View Full Version : underweight 12 houres before the hunt

12-25-2012, 01:17 PM
Looking for some good tips for if you know you're going to be underweight at the show, 12 hours in advance.

I believe i read in barney's five he's giving his dog 1-2 or slices of white bread.

Interesting to read what people do when a dog is overweight too. How many of yall have been giving dex. As an "emergency measure" some give around 0,1cc per 5 kg......3 houres before the show and it will lose around 200-250 ml of water. But i also hear dogs will be fight more open because they feel less pain because of the dexafort.

Lets hear

12-25-2012, 04:16 PM
Give your dog Dex and you could say bye bye to your money and your dog. Unless his opponent wasn't shit to begin with. Always prepare your dog to go the distance. When most of your matches go over the hour mark, and both dogs didnt run hot, you'll know the competition is stiff.
As for if you knew he was gonna be under weight before show time, if you want to know, PM me and I'll tell you how I do it. That's a secret I can't let my rivals know.

12-25-2012, 07:13 PM
There are many ways to get your dog up to weight 12 hours before a show.

Match ANY dog and you could possibly be saying bye bye to your money and your dog. I have never seen dex be the reason of a dog losing personally. I certainly won't sit here and say it can't happen due to the stupidity regularly on display from people and a little knowledge. I can say that, again, the times I've used dex before a show, I've never seen any issues from using it. Again, so many things can be figured out BEFORE with individual dogs that there simply isn't any reason to go into any show unprepared.

12-26-2012, 01:35 AM
IMO nothing should be done 12 hours out. Everything you put into your dog will be dead weight. All you can do is let your dog drink water until a couple of hours before. The reason we empty our dogs before a hunt is not only to loose weight. Dogs are programmed to hunt empty. Thats what I do. If you are under weight you did misjudge your dogs weight. If you believe it will be a big disadvantage pay ff. If not go ahead. Maybe now you know his true best weight.

12-26-2012, 05:00 AM
Depends on how much under? And the target weight factors in as well. If you are talking 3 or four pounds I would pay the forfeit. If they are dogs in the low to mid thirties a couple of pounds is a lot to ask. If you know without a doubt 40 is his best and ideal weight and he is at 38-39 12 hours before after an hour in he can be another pound or so lighter so 2 pounds at 12 hours out could be three or four by the hour mark. If he is biting shit in half and you are not packing a lunch that factors in as well. If you are planning on being there a while that factors too.
Just saying under at 12 hours leaves a lot of variables to try to factor in/figure out. Just playing the odds if you are off at 12 just pay the forfeit and be right next time. When one of these dogs are deemed 'good' and some even 'great' one of the similar characteristics of these dogs is that they have the God given ability and heart to over come the owner's shortcomings. The owner should always limit those shortcomings the best he can and put the dog in the best possible position to do well. EWO

12-26-2012, 06:16 AM
well put

12-26-2012, 05:48 PM
You can do other things aside from letting your dog drink water. You can give a supplement type powder with water, and it won't be dead weight. It will be absorbed and being used before show time. Your dog will climb up in weight slowly, and he won't be any worse for wear. There won't be any food sitting in his stomach, so that eliminates the idea of dead weight.

pig mad
12-26-2012, 11:21 PM
What sought of supplement you talking frosty like a vitamin or electrolyte or something else?

12-26-2012, 11:52 PM
You can do other things aside from letting your dog drink water. You can give a supplement type powder with water, and it won't be dead weight. It will be absorbed and being used before show time. Your dog will climb up in weight slowly, and he won't be any worse for wear. There won't be any food sitting in his stomach, so that eliminates the idea of dead weight.

I agree. I was refering to the giving the dogs bread before the show to make him gain weight. That imo is useless and will do more harm than good. One thing to take into cinsideration is don't do anything unless you know what you do, and why you are giving it.