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Officially Retired
12-31-2012, 01:57 PM
Somehow, I tried to delete a response I gave to a question here, to re-do it, and wound up deleting the entire thread topic itself, which is a damned shame :angry: :crying:

But what the hell can a guy do but start over? :lol:



Jon P. Lebron
02-02-2013, 03:55 AM
I cant upload pics straight from my device, only from an Url, is their a way that this can be done?

Officially Retired
02-03-2013, 11:57 AM
I cant upload pics straight from my device, only from an Url, is their a way that this can be done?

You can store your photos right here on this Database using the Albums feature:


Click the bottom-right corner of the video to enlarge so you can see the detail.

Hope this helps,


02-27-2013, 05:05 AM
I didn't find Thailand in the list of countrys a day ago when I was putting some dogs up, just a heads up :)

03-20-2013, 08:35 AM
Seen this on another site awhile back and it seemed like most of the members really got into. Jack I figure since this is a dog site and your into photos this might be something your interested in. Basically have member post pictures either in a category of males, females, pups or just one large group to see who has the best looking dog photos of that group. Let it last all moth with member voting for the best of the group of pictures. The other site offered some kind of small prize but I believe( and I'm speaking for myself here) that just being recognized by other members of the site would be a good prize. Just thought I would put this out there as somethingto thinking about and see if any other member would be interested in

03-21-2013, 07:21 AM
No one else has any thoughts on this

03-21-2013, 09:27 AM
I think that would be something similar like The PPB FunDog topic..which in time, won't be fun anymore. I don't think it's going to work unless there's an actual prize or recognition. And with being just how good a dog looks in a photo, I don't think I would care to participate.
I think if there was something like being recognized as PBB DOY then there will be more participant.
There are more Dog men on here than photographers.:idea:

Officially Retired
03-21-2013, 06:43 PM
I could swear I posted a response here ... but I guess I just thought about it :lol:

We could do something like that, although I can't participate since I only have one doggie now :mrgreen:

As far as tangible prizes go, I think I could do something like that (DVD, Nature's Magic product, etc.)

Let me think about it ...

03-22-2013, 04:12 AM
You said if there was something like a PPB DOY what if the winner each month was put up on the site somewhere and at the end of the the year the dogs that won each month could be put against one another for DOY? And far as as more dogmen that photographers... I have seen serveral dogmen with great picots of in shape dogs n here before I see no reason why it would be hard for them to win.

Jack I was thinking a prize like that would really work to get people involved but wasn't going to suggested it

Should we do a pole to see if members will take part or should a post be done with this as the topic to see how it does maybe for the month of April( seeing as march is almost over)?

03-22-2013, 09:19 AM
I dont think OGDOGG meant doy on picture.

Its always good to see some nice photo's though.

03-25-2013, 09:24 AM
You're right R2L..I am talking about box dogs not show dogs. As you could see there are more "congrats" threads than "just showing" threads, and if that one dog is shown 3-5x a year, he could win DOY.

03-25-2013, 10:07 AM
I figured that was what you meant by the DOY but I don't see a reason to have open internet acknowledgement of a box dog. Plus, even who is to say those congrat post are real? Someone could post 3-5 shows a year and not one ever really happen. Or even if they did happen who is to say that dog is a top dog that deserves DOY? Fact is unless people voting are at the show there is no way to judge two dogs against one another if we didn't see the two in action. Where everyone involve can take a look at picture and judge the animals shape and keep

Officially Retired
04-01-2013, 02:44 PM
I didn't find Thailand in the list of countrys a day ago when I was putting some dogs up, just a heads up :)

Didn't see this, but thanks!

I have just added Thailand as well as the country of Bahrain ... sorry I missed this for so long ... but it is taken care of now :mrgreen:

04-22-2013, 03:05 PM
Jack, so i wanted to delete a dog by replacing it with another.

How do i get rid of the pictures if i don't have any, or 5 from the other dog.

Officially Retired
04-23-2013, 09:34 AM
Good question, R2L.

1. Save all photos, in case they're not there for the duplicate dog.
2. I will get back to you on this.

Officially Retired
04-23-2013, 12:44 PM
We are going to upgrade our add/search feature and we are also going to start rewarding people for entering in dogs. It is lame that so many of you still use PedsOnline pedigrees, when you have a 10x better database here to use. Just makes no sense, other than sheer laziness.

