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View Full Version : TOO MUCH NU-STOCK?

12-19-2012, 04:02 PM
so i'm using nu-stock on one of my young hounds and everytime i put it on him he licks it off,well yesterday i called my self outsmarting him by mixing nu-stock with vasaline and laying it on super thick so he couldn't get it all off.today i noticed he wasn't feelin' good and not eating but all the nu-stock was gone so i put his leash on gettin' ready to take him to the car and off to the vet well on the way to the car he starts throwing up some white shit.after he finish i notice he starts feelin' better,jumpin and movin like he has his step back so i walk him over to his food bowl and he doesn't eat his food but he starts eating that old dead grass and throws up that white shit again so i tell my wife to bring out a can of tuna so i can mix it with his regular feed.after about 10-15 min he starts to nibble on his food but he's not diving in like he normally does but is drinking plenty of water.what else can i do to help his appetite?

No Quarter Kennel
12-19-2012, 04:13 PM
Damn dude, don't put him in a situation to eat vaseline.

It should run its course and he should be fine.

12-20-2012, 09:45 AM
just got back from the vet and it's fuckin' parvo!!!! evidently the batch of 7n1 from the co-op is some bullshit because i've treated all my hounds with it and havent had any problems.the vet gave me some metronidazole 250mg and metoclopramide 10 mg.i was so pissed off that i forgot to get my tamiflu perscription so i called the vet back and they tried to give me the runaround about how there is no proof in science that it helps and i told my vet that i don't give a fuck what science say i need that prescription.after that she said ok it will be ready in 2 hours. i hope im in time so ya'll pray for us cause we need it

pig mad
12-20-2012, 09:48 AM
I hate parvo but could have been avoided with vaccinations

No Quarter Kennel
12-20-2012, 09:49 AM
I believe you'll be fine my friend. You are top of it and I don't care what they say either as I had a little gype this past spring/early summer and she was damn bad off. I hit her with that and fluids. The vet I used, after dumping the dumb ass I had originally, told me if the Tamiflu works, she will change her mind and use it. Well.....it worked and she now uses it.

Best of luck and let us know how she does.

12-20-2012, 10:51 AM
I hate parvo but could have been avoided with vaccinations
that is what the 7n1 is for.make no mistake..i don't bullshit when it comes to my hounds.all my hounds shots are up to date,this is not a case of owner neglect as i have given all my hounds the same 7n1 shots from the same co-op and this is the only one that has gotten parvo.ever

pig mad
12-20-2012, 11:32 AM
I got caught out last year using the cheap alternative lost 2 young dogs in a week.

12-20-2012, 03:46 PM
I got caught out last year using the cheap alternative lost 2 young dogs in a week.
i hate to hear that .this is my first experience with parvo and up untill now i thought that as long as you give your shots on time,you wouldn't have any problems and people who let their hounds catch parvo are not responsible owners.not so....while i was eating a big slice of humble pie,my vet told me that those 7n1 shots from the co-op or feed stores are not regulated and are not as good as the ones they use.(of course they're gonna say that because they want you to buy from them)so i told her that i've been using the same 7n1 shot from the same store for years and never had a problem.she quickly replied(if you would have let us give the shots and he caught parvo,we would have paid for everything it took to get him taken care of).

pig mad
12-20-2012, 04:21 PM
I get mine from the vet was to painful loosing the last 2. Had a bit of experiance with the disease moved to town from a property 4 year ago lost a whole bunch of dogs and had a few crook adults. Lost pups being late on needles. cunt of a disease living in a remote comunity with no vet for 500km it is riddled with parvo here and now wet season coming they will start dropping like flys here..

No Quarter Kennel
12-20-2012, 10:03 PM
Feed store shots are shit. They are substandard shit. Your first problem is that you stuck with a shot that hasn't changed in 7 years and guess what.......Parvo is ALWAYS changing. That's why you need to go with a much better vaccine provider.

You bought Jack's Bible yet? If not, order it tomorrow and start saving in a lot of ways.

12-21-2012, 05:48 AM
Feed store shots are shit. They are substandard shit. Your first problem is that you stuck with a shot that hasn't changed in 7 years and guess what.......Parvo is ALWAYS changing. That's why you need to go with a much better vaccine provider.

You bought Jack's Bible yet? If not, order it tomorrow and start saving in a lot of ways.
already got it bro.i was one of those folks that if it ain't broke don't fix it,well now that i'm eating humble pie i find out that my shit was broke the whole time..lol...lesson learned i just hope it don't cost me my lil' man.if i let him drink on his own,he keeps it down but when i use the syringe to give his meds he'll throw it all back up.bout to mix up a batch of chicken broth and rice and see if he'll take a bite and keep it down

pig mad
12-21-2012, 01:58 PM
Think parvo eats the stomach lining away i saved 1 dog just by squirting 10ml of electrolites in his mouth every hour he was 10 week old pup though

No Quarter Kennel
12-21-2012, 02:40 PM
A lot of guys will rip my ass for this, but Gary Hammonds uses a 10 parts water and 1 part bleach solution, squirts down a few ccs. Got it from an old school vet. Bleach will kill the parvo.

I would tamiflu and follow the instructions in Jack's Bible. You'll save him.

Ez Country
12-22-2012, 06:58 AM
I had a small outbreak of it earlier this year, I saved all but 1 with just penicillin, sub q fluids, and pepto. I called numerous vets to try to get the tamiflu but none would prescribe it.

pig mad
12-22-2012, 02:13 PM
I cant get it in australia either. How is your dog turk if it not dead already its not gonna die??

12-22-2012, 05:36 PM
I cant get it in australia either. How is your dog turk if it not dead already its not gonna die??
great news....please forgive my rambling but i gotta tell the story....so yesterday we were downstairs(me and my pup levi) and i was drinking a sprite,well i noticed levi eyeballin' the sprite so i poured some on the other side of his bowl so he could have an option pedialyte or sprite.needless to say he started on the sprite but still wouldn't eat so i gave him his meds and a bath and i went to bed so this mournin' when i get up i go downstairs and when i see my lil' man he runs and jump into my arms and tries to nip my goat tee like he always do when he's well so i run upstairs to grab a can of tunafish and put it in his bowl and before i could put it on the ground he was on it like he usually do.after he finish,i run back upstairs to get another can but this time i grab some of those buttery crackers to crush up and mix with the tuna.i put the bowl down and bam he's on it again thank god.well a few hours later i come back from the store go downstairs and smell the rankest shit smell ever so i go and check it out and to my surprise it was turds and no squirt.this may sound crazy but i've never been so happy to clean up a pile of dogshit in my life.lol...things are looking alot better,he even gained a few oz's.levi's making a comeback,the best christmas present i ever had.thanks fellas for the kind words and helpful advice

pig mad
12-22-2012, 07:23 PM
Did you get him tamiflu??

12-22-2012, 10:03 PM
Did you get him tamiflu??
nope after finding out how much it cost ,tamiflu was gonna be my last resort.i just gave him his meds,pedialyte,sprite,and some tlc.

pig mad
12-22-2012, 10:09 PM
What meds? No drip?

12-22-2012, 10:16 PM
metronidazole 250mg and metoclopramide 10 mg.

No Quarter Kennel
12-23-2012, 08:04 PM
Congrats my man.......that's great news!

Merry Christmas

12-25-2012, 06:11 PM
Congrats my man.......that's great news!

Merry Christmas
thanks man.put him back on the chain today,was the best present ever.