View Full Version : alitte help(dosage ?)

11-20-2012, 12:13 PM
i was going over shock therapy Article ,i just want to double check im following it correctly .Here is the section

Azuim and Dexamethasone:
Give 2.5 mg per pound of body weight. This means, if you have a 42 LB dog (42 x 2.5 = 105 mg). You would then check the bottle to get the strength of the solution you are using. The bottle may be 2 mg per ml, 3 mg per ml, or 4 mg per ml. Suppose you have the 2 mg strength you would have to inject 52.5 ml in order to give 105 mg of the drug; if you have the 4 mg strength you would only need to inject 26.25 ml to give 105 mg of the drug. You see, the strength (%) of the bottle tells you how many milligrams (mg) of drug in each 1 ml of the drug.

so lets use a 36 lb dog

36x2.5=90mg......with a 2 mg/ml bottle =45 ml ....3mg/ml =30ml.....4mg/ml =22.5ml

now an ml is the same as a cc, correct?
the reason i feel im doing something wrong is cause 45 cc seems like a huge dosage. also can i put an Antibiotics in the same i.v bag that has the dex in it. If so what Antibiotics do you suggest

11-22-2012, 06:16 AM

11-22-2012, 08:00 AM
Dex counter acts antibiotics. And 3 cc is more than enough for a dog. 1 cc is fine in most cases.

11-22-2012, 01:03 PM
thank you. If i was reading it right the formula in the shock therapy Article didnt seem right thats why i asked. what is the a formula on dex dosage

11-22-2012, 01:49 PM
Don't know the formula,but what the vet said.

11-23-2012, 09:14 PM
Yes, one mL is the same as one cc.

3cc's of dex is NOT enough for a dog when you're using it for shock therapy after a show. Dex doesn't counter-act Abx. Corticosteroids suppress the immune system, but not enough so to where they're going to actually counter act the Abx themselves.

When using dex for that kind of therapy ABC, you will be giving that much for the dog. You can't put any Abx in with the fluids unless they're IV Abx. If you have the ability to get IV Abx, then yes, you can use them.

11-24-2012, 07:41 PM
I have never used that much. I actually thought the decimal point was in the wrong place, maybe a typo, the first time I saw the formula worked out. Never had any issues or short comings using way less than the formula suggests. EWO