View Full Version : teeth implants

pig mad
12-19-2012, 08:56 PM
Reading those adjusted rules the other week that were posted on here just wonder why teeth implants would be a problem?

12-20-2012, 12:34 AM
Well first thing that comes to mind is that it would give an unfair advantage..

pig mad
12-20-2012, 12:50 AM
Unless you got real long ones or real sharp ones not sure how there is an advantage.

pig mad
12-20-2012, 12:56 AM
I just ask cause if i got em in my young male would put me back in the game pig knocked 2 of his canines out at 2k each i doubt i will get em but curious what the thinking around it was.

12-20-2012, 01:13 AM
I guess that if you could get something that don't differs from the original no one would notice..

pig mad
12-20-2012, 01:42 AM
All i can find is metal look do they make em white?

12-20-2012, 01:44 AM
If i noticed that you brought a dog with metal teeth, I would take your ff and leave..What i meant is that if you could replace the tooth with another tooth.

pig mad
12-20-2012, 02:01 AM
Hahaha bet youd be smiling if i turned up with a gummy dog though.

12-20-2012, 02:17 AM
I doubt it. But I wouldn't be surprised....

12-20-2012, 02:59 AM
I know that they make teeth for horses from resin materials, so I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to cover the metalic look.

12-20-2012, 03:30 AM
Do you think it makes the dog bite harder ?no! What about one dog that has natural long teeth verses one who has natural short teeth .is that an unfair advantage ?what about one on the juice or banamane,I would say that is an unfair advantage.(most are at an unfair advantage just because an idiot owns them.)

12-20-2012, 03:45 AM
I see your point. However steel teeth is something different imo. If im not mistaken this happened to evolution? Ofcourse they wont bite harder. But it COULD be that steel teeth are way more durable and can inflict a bigger amount of damage? And most of all it's unethical. Juice is only a good thing if you know what you do. Could be just as much of a disadvantage. I want to know what others think of this. Is it just me that see a problem with steel teeth?

"What about one dog that has natural long teeth verses one who has natural short teeth" This makes no sence to me. It's like saying it's unfair to match a better dog than the opponents.

What i'm trying to say is that I see no problem to juice your dog or do whatever it takes to get him in best possible shape. But when you start replacing parts of the dog with unnatural materials i think a line has been crossed.

12-20-2012, 04:16 AM
people still sharpening their dogs teeth too

Officially Retired
12-20-2012, 04:20 AM
In my opinion, it all boils down to what the focus is within the contest.

If your focus is "winning at all costs," then you are liable to "do anything" to win, including cheating.

Having metal teeth is simply cheating. There is no part of a dog's body that is comprised of metal, and if your dog's teeth naturally suck, then your dog might just be an unfit specimen.

Ideally-speaking, these contests are designed to find our which dog is better, naturally, FOR BREEDING AND BREED-ENHANCING PURPOSES, not to see which owner/handler can cheat the other or come up with the right chemicals/implants/armor, etc. to eek-out a win.

And speaking of teeth, TRULY good dogs can still win without them ;)

The issues of steroids, banamine, etc. are all rife with debate and controversy. Even the human sports of boxing, baseball, etc. shun the idea of steroids. Bicyclists have had their titles removed for steroid use. Therefore steroids are almost universally considered cheating and not "clean sportsmanship."

Denial of this simple fact isn't rebuttal; it is only denial.


12-20-2012, 04:32 AM
We can consider jucie cheating in general. But were do we draw the line for what is considered juice? Is it just because it is illegal in human sports? One example is that if you compete in France with creatine in your system you'll be considered on juice. But not were I live. Ofcourse testosterone can be considered cheating, but we use way more than that in the dogs. There will always be impossible to lay down rules unless there is testing. So I guess it's up to each individual how much to cheat himself and his own dogs.

