View Full Version : raw feed

12-24-2012, 12:19 PM
i wanna start feeding raw never tried it, it would b my first tyme could sme body tell me wat to get are wat should i feed them im gne to get jack book but i wanna start them now thx..

12-24-2012, 07:30 PM
I been feeding raw for about 4 months now since I got Jack's Bible. I feed the economic raw diet. My feed consist of a chicken leg quarter, white rice, plain yogurt, a multivitamin, wheat germ, and a raw egg. I give the wheat germ just 3 times a week. The rice is used as a filler in place of the organs like gizzards, hearts, etc. I been pleased with the results and don't plan on ever feeding kibble again. Hope this info helped.


12-31-2012, 11:22 AM
thx for tha info but if my hound lose weight to fast do i up tha rice r leg quarters ..

No Quarter Kennel
01-02-2013, 06:30 PM
You would naturally up the calories altogether.
But to give you an example, when I have one drop a little wt or needs to add some wt, I simply add an additional chicken quarter in the morning and continue to feed as I have been in the evening. Splitting the feed seems to help some, but adding something in the morning does the trick for me. One of my favorite bitches is just a hard keeper for wt b/c she goes all damn day long. So, she eats a chicken quarter in the morning, one in the evening along with her "guts".

Meaux - good job on the feed my man. I got a good feeling about you and your dogs. You are getting into this right man.

Officially Retired
01-04-2013, 02:11 AM
thx for tha info but if my hound lose weight to fast do i up tha rice r leg quarters ..

Best practice is to up the fat/meat and forget the carbs.

The economical raw diet is for big yards, or low budgets, but remember if you're wanting to do your best then upping the FAT is the way to go.

Check out the raw diet videos (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/videos.php) on this site.


01-04-2013, 03:17 AM
Best practice is to up the fat/meat and forget the carbs.


Jack I have to ask this question to be sure I'm not giving the wrong info to people. Up here in VA it can get cold in the winter and people ask how do I keep weighton during these cold months.

I add lard to their food . Is adding Lard okay or would you suggest adding another type of fat to the diet?

No Quarter Kennel
01-04-2013, 07:43 AM
If I'm not mistaken, Lard is animal fat, so therefore, you should be doing right. Myself, all I do is add more Raw Chicken. I do this in the morning if I'm an evening feeder so they get more animal meat/fat twice a day.

01-04-2013, 10:32 AM

I'm just learning from the right folks and trying to do it right ya know. I'll have to try feeding them "guts" one day.

Officially Retired
01-04-2013, 03:01 PM
Jack I have to ask this question to be sure I'm not giving the wrong info to people. Up here in VA it can get cold in the winter and people ask how do I keep weighton during these cold months.
I add lard to their food . Is adding Lard okay or would you suggest adding another type of fat to the diet?

I used a tiny glop of lard to stick a vitamin in, when feeding the economical diet, but feeding large amounts of lard isn't recommended. I would just use chicken or beef fat myself.

Fish oils (salmon / sardine, etc.) are far preferable to lard in large amounts.
