View Full Version : Clenbuterol

10-26-2012, 11:33 AM
Who has experience using this for bulldogs.


10-26-2012, 01:22 PM
im curious about clenbuterol and dog usage/dosage (i have a shitload of this) ........banamine (where to obtain this) thanks YIS

10-26-2012, 01:29 PM
im being advised 5 ug every 2nd day. but be careful with his stuff cause it has all sorts of side effects it can also cause muscle cramps ( heart is a muscle too) and its liver toxic.
heard it stays in the blood for 36 hours, so if u would give it every day u would build up to dangerous levels.
i want to give it a try for 2/3 weeks. going to give it in the morning and train in the afternoon so it will be good for 2 training sessions.
im guessing not to give it before a show cause u don't want the dog to experience any negative side effects from it by then.

thats why i like to hear some more people with experience using it.

10-26-2012, 04:48 PM

10-27-2012, 01:03 AM
What exactly you want to achieve by giving clen?

10-27-2012, 01:38 AM
iv got 20 ug tablets, the 5 ug i spoke of is for a 20 kg dog. but like i said that's what someone else advised me and what im going to try. remember its a heavy medicine so don't copy my words.

clenbuterol widers the airways and makes the slime thinner so its drained easier, (it also has an anti allergic working for example dust). that's the reasons i want to you use it since one of my dogs has a cough sometimes. iv checked him with the vet and his heart and lungs are perfect.

if it works well i want to return to the vet and ask for something milder with the same effect and less negative side effects. if there is any.

so its a good for more air during a training, but its also good for fat burning and it has a anabolic effect on the muscles. anticatabolic that is, not growth. but thats not the reason im using it.

sorry for the english

10-27-2012, 01:56 AM
thanks r2l

10-27-2012, 02:31 AM
what you say is use for medical reasons and not athletic purposes while the vet says that everything is ok, most of the uses for "training aid" included also thyroid hormones. Clen by itself helps you to loose way in similar ways with ephedrine. After the first time you use it the effect minimizes, personnal experience that is.
Another lighter option is aerolin (salbutamol).
high praised in the past, easily replaced by ephedrine in later years. For anabolic/anticatabolic effects if you are vto use drugs obviously there are much better options. Another bronchodilutor, natural remedy, is a mint tea.

10-27-2012, 02:48 AM
I have tried it on the dogs and myself. I did lose some weight over the weeks but didnt notice any anobolic effect, I was hot all the time and had mild shakes and cramps in my arms. It also effected my sleep pattern.

I came to the conclusion that the side effects far outweighed the benefits in my case. It also didnt work out well with the dog. Maybe some people would get different results, using a different dose or brand.

I suggest you try it and then ask yourself, if the dog experiences the same side effects, can you honestly expect it to perform at his best.

10-27-2012, 03:07 AM
what you say is use for medical reasons and not athletic purposes while the vet says that everything is ok
not everything, the lungs and the heart. he might still have some problem with the airways or slime which makes him cough sometimes. could be something allergic.

After the first time you use it the effect minimizes, personnal experience that is.
true, i read its prescribed for horses with astma for 14 days, after this the effect minimizes.

Another lighter option is aerolin (salbutamol).
for what purposes?

For anabolic/anticatabolic effects if you are vto use drugs obviously there are much better options.
sure thing, i believe people use it for more air on dogs.

Another bronchodilutor, natural remedy, is a mint tea.
have you tried this on dogs? i dont think its something bronchial though. his lung photo's were fine. think he might do fine with something that widers the airways and deals with the slime. clenbuterol should give results if thats the problem.

10-29-2012, 01:40 AM
Aerolin (salbutamol) is used to treat similar conditions with clen, for athletic purposes it is used as a weight loss aid, basically all these stuff help through thermogenesis. Mint tea is known for having similar effects with these drugs in humans and this is why only moderate consumption is suggested. I discovered it when I was a heavy smoker and was looking for ways to reduce the smoking effect and bronchodilators in general can help with this, lung damage that is. I haven't try anything of this nature in dogs, actually whenever I speak about drugs and supplements, my comments are always regarding humans and possible aplications in other mamals like dogs. That is also why some times I ask specificaly for experience or data from dogs and not general knowledge when experienced dogmen post in this forum.

No Quarter Kennel
10-31-2012, 06:45 PM
I've never used it with dogs. I know some powerlifters - world class level us it.

Knew a world Champ once. Lifted in the 220 wt class. Weighed 248. Would drop that weight in 3 days. Mostly dehydration. Weigh in at 220. Less than 48 hours, with the help of Clan and IV fluids, he would be back to 245-48. Not healthy by any means - but a means to an end for someone elite in something. SO, I do know it's go some incredible anti-inflammatory qualities and it must have incredible water retention qualities as well.

He had on, half dollar sized tablet - round. He would eat a 1/4 of it after weigh in, A 1/4 next morning, lunch and supper - done.
Crazy shit I know - but it's what I know about it.

