View Full Version : color and abilities

11-09-2012, 10:02 AM
I was wondering.
Just an example

If you breed two blond dogs together.
The female( hard bite dog and line) has blonde grandparents, the male (average bite dog and line) has black grandparents.
You really want to get something like the blonde female.

Would the black dogs out of this combination be more likely to bite like the male side?

11-09-2012, 10:38 PM
So, you ask if the phenotype, color wise, would increase the probabilities for other characteristics of the same ancestors to occur. Nice question since looks would influence myself also if I had to select a puppy and was admiring specifically one of the parents, grandparents. I would also like to hear experiences and opinions on that.

11-10-2012, 01:31 AM
Thanks for putting the question like this. Yes, thats exactly what i meant.

11-10-2012, 04:06 PM
There is no way to be certain because all the traits you would need to compare with either parent are not visible. Yes you may see some similarities physically, but you will never know the entire combination of genes that each pup will present from either parent regardless of phenotype. JMO

pig mad
11-10-2012, 04:23 PM
Just bred a mates black dog to my buckskin bitch she had a black pup and a buckskin pup i kept the buckskin cause i like my dog more they 4 weeks today had the litter inside yesterday and the buckskin was running round bulldoging the other pups think i may have picked the right 1and i picked it due to colour of the parents but if there has been a scientific study done to prove it either way id be interested to know..

Officially Retired
11-11-2012, 05:05 AM
I was wondering.
Just an example
If you breed two blond dogs together.
The female( hard bite dog and line) has blonde grandparents, the male (average bite dog and line) has black grandparents.
You really want to get something like the blonde female.
Would the black dogs out of this combination be more likely to bite like the male side?

If the ability to bite hard is linked to color, then your conclusion might be true.

However, the assumption that there is a causal relationship between bite and color is dubious.


11-11-2012, 05:27 AM
that was no conclusion or assumption at all. just asking if its more likely to see more traits come back on a dog with the same color then without, or is it nothing more then a throwback on the color? many people base their choises upon color thinking to have a bigger chance of a copy to the dog they like.

Officially Retired
11-11-2012, 05:46 AM
that was no conclusion or assumption at all.

Without the assumption of such a causal relationship, then there is no point in asking the question :idea:

Also, just because I said that it is "dubious" there is such a causal link or relationship doesn't mean that there cannot be such a link :)

just asking if its more likely to see more traits come back on a dog with the same color then without, or is it nothing more then a throwback on the color?

I understand why the question is being asked :)

many people base their choises upon color thinking to have a bigger chance of a copy to the dog they like.

I understand and am well aware of this ... but, here again, these "many people" who make their selection of pups based on "similarity of color" do so because of what? Because of the assumption that there is some causal link or relationship between color and abilities.

I myself have made this assumption, in keeping the pups off of Silverback that (say) were seal ... or keeping the pups off of Poncho that (say) were buckskin with white blazes.

In some cases, my own assumptions proved to be true: My best dogs off of Silverback have often been the seal-colored ones; and my best pups off of Poncho have often been buckskin dogs with white blazes. But oftentimes they were not.

What I have found to be a more reliable indicator is basing my selections on the behavior / intelligence / structure / movement of any pup first, before I just look at color.


11-11-2012, 06:25 AM
you're right, i could have kind of expect that answer. but sometimes when the litter is not yours you have to chose before anything else shows so i wonder what everyones experiences with it.

Officially Retired
11-11-2012, 06:43 AM
you're right, i could have kind of expect that answer. but sometimes when the litter is not yours you have to chose before anything else shows so i wonder what everyones experiences with it.


All any person can do is go off the information they have, so if color is the only info you have, that is all you can go with.

Another way to go is to let the breeder decide (if he's both honest and knowledgeable) ... so when I was buying pups, I would always ask the breeder to send me the pup he would hate to get rid of the most :mrgreen:


11-12-2012, 12:37 AM
Quote Jack
I understand and am well aware of this ... but, here again, these "many people" who make their selection of pups based on "similarity of color" do so because of what?

Hollingsworth funs? LOL
Not a serious comment.

Officially Retired
11-13-2012, 01:18 PM
Quote Jack
I understand and am well aware of this ... but, here again, these "many people" who make their selection of pups based on "similarity of color" do so because of what?
Hollingsworth funs? LOL
Not a serious comment.


Hollingsworth told me that the "dogs with the red eyes" were the best fighters ... and the "bitches with an odd number of nipples" were the best producers.

And, I have to admit, to this day, even though (intellectually) I laugh at these quotes ... (in my heart) I still like the dogs with the red eyes and the bitches with an odd number of nipples the best myself :lol:


11-13-2012, 01:58 PM
red eyes? can we get a pic of one of these dogs? ive never seen a red eyed dog...

Officially Retired
11-14-2012, 04:18 AM
red eyes? can we get a pic of one of these dogs? ive never seen a red eyed dog...

I haven't really seen any truly "red-eyed" dogs, but I think I know what Hollingsworth was referring to:

Look at Poncho (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=2), especially the 4th photo ... and also Silverback (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=152), who (to me) often looked like he had "red eyes" ...
