View Full Version : Whole Raw Animals

Jon P. Lebron
12-22-2012, 07:02 PM
Just wanted to know does it take time for a dog who has been eating kibble to try eating a whole animal?


No Quarter Kennel
12-22-2012, 07:33 PM
My experience? YES!

I have had two dogs, in the past year, come from yards who kibble feed. I feed a RAW diet. Not whole animal, but Raw. It usually takes them about 3 days to get the hang of it. Typically won't eat the first day, pick at it the second and third, they hongry fool....so they start eating. After that, they are good to go. HOWEVER, and I find this odd. All my other dogs, the ones more or less raised on it, been on my yard their whole life, they love when I bring them their food. I feed them their "guts" first and then when I bring their chicken quarter, they typically come and snatch it from me as I hold it out for them. It's a hoot. The other two dogs, not raised on my yard, they won't take it from my hand......not sure why, but I drop it in their food bowl and move on.

NOW, since my dogs eat RAW, I can throw a cut in half cottontail that I hit with my truck by accident yesterday, and they'll go to work. IT IS BY FAR ONE OF, IF NOT THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR DOG!

12-22-2012, 10:50 PM
i move into my other house in march, with acreage.....maybe ill start shootin jackrabbits theyre all over out there!

12-23-2012, 02:22 AM
Lebron, you always start with the easy stuff. Once they are used to eating bones and their stumic acid got stronger(few weeks) you can move on to the harder stuff.

For example start with grind meat or chicken/duck necks/wings (smash them with a hammer) and organ meat. Then u can move on to whole duck/chicken/rabbit/pheasant ect.

Jon P. Lebron
12-23-2012, 11:07 AM
Lebron, you always start with the easy stuff. Once they are used to eating bones and their stumic acid got stronger(few weeks) you can move on to the harder stuff.

For example start with grind meat or chicken/duck necks/wings (smash them with a hammer) and organ meat. Then u can move on to whole duck/chicken/rabbit/pheasant ect.

Thanks for the info guys, I will start feeding as you sugested. I have given my dog grind up carrot and peas, he loves them, I just never gave him raw meat. Should I mix the meat with some carrots or peas or should I try it with the meat by it self

Jon P. Lebron
12-23-2012, 11:42 AM
Where could I find organ meat?

12-23-2012, 12:18 PM
u can buy liver and heart in the supermarket. tripe is good too

scratchin dog
12-23-2012, 03:00 PM
You can get your organ meat here, they have a larger variety than the supermarket.

Meat by itself, especially without bones, is not a healthy raw diet. Do some more research on raw diets. Jack has some good videos available on how to feed raw.

12-23-2012, 10:42 PM
hare today is expensive, if you have 1 dog it would be ok, but i cant imagine spendin 10 bucks per meal lol, in my case that would be......$280 a week! lmao

Jon P. Lebron
12-24-2012, 06:03 AM
Yeah I only have one dog and it is a Patterdale Terrier, since my dog is only around 17 lbs I guess it would be worth it to get the meats from hare today.

12-25-2012, 07:40 AM
Hare Today is a good source, and there are a few others that ship raw meats for dog food.

But also keep an eye on sales in your local grocery stores. I usually can buy chicken thighs for 99 cents a pound and short dated meats are often marked down. I scored yesterday afternoon right before Christmas as one store marked much of their meats down to 1/5th the price! Got some $15 steaks for $3 and chicken wing packs were $1.20 for about 2 pounds of the organic chicken.

12-25-2012, 01:19 PM
I Breed raBBits & Im thinking of increasing my Production if I can get enough people interested in Buying them. I will B willing to shiP frozen. If you are intersted PM me & let me know. Orders will have to B put in in advance to give time for them to reach appropriate size. I really want a few regular customers that I can keep satisfied and still have some for my dogs.