No Quarter Kennel
12-20-2012, 06:40 AM
Why would juice be illegal, but not a diet that is better designed for competition over another?
The actual sport we are talking about is illegal, so why would steroids be unethical?
I do agree with Jack in that we should be 100% natural and go into such a contest with the purpose of all the reasons he mentioned above.
However, there is still a winner and a loser and there is much to be lost.............unless, there's just not much money on the line and the two contestants are in it for "high purposes"......as in a gentleman's agreement. I ain't met too many of those.

As for teeth, I've seen shorter teeth do more damage and longer teeth be a disadvantage.......too many variables.

So where is the line drawn on advantages becoming a cheat?

12-20-2012, 08:39 AM
lets be honest how many % of the dogman are using steroids. i think more then 70 %

12-20-2012, 10:16 AM
lets be honest how many % of the dogman are using steroids. i think more then 70 %

Many of them are way too many. I've seen "CH" get laid to rest in yard accidents becuase they where not on the juice and had no roid rage to get them thru.

pig mad
12-20-2012, 10:27 AM
My dog got no teeth due to my ameture mistakes being to keen to let him chew shit a young age not because of poor breeding i have 7 dogs in my yard of all different breedings and the only 1 with all his teeth was 3 when i got him.

Officially Retired
12-20-2012, 03:15 PM
lets be honest how many % of the dogman are using steroids. i think more then 70 %

I know a guy who's been into dogs longer than most people here have been alive, and had more fights (and gone into more great dogs) than probably everyone here put together, who has never used steroids :idea:


Officially Retired
12-20-2012, 03:37 PM
I will also add that, because in our sport there is no governing or regulation body, that there is no way that the use of steroids can be controlled.

Because the use of steroids isn't "against the rules" (per se), and because the use of steroids isn't really discussed in the rules, people will continue to use the drug.

We all know that (essentially) steroids go against the spirit of "clean sportsmanship" ... and we know this because we have the precedent of so many other sports that say so.

However, because there is no one presiding over our sport to "say so," technically the people who do so have no one to reprimand/sanction/take titles away for doing so.


12-20-2012, 05:56 PM
I would think this would be considered a foreign object if noticed and a FF be due

pig mad
12-20-2012, 07:02 PM
I just cant see how it could be any different than a normal tooth.

12-20-2012, 08:02 PM
we need a sanctioning body or a neutral person(vet tech) in our sport .ex...to draw blood before and after an event and test for any banned subsances/PED's,do a once over of both competing animals, nose to tail(w/metal detector) including anything else neccessary to determine a fair contest took place.just my 2 sense!!8)

pig mad
12-20-2012, 08:37 PM
Good luck with that

12-20-2012, 08:46 PM
Many of them are way too many. I've seen "CH" get laid to rest in yard accidents becuase they where not on the juice and had no roid rage to get them thru.

This is a complete lie, and it's nonsense like this that really aggravates me. Roid rage? Really?? I don't know how many champions I've seen that weren't really worth a pot of piss, so the notion that a champion died in a chain wreck due to not being on the juice is for, lack of a better word, ignorant.

As someone that has and has not used roids on dogs, I can say that there has never been any change in the dog's demeanor one way or another. Maybe that's because in the scheme of things, they're being used correctly instead of the ignorant way of trying to dose a dog the way a human bodybuilder doses. With idiots, who really knows. But please don't come to this board, or any other, and espouse just flat out bullshit. Then others that simply don't know better, go repeat said bullshit, and the ignorant cycle is repeated.

Try to educate yourself on a subject before you blindly repeat such nonsense.

12-21-2012, 01:26 AM
we need a sanctioning body or a neutral person(vet tech) in our sport .ex...to draw blood before and after an event and test for any banned subsances/PED's,do a once over of both competing animals, nose to tail(w/metal detector) including anything else neccessary to determine a fair contest took place.just my 2 sense!!8)

You are kidding right

12-21-2012, 03:39 AM
It's not.,but I would not waste the time or money on it .i have seen dogs grab hogs by the leg and shake and have the gum split and tooth root and all come out .so a fake tooth would do the same .what would make a dog have a unfair advantage would be something to make it stronger ,faster ,or feel nothing .but then again some bloodlines and people are at a in fair advantage (LOL)

This was to Pig mads last post

pig mad
12-21-2012, 03:54 AM
Yeah mate dont think i could find the 2k to get it done any way. Did find a product on the net and the stud that gos in the bone is porus so the bone can grow into it. I see a few attack dogs with them while surfing for info so must be pretty sturdy.

