View Full Version : Need some help with vaccinations!

12-15-2012, 04:40 AM
I recently added 2 dogs, 1 is 14 months old, 1 is 3 years old. Their previous owner talks to much crap, then he says he don't remember when he gave their last shots, then he says he gave the 14 month old dog his last one around 6 months ago. Why would you give an 8 month old dog a shot?? So i decided i just want to give all my dogs a full round. On his yard they might have not got in to contact with other dogs because they were on their chain. But here they have to go outside too, so they get in contact with allot of other dogs shit. Both have diarrhea at the moment. 1 was on pain killer/anti inflammatory for 2 weeks which i think was the cause of his diarrhea, but now the other one started too, i start to doubt it might be something else. My dogs never have that shit.

I never gave my dogs vaccinations myself before, but since they have no passport/chip and to much scars i will have too. I have no idea which i should give them though so hope i can get some help on that. What confuses me even more is that some bottles with the same color of label and also the same color of fluid have different names on the label. For example the pink one. 2 say vanguard plus cpv and another one says vanguard plus 5. Two green ones say vanguard plus 7 and one says 5. The blue and the pink have a liquid substance, the green bottles have some kind of dried out tablet in it. Don't know if that's normal. All expiration dates are 2014 so they should be fine.


12-17-2012, 01:30 AM
some one? or are they using different stuff in the us?