Black Hand
11-02-2012, 03:20 PM
If clen was giving you the bad side then you probably did not increase your water intake enough and didnt take additional sups to combat insomnia. The more you dabble the more you will learn that one product is used to counter another. If you're taking something that will keep you up all night, then you need to supp with something that aids sleep.

and always drink lots and lots of water... carry a milk jug full of it and them cramps will go away same with muscle pumps.

As far as the dogs go though, never used it or tried it. You kind of have to be the Guinea pig for things like this. There has been thousands of ppl doing their own personal human experiments that are documented. With dogs, you have to do the math and record the results yourself but like with most things... if it works u probably wont be telling ppl publicly.

11-02-2012, 04:29 PM
if it works u probably wont be telling ppl publicly.

if i ask a question on this board, i dont expect answers with things that don't work

people successfully use clen on dogs. i couldnt tell you whats the way though. im using it as a medicine. no one would use it as a steroid, but for more air.

pig mad
11-02-2012, 05:36 PM
More air?

Black Hand
11-02-2012, 06:45 PM
if i ask a question on this board, i dont expect answers with things that don't work

people successfully use clen on dogs. i couldnt tell you whats the way though. im using it as a medicine. no one would use it as a steroid, but for more air.

The margin between working and not working as with most things is relate to dosage. So when I say if someone takes the time to figure out what works, thats what it is in relation to and thats what you will have the most trouble finding. You will have to find the dosage in which will work with the dogs with less cons and more pro's. Which is why I said find the right math. We know what works with people... so you will have to do the mathematics on your own to figure out how it would translate to a dog. Clen is almost always used to cut weight though.

Black Hand
11-02-2012, 06:50 PM
Its just pro's and cons. It can help air intake, but water intake is gonna have to be increased to avoid bad muscle cramps that hurt like a mthrfkr

pig mad
11-02-2012, 07:08 PM
So if you use more water is it gonna make dog heavier or is the body gonna use it all?

11-03-2012, 01:58 AM
As a human I never had to worry about water intake etc, never had a problem. Insomnia , muscle terror etc would go away after a few days. I guess I did up my water intake but I think because of increased sweating due to higher body temp etc.

11-03-2012, 03:00 AM
i dont notice anything wrong untill now, with the dog(42lbs) using 5 ug every other day.
i do add 200 ml water to his raw food and give him 200 ml water with some stuff in the morning.
im using it for 9 days now and i will give for 5 more days.
his coughing seems to be way less, didnt even hear anything the last 3 days, and i begun training him.
he seems to have a very good natural condition, whether the clen is helping him i will find out when i stop using it.
im also curious if the coughing comes back.
ill post an update in a day or 10.

Black Hand
11-03-2012, 01:51 PM
let us know If his weight changes

Black Hand
11-03-2012, 01:53 PM
So if you use more water is it gonna make dog heavier or is the body gonna use it all?

clen is used to cut weight, to cut fat. so I don't think the water intake will have dramatic effect on the dogs weight over period of time cuz I'm guessing your dog is gonna lose more being on it for extended period.

11-03-2012, 02:11 PM
he's not going to lose weight because i dont allow him. but i didnt notice any significant weight changes so far

03-28-2014, 02:40 AM
I have used it with fair out comes half a cc 3x a day with work after third dose! Hounds would have thick slime all over the place! I think the trick is to up the heart rate and get the lungs to working at its max! B.u.t I will only use it on hounds with a bad air intake ones that snort when gasping for air with in a few weeks that flim is all up and they are able to complete a work load with out a break in stride!

03-31-2014, 09:28 AM
I have used it with fair out comes half a cc 3x a day with work after third dose! Hounds would have thick slime all over the place! I think the trick is to up the heart rate and get the lungs to working at its max! B.u.t I will only use it on hounds with a bad air intake ones that snort when gasping for air with in a few weeks that flim is all up and they are able to complete a work load with out a break in stride!it's best not to use an unhealthy animal(one tht is lacking lung power).

03-31-2014, 09:31 AM
i dont notice anything wrong untill now, with the dog(42lbs) using 5 ug every other day.
i do add 200 ml water to his raw food and give him 200 ml water with some stuff in the morning.
im using it for 9 days now and i will give for 5 more days.
his coughing seems to be way less, didnt even hear anything the last 3 days, and i begun training him.
he seems to have a very good natural condition, whether the clen is helping him i will find out when i stop using it.
im also curious if the coughing comes back.
ill post an update in a day or 10.why is he coughing, tht medication is for lung inflamation use must have another problem.

03-31-2014, 08:08 PM
it's best not to use an unhealthy animal(one tht is lacking lung power).
True as that is we make it a practice to keep every hound healthy and up to date on all vac! And have been around long enough to know when there's more then just a mucus build up! Just saying it has worked for me! B u t like you said No meds should be used on a unhealthy hound if your no vet! Was lucky enough to be able to work a my local vet's office as a child!