View Full Version : do you bring your dog inside during a keep?

11-11-2012, 04:42 AM
I do keep em inside but i rather want to keep them outside.

I was thinking of the following pro's keeping the dog inside in a crate.

-Better temperature, good sleep >> better recovery
-Better temperature, less waste of energy to stay warm
-Better temperature, less food, processed faster >> more time for recovery
-Less stress/barking to other dogs ect when on a yard with other dogs.

The reason why i want to keep the dog outside is so that i dont have to walk them 3 times a day. I live in an urban area, cant let them piss in the yard so i have to walk in the public with a lot of other dogs/cats. Also i think its better to get the dog out only when its time to train so he will be extra excited/sharp at that moment.

What is your opinions on this?

11-11-2012, 07:14 AM
I started out in a similar setting 15 years ago, i can honestly say the dogs are much better living outside. Better immune system, better socialization, more durable hyde from dealing with the elements and more mobility for the dogs. Since moving to the suburbs and having the dogs live outside, i would never go back to having bulldogs living in the house. And i have never noticed a difference in work enthusiasm to between the 2 either. JMO

11-11-2012, 07:29 AM
You're right i keep the dogs outside anytime but specifically during a keep

11-11-2012, 07:32 AM
Every dog is different. Do whatever it takes so the dog doesn't stress, especially during a keep. When a dog is making noise, there's something wrong and he is stressing. Most dogs like to be around other dogs(as a pack) Even a single raised dog rather be around his master. When a dog live in a crate, he should only be in there when his master is not around.
Keeping a dog in a crate could be the worst mistake. But if using the crate the right way, it could be very beneficial during a keep.

11-11-2012, 08:39 AM
I actually didnt read the title of the post.lol My previous statement wasnt based on dogs in a keep, during a keep i keep the dogs in the house if it is below 70 degrees outside. As long as its warm enough so that the dog wont shiver at all, ill keep them in a private area outside. Any days that are less than 70 the dog will be inside.

11-11-2012, 11:27 AM
Are you for real or am i miscalculating? Is that like -50 degrees celcius?

Mine are in kennels and they cant see eachother so they wont stress. Coldest it will get here is like -10, they have good doghouses so that shouldnt really be a problem. But they will always waste more energy getting warm and eat more food. If thats not really a big issue i rather put them outside, empty only once a day before the training and leave his waterbowl.

11-11-2012, 02:30 PM
In a keep weight is very important, i like to know the rate my dogs burn energy. A shivering dog will lose weight just from that, so during the keep thats the way i do it. And thats Fahrenheit...

11-12-2012, 06:35 AM
I like them outside. I live in the rural southeast so I do not have to deal with neighbors nor he brutal cold. During the keep they are weighed two, sometimes three times a day so the shivering/weight loss is not an issue. One, the dog houses are super nice, and two, the feed is adjusted daily to compensate for weight change. I tried it a few times keeping them in the basement but they got a little lazy, sort of adjusting to the good life. I know people who swear inside is the only way and others that swear the outside is the way to go. I personally like the outside during the keep. EWO

11-13-2012, 09:52 AM
I personally don't see how keeping a dog in a crate, during a keep, is the "worst mistake." There are a lot worse mistakes to have happen than that. Dogs in a crate aren't allowed to run around and waste energy. They are confined to a small space of which they can stand, sit, or lay down and rest, which is the most important thing in a keep. You can let your dog run around in the house some if you like. I'm certainly not advocating the crate as a sort of jail cell, but if a person keeps a dog in a crate during their keep, it's not the worst mistake by a long shot. A keep isn't about what a dog wants. It's about having the dog worked and rested for possibly the fight for it's literal life, so at that point what a dog wants is pretty much irrelevant. What the dog NEEDS should be the main focus of any keep.

All of that being said, I don't keep all dogs inside as they're all different. My Buddy dog would immediately piss in his crate as soon as he stepped one foot inside the damn thing, and it didn't matter if he'd just took a big leak outside or not. He was just a nasty dog in the house, so he stayed outside in a heated doghouse. Some dogs I keep outside at an isolated spot during the daylight hours, and then I bring them inside at night. There are varying reasons for why a particular dog stays certain places while others do not.

On the flip side of the cold weather debate, I don't like my dogs staying outside in hot, humid weather either. Sure, it's warm outside, but they also have to contend with mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and lord knows what other bugs throughout the time outside. It's hot out, so they're constantly having to work to keep themselves cool.

For my money, a dog inside during a keep is the best thing to do at any time of year unless you have a dog that simply will not cooperate.

11-13-2012, 12:07 PM
did you say -10??? lol dude thats FREEZING lol

11-13-2012, 12:53 PM
yea it is, but plenty of regions where they keep dogs in -30 degrees Celsius and even colder. i may assume not in keep :D
right now its like 4/5 degrees at night so not very cold.
but the dog is still inside, appreciate all the comments!