Black Hand
12-21-2012, 05:38 AM
I'd take that 2k and get some new dogs lol

pig mad
12-21-2012, 11:21 AM
I got pups mate dont need any more i need a prospect

01-01-2013, 05:47 PM
Steel can be a ADVANTAGE, where are the iron workers and welders. Do research! Roids to us is TRASH but we expect it for others in there Keep so be at OWN WILL.. Plexi-glass server the same purpose as GLASS, but work differently, being the plastic material but if it breaks, which one will do more damage? I'm ole fashion and the game was about the BEST SHAPED DOG and still the same, and putting a Steel Tooth is not best to me. We fight chicken, "BONE SPUR", so what's wrong with going Natural, Bone Teething? OH! One more ? for my fellows, Can I implant a IRON JAW and still compete? To me it's the same..

pig mad
01-01-2013, 06:32 PM
I see were your coming from but still dont see how it could be an advantage if it same size and build as the original if you sharpen it up yeah that would be very unfair. I have a good young dog but use him on pigs and you see he will wind up for a big shake and slips off due to the missing teeth but think i will just keep him as a pig dog and save the drama i dont want to be seen as a cheat or un fair i see plenty of them already. I wonder if a vet can pull teeth out of a doner dog and put em in my pup. Im off to the big smoke to see a vet on friday for my old dog ill take the pup as well see what she thinks.

01-02-2013, 02:05 AM
because 1 dog could break all his canine teeth during a contest while they are mouthing, whilst the other one still got them all in tact
this can happen with or without steel teeth, but when your dog does have a steel teeth the other party can and i think will make a problem of it.

pig mad
01-02-2013, 03:08 AM
If i had em i wouldnt arrange anything without telling the other

01-02-2013, 07:39 AM
This is a complete lie, and it's nonsense like this that really aggravates me. Roid rage? Really?? I don't know how many champions I've seen that weren't really worth a pot of piss, so the notion that a champion died in a chain wreck due to not being on the juice is for, lack of a better word, ignorant.

As someone that has and has not used roids on dogs, I can say that there has never been any change in the dog's demeanor one way or another. Maybe that's because in the scheme of things, they're being used correctly instead of the ignorant way of trying to dose a dog the way a human bodybuilder doses. With idiots, who really knows. But please don't come to this board, or any other, and espouse just flat out bullshit. Then others that simply don't know better, go repeat said bullshit, and the ignorant cycle is repeated.

Try to educate yourself on a subject before you blindly repeat such nonsense.

I 100% agree with the entire post. Dumb ignorant people say dumb ignorant things, and ignorant people repeat it, making more ignorant people. These are the Same people that use gunpowder to make a dog more explosive. Statements like this make me want to find a different breed. The people that own this breed in my opinion for the most part have a moral and ethical void. About the teeth.. It's cheating.. period.. sharpening teeth, hardening teeth.. It's cheating... and No... I've never had that happen in my career. You have me mistaken.. and No... I've never been part of the teeth sharpening. Look up gr.ch Bruno boy for that story, It's in the most recent sdj, and it wasn't sharpened, it was a metal replacement, and it was blunt, not sharp, and he showed it to them .

pig mad
01-02-2013, 01:29 PM
I cant seem to find the story your talking of can you check the exact month and let me know please so i can read it.

01-03-2013, 03:27 AM
A tooth from a donner dog would be dead body part planted and from different dna. Plastics, resins, metals etc might be acceptable by an organism but dead tissues from another animal are not. Humans were doing this centuries ago but it wouldn't work for long time due to health issues.