View Full Version : pissing in dog house

12-21-2012, 07:25 PM
Hello fellas I recently acquired an Eli bred hound and heseems to be pissing inside his dog house.any ideas as to why he might be doing this I owned a pure bred boudreaux bitch years ago that did the same thing any ideas on how to stop this behaviour. Its pretty cold up here by lake erie for him to be pissing in his house thanks

12-21-2012, 10:47 PM
got one that does the same thing, he actually pisses in the entrance of his house, and hell piss in his food bowl after he eats.....i just chalk it up to retardation! i dont think these dogs rationalize, so far ive seen mine eat shit, lay and sleep in theyre shit (in crate), eat other dogs shit and piss in theyre food bowls & sleeping quarters......................what else can it be other than mental retardation?? id hate to use the duragatory term "shit eater", but damn if the shoe fits.......

12-22-2012, 02:06 AM
did u try cleaning it good and put some new straw in it?

12-22-2012, 02:34 AM
Well yeah I clean up the old straw every two days its too cold up here fresh straw is needed every few days

12-22-2012, 02:37 AM
new straw every 2 days? because he pisses in it or always?

i leave mine in for 6 months.

try cleaning the doghouse, maybe he smells some other males urine?

12-22-2012, 03:08 AM
Is the living quarters too big? Lots of dogs will not piss where they sleep but if they can piss two to three feet away and then ball up in the corner they will. The living quarters should be barely large enough for the dog to go in, turn around and ball up. Anything more than that is cold air at battle with his body heat. My brood box is big enough to have puppies but when the puppies are weaned I put two 8" cinder blocks in the back to force the puppies into one corner. They quickly learn to piss and shit in the run. Without the blocks they piss on one side and sleep on the other. EWO

12-22-2012, 06:36 AM
Its not that big I got the design from the pitbull bible and he is the only dog that has lived in the house I try to keep the straw as dry as possible it gets too cold up here

12-22-2012, 07:50 AM
I have one that always piss in his doghouse when ever he gets fresh bedding. I check his bedding on a regular bases and it's always dry. But when ever I change his bedding he jumps in takes a wiz then makes his nest. I guess it's something about fresh bedding...

12-22-2012, 10:51 AM
This fucker is pissing all over the inside

12-22-2012, 11:08 AM
thats sucks mate. do you know off grizzly doghouses?
i have one myself and they have no entrance, they can be small because they have a door who goes both ways.
i would try one of those or something similar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxjG_ESdMe4

there are also heating mats for doghouses, grizzly can come with one too. maybe u have more luck with a different bedding in combination with a heating pad for the winter

12-27-2012, 05:43 PM
got one that does the same thing, he actually pisses in the entrance of his house, and hell piss in his food bowl after he eats.....i just chalk it up to retardation! i dont think these dogs rationalize, so far ive seen mine eat shit, lay and sleep in theyre shit (in crate), eat other dogs shit and piss in theyre food bowls & sleeping quarters......................what else can it be other than mental retardation?? id hate to use the duragatory term "shit eater", but damn if the shoe fits.......

I got a few old males that will piss in their water tubs, & their food bowls if you don't pick them up in time...1 of the males will even go as far as shitting in his water tub, & food bowl if you leave it out with him!
Weirdo dogs, & their habits...it is what it is!!!

12-27-2012, 10:04 PM
I got a female that when she was in a kennel next to another dog would piss in her barrel. In a couple of days you couldnt hardly stand to change the bedding. Moved her to a chainspot and its been a couple of years and all is good. As for the males, we got some with habits just like yours. lol