL HIS SHIT, and load all his SHIT and drive al his SHIT down to Miami Florida, so if that makes you go hmmmmm. Well the hmmmm plus 3 dollars still can't buy my Starbucks drink.

10-27-2012, 04:04 PM
Jack is on the middle of MOVING. does that not mean anything to you? It means he had to pack ALL HIS SHIT, and load all his SHIT and drive al his SHIT down to Miami Florida, so if that makes you go hmmmmm. Well the hmmmm plus 3 dollars still can't buy my Starbucks drink.


Officially Retired
10-29-2012, 04:22 AM
Hi there jack, hey question, the anibiotics you spoke about on the preparing the male video, beraniel I no u cant get it in the u.s, but were can I find the emadox, and the doxycycline, and also can I give this combo, not just 4 breeding the male but if your dog is showing symptoms, like dry nose, pale face and coat, white gums, ect, instead of takin him to the vet and tryna figure out whats wrong and spending a whole waud of money can I give and see how he does fron that. Thanks

None of these are antibiotics, except doxy.

Where to get them is discussed in my book, to which R2L has already posted the link :)


Officially Retired
10-29-2012, 04:24 AM
i see jack never responded to my question, than what's the point as i go threw he responded to everyone elses, makes me wana say hum.

I see you never read what Evo posted, namely that I was moving all week and didn't have much time on the PC ;)

Hope your question is answered by now :)


Officially Retired
10-29-2012, 04:26 AM
Jack is on the middle of MOVING. does that not mean anything to you? It means he had to pack ALL HIS SHIT, and load all his SHIT and drive al his SHIT down to Miami Florida, so if that makes you go hmmmmm. Well the hmmmm plus 3 dollars still can't buy my Starbucks drink.

LMAO, thanks for covering for me 8)

And sorry if it upsets anyone that, like anyone, "sometimes I get busy" and can't tend to the PC for awhile :mrgreen:
