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View Full Version : No Quarter Kennel - Hammonds' Blood

No Quarter Kennel
12-06-2012, 11:46 AM
Made this breeding two days ago.

Some of the best Hammonds' brood blood in the world.
$500 deposit

No Quarter Kennel
12-06-2012, 06:26 PM
Well crap....put this in the wrong place.

One of you moderators mind moving this to the pups and breeding section?

Sorry and thanks

12-07-2012, 12:26 AM
What exactly do you mean by "best brood blood" ?

12-07-2012, 11:38 AM
Big Ups on that breeding NQK.

No Quarter Kennel
12-07-2012, 02:12 PM
R2L, I'm expecting, based on experience with this line, that this particular breeding will be an excellent source of the Hammonds strain of Alligator blood with a very heavy emphasis on the Park Son ROM dog. This breeding is actually 50% Park Son. This particular breeding is extremely tight for this family of dogs. Gary himself, is an outstanding linebreeder. One of the best in the world. He's bred solid honest dogs for close to 50 years now. He hasn't done this tight a breeding on such a few select dogs in a very long time.

I know a lot of folks here aren't real up on this bloodline and it's not of high interest to a lot of folks, but it's a real solid family of dogs. I happened to breed a litter about 12 years ago that I thought was a top notch, winning, complete litter. Biggest name in that litter was a dog in Russia, sold by myself, to Dmitry of AC/DC Kennel's that he named Diablo. I kept what I thought was the best male and the only female. The rest went elsewhere and won. This breeding I just did, is very tight on that breeding. The sire is off of Calley, from that litter. The dam, is a dog from an inbred male from Calley bred back to Park Son bred to a daughter of Park Son. The emphasis is on the Park Son x Zackitha litter. This breeding is 75% that litter, 18.75% Tonka Red Baron Blood, and 6.25% Vito (a pure Alligator dog).

HOWEVER - as tight as this is, I've seen a very few (due mostly to the fact I haven't seen this line tightened up REAL tight) that were very tight and turnd out to be dynamite. Excellent dogs. Scott's Merlin, years ago was the only inbred son of Park Son and was some kind of bulldog. I was able to duplicate a similar inbreeding to Park, to create the only living inbred pups from him at that time. There were 3. One had severe health issues and the other two were awesome dogs. The bitch was unbelievable. HOWEVER,,,,,,one of the reasons Gary doesn't tighten this stuff a whole lot is evident in the litter I just mentioned. One had extreme health issues (immunity problems), the male I kept, was sterile by the age of 5 or so and the bad ass bitch, Ms. Dubose, ended up with some kind of coon hound fever bullshit that crippled her and eventually killed her around age 5 or so.

Long story short, I may have overstated with the brood blood. But regardless of how they turn out, they could very well be dogs worth breeding to for this bloodlines influence.

Earlier this year, I bred Tupark to his half sister Jezebelle. Both are off of Calley. These pups are 7 months old. All 6 are better structured dogs than I typically get. All are very fast, athletic and all smart. One of the most uniform litters I've ever produced. I think it has a lot to do with the selection and emphasis on the Park Son x Zackitha litter. This reflects a very clean gene pool. This had a lot to do with my trying to tighten things up even more with this breeding. From what I know about this family and the limited "tightening" up on such few dogs, I expect some very solid, above average dogs. In addition, I believe they will be dogs that should be bred to for the Hammonds' strain of Alligator "TYPE". And this is what I'm after - a specific TYPE!

I hope this answers your question R2L and if you have something to add, please do. Some of the reasoning behind this litter, or attempt at least, has been influenced by this board. I've learned more here about actual inbreeding, breeding for type and how to go about it than most other places. So please, if you have anything to add - do!

No Quarter Kennel
12-07-2012, 02:21 PM
This is AC/DC's Diablo dog from the Park Son x Zackitha breeding made years ago.
He was an outstanding individual before I ever sent him to Russia. His brother, Skeeter, was my pick for best individual male in the litter. He wasn't the most athletic or talented, as Diablo and Change of Luck were both better there, but Skeeter was a very smart dog, could stay out of trouble and a better overall package. I only have one dog off of Skeeter who looks EXACTLY like Diablo. She's getting up in age, but here is her pedigree. http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=98405
Scooter is a very good dog. She's bigger than I like. The Diablo dog was 52lbs on the chain when he left my yard, Skeeter was 51

No Quarter Kennel
12-07-2012, 02:22 PM
And Meauxtivation - Thanks!

12-19-2012, 09:54 AM
I've taken up an interest in these Park dogs lately, and I have been thinking about acquiring some of this blood. Im basically trying to gather as much information about the "better" or more productive breedings, I should say, that were done with Parkson, as well as those that were not . Now you mention that you did "a similar inbreeding to Park, to create the only living inbred pups from him at that time. There were three", which eventually had health issues later down the line. Which breeding are you referring to here?

BTW...do you have any pics of these dogs, eg Calley, Tubbs, Tupark?? Very informative posts!

No Quarter Kennel
12-19-2012, 01:25 PM
Yes Sir, I do have some photos of the dogs. I attempting to build a website if I can get someone who knows what the hell they are doing and I'll post them there, if/when it happens.

The Park Son inbred dogs that I had were off of Park Son bred to his daughter, my Calley dog who was off of Park and Zackitha. Zackitha was off of Zack, one of the best at his weight, ever and Tabitha, a winner from the Tonka Red Baron line. The only female from that litter, who was fantastic, ended up getting what some call "coonhound fever" and was essentially paralyzed in the back end. I don't know if that's genetic or environmental. One male ended up being sterile at mid age and the other male ended up with skin problems that I truly believe was a result of his diet. He went to a fellow in Florida I believe.

The Park dogs, with the TRB blood, does very well. Any of the strong strains of Eli or Carver based dogs do very well. There was a Ch Tanner dog that was off of Park and the LG stuff. Ch Candy that Limey had off of Park and TRB stuff. Any of the China Boy/Eli blends always do real with with the Park stuff as well.

Limey always had a theory on selecting by "Type". His type, part of it anyways, considered colored. The Tubbs bitch I have is exactly his "Type" and very true to the Alligator dogs in general....the good ones. She's solid black with two white toes on the back feet and a small white spot on her chest. She's brutally strong. Strongest dog I've ever owned, male or female, pound for pound. I don't know if I'm answering your question very well, but I'm trying. The Park Son blood is very very consistent. Just don't ever remember getting or seeing a bad one off of him. They could be lacking in one or two areas, but they were very consistent dogs. Good honest bulldogs.

Myself? I like the Hailstone stuff. A little harder keeper, in general, but typically packed more of a punch. Does very well with the TRB blood. Little faster motor so to speak than the Park stuff. There was a breeding done 3x off of Conswella that produced incredible well and she was a TRB dog.

I've based my entire breeding program around:
Park Son
And Tonka Red Baron blood.

The breeding I just did with Tupark and Tubbs is 50% Park Son himself with emphasis on Hailstone, Zack and the TRB blood. It is what I consider the best of the Hammonds Blood. But that's just my opinion.

Let me know if I can help.......be glad to do it.