View Full Version : tab male@ stud

12-09-2012, 04:13 PM

12-11-2012, 10:21 AM
What's the location of this stud?

12-11-2012, 05:11 PM
Northwest ga.

01-31-2013, 03:33 AM

02-01-2013, 05:59 AM
Nice bred male..

02-01-2013, 08:06 AM
Thanks....i will post a pic next couple days

02-01-2013, 11:21 AM
Nice Male how old is he?

02-01-2013, 02:57 PM
9.....he is getting up there he still strong as a damn ox though lol

02-02-2013, 12:48 PM
i added the pics to pedigree .......if anyone wanted to see the ol man

336 bulldogs
02-08-2013, 07:53 AM
Do not thrust apbtmet I sent him $500 for a pup a few years back and he took the $ and ran never seen the pup or my $. crider bred bullogs well hello brook crider you dint think you'll see me again? Karma is a bitch ain't it.

02-08-2013, 01:01 PM
No mistakes happen....people get mixed up have to go away for a little while and actually been waiting on someone like yourself to come along so that way i could straighten it out because honestly there are two people i believe that i owe a puppy too .......so karma isnt always a Bitch now that we got that established who are you? And if you would still like your pup thats perfectly fine with me....no problem and as i recall i haven't stated a stud fee on this male of mine im really wanting to allow select bitches breed to him for pups i would be interested in...now tell me how i can be of service everyone that has lost contact doesn't mean they are shady or dodging anyone

336 bulldogs
02-09-2013, 02:25 PM
Bs mistakes yeah right. When I sent you the deposit you kept me updated and when you got the rest of the $ you gave the run around and even said my pup had died. Hell naw I dont want a pup man its all about the principal If you wanna make things right then I want my $ 500 back pm me and I can give you a address to send me my $ & we can squash this

02-09-2013, 06:14 PM
I will pm you but i you still havent told me who you are and what breeding you had a deposit on im not gonna be a keyboard rambo with you .....i will not be a internet gangster so if you like you can pm me and please do with a different attitude

336 bulldogs
03-07-2013, 05:49 PM
I pm you a few days ago about the $ you owe me just want to know when will you be sending me the $

03-08-2013, 06:28 PM
Yea one problem made you a offer with everything given at hand here and i feel like your trying to bo hog me like the way I've tried to work with you and how you come at me saying bs this bs that to be honest with you i don't like that and its pissing me off the way your coming at me when im trying to go outta my to make a sour deal sweet i really wish we could talk in person instead of through internet....when you pm me i haven't ran off no where when i don't ask how high cause you said jump...i don't operate like that .....now get off my post !!!!!

336 bulldogs
03-11-2013, 12:53 PM
Look Man all i asked was a date to when to expect my $ thats all I want and keep it pushing i dont want a dog as payment I appreciate the offer but I can make my own now its been five years now and all I said was the stuff I thought it was the thruth i would appreciate it if you would give me a date on when to expect my $

scratchin dog
03-11-2013, 01:13 PM
I hope you guys can settle your differences, however, please take any and all future correspondence to PM's. Thanks.

03-11-2013, 02:49 PM
Scratching dog, good post. It should be handled in PM. However, I do see value in letting the board know when there is someone that is less than ethical in thier dealings. Especially if they are advertising on this board. That man paid money for a pup, and has not received it. I believe he has to do the right thing. That being said, given his past behavior, I don't see a plethora of people running to do business with the man regardless of how well bred the dog is.

03-11-2013, 02:58 PM
Yea one problem made you a offer with everything given at hand here and i feel like your trying to bo hog me like the way I've tried to work with you and how you come at me saying bs this bs that to be honest with you i don't like that and its pissing me off the way your coming at me when im trying to go outta my to make a sour deal sweet i really wish we could talk in person instead of through internet....when you pm me i haven't ran off no where when i don't ask how high cause you said jump...i don't operate like that .....now get off my post !!!!!

What is worse, taking 500.00 from someone and not giving them pup, or that person being upset at you because you ripped him off? Ohh, snap, he has to be nice to you too? At this point, I think the only RIGHT thing to do is send the man his money back. REGARDLESS of why you went away or not, NOTHING changes the FACT that you took the man's money, and didn't send him a dog. It is not the man's fault you went away. So.. Making an offer isn't good enough, giving the 500.00 back is plenty good enough. THE ONLY QUESTION IS WHETHER YOU HAVE THE INTEGRITY, THE ETHICAL STANDARD, THE MORAL FORTITUDE TO DO THE RIGHT THING.

scratchin dog
03-11-2013, 04:52 PM
Scratching dog, good post. It should be handled in PM. However, I do see value in letting the board know when there is someone that is less than ethical in thier dealings. Especially if they are advertising on this board. That man paid money for a pup, and has not received it. I believe he has to do the right thing. That being said, given his past behavior, I don't see a plethora of people running to do business with the man regardless of how well bred the dog is.

I totally agree Evo, I just didn't want it to turn into a slugfest that becomes 10 pages of bs and insults. ;)

Apbtmet needs to man up and do the right thing.

03-14-2013, 07:13 PM
So im confused are we spose to keep on chatting here or pm? Because scratchingdog was cool didn't get involved and did his job as a moderator of a forum and kindly advised us what to do but you evo kinda got involved in something you knew nothing about like you witnessed the affairs in person and to me that not very professional so 336 if you would like to continue and pm me that's cool and also what is confusing me is how people keep talking about don't send me money or people not doing business with me the post for my stud isn't saying nada about money matter of fact he is no longer at stud......how many of you so called big time guys will lock your blood down on your own yard and stop distributing but if i start judging and throwing my opinions out there i wouldn't be any better than themselves so 336 stay in contact with me if it takes me a day to contact you back don't get suicidal i will do my best to be prompt

03-15-2013, 09:56 AM
So im confused are we spose to keep on chatting here or pm? Because scratchingdog was cool didn't get involved and did his job as a moderator of a forum and kindly advised us what to do but you evo kinda got involved in something you knew nothing about like you witnessed the affairs in person and to me that not very professional so 336 if you would like to continue and pm me that's cool and also what is confusing me is how people keep talking about don't send me money or people not doing business with me the post for my stud isn't saying nada about money matter of fact he is no longer at stud......how many of you so called big time guys will lock your blood down on your own yard and stop distributing but if i start judging and throwing my opinions out there i wouldn't be any better than themselves so 336 stay in contact with me if it takes me a day to contact you back don't get suicidal i will do my best to be prompt

I gotta ask, you say don't get suicidal after a day? What about 5 years? Shouldn't he be suicidal by now? I think "your best at being prompt" has proven itself to not be very prompt at all, just buying more time is what it sounds like.

336 bulldogs
03-15-2013, 05:11 PM
I have not been suicidal over the the $ in five years im blessed to have a good job and dont need the $ desperatly its all about ethics and principal I have not insulted anyone or talked bs all I have said is the stuff i thought to be the thruth so apbtmet can you give me a date on when to expect my $. Thanks evo and sorry scratchingdog will pm next time

03-18-2013, 02:22 PM
Apbtmet thanks for sending the paperwork like you said you would. Got the paperwork in the mail today I appreciate you making a bad situation good.

03-21-2013, 07:05 AM
No problem man

336 bulldogs
03-23-2013, 01:12 PM
Im still waiting Man make my situation good