Why post a link to your dog on a stale database, with only 1 photo, when you can post a link to this database, with 4 photos and a video, if you want?
Why post a link to a dog/pup to a site with no pedigree statistics, when you can post a link to a site with all the statistics you could want?
Why post a link to a pedigree that only goes back 4 generations, when you can post a link to a pedigree that goes back 5,6,7,8,9,10-15 generations?

Makes no sense, other than the sheer laziness of those who don't feel like entering their dogs.

Well, we are going to start giving away months/years of membership here for GOOD data entry. Meaning entering your dogs, with all the information, all 4 photos, etc. Just zipping-in a bunch of no-info/no-photo dogs isn't going to count for shit; but putting in EVERYTHING is going to earn you rewards very soon (including database time, books/DVDs, Nature's Magic products, etc).

I haven't figured out what will earn what yet, but I will be thinking of this over the next day or so, as I am tired of seeing no-effort pedigrees, or PedOnline pedigrees, when the lazy asses who do this could really make their own pedigrees shine, if they just put a little effort into it :D


04-23-2013, 01:29 PM
Now that is a great idea

04-23-2013, 09:42 PM

Officially Retired
04-24-2013, 03:11 AM

You can edit a post, but not delete a thread.

The reason I don't let members delete their own threads is because sometimes there will be big, long productive discussions ... and one guy will just wipe it out, which loses a lot of good info.

So you should be able to delete/edit your own posts, but not a whole thread.


PS: Which one are you talking about and welcome aboard :)

04-24-2013, 07:44 PM
Anybody got an answer?

04-24-2013, 08:59 PM
You can store your photos right here on this Database using the Albums feature:


Click the bottom-right corner of the video to enlarge so you can see the detail.

Hope this helps,



04-25-2013, 11:36 AM

04-28-2013, 07:38 AM
I think that would be cool DOY........

04-28-2013, 09:40 PM
We think it would be cool to post some pictures of awesomely conditioned/structured animals for people of this community to vote on.. Why would anyone need to win something for sharing a picture within this community? We're assuming you would have to have a complex if you ACTUALLY put your dog into top condition to win a "Picture Competition" on the internet though.. Hahaha.

We don't think you would attach names or pedigrees to the dogs entered each month, until a winner was chosen. Then just spotlight the winner each month or something to that effect.

05-06-2013, 02:48 PM
I am trying to make a test breeding between two dogs... TDK's Jersey Red and TDK's Georgia Belle .... Now the problem is. TDK's Jersey Red is too far down on the list for me to select.


Officially Retired
05-06-2013, 03:04 PM
I am trying to make a test breeding between two dogs... TDK's Jersey Red and TDK's Georgia Belle .... Now the problem is. TDK's Jersey Red is too far down on the list for me to select.

Thank you for your question.

We have now made the list "unlimited" so you should be able to find her ;)

Hope this helps :mrgreen:


05-07-2013, 02:18 PM
Thanks Jack, Now i feel sheepish. Here i thought i had the search feature down and have watched all the tutorials. Thanks again!


Officially Retired
05-07-2013, 03:27 PM
I understand, it's a lot to learn at first viewing :shocked:

And I am very glad you asked the question, because (trust me) there are dozens of people wondering the same thing and just not asking :)

05-13-2013, 09:33 PM
How do you delete a picture on a duplicate dog pedigree to put in a new dog to get rid of duplicate? Know how to remove all other stats etc. But not the picture. The correct pedigree has all remarks/ stats/spelling/breeders/pedigree/picture correct.

05-13-2013, 10:35 PM
Where do I find when my subscription period begins and ends? I've looked but may have just overlooked it.

Officially Retired
05-14-2013, 12:35 AM
How do you delete a picture on a duplicate dog pedigree to put in a new dog to get rid of duplicate? Know how to remove all other stats etc. But not the picture. The correct pedigree has all remarks/ stats/spelling/breeders/pedigree/picture correct.

Good question. I am going to have to ask my brother on that one.

Officially Retired
05-14-2013, 12:43 AM
Where do I find when my subscription period begins and ends? I've looked but may have just overlooked it.

Click the Subscribe Now (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/payments.php) link and you will see it.



05-25-2013, 04:07 AM
Is there a way to be notified when someone changes a ped that you entered? For example I put this in

Someone incorrectly added or changed the dam. He is bred like this

The change was made last year but I have only just realised it has been changed.

ps The 'my peds' is a great feature

05-25-2013, 04:13 AM
Just spotted another one http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=5478 this has been altered and no longer makes any sense - why not just contact the person that put it in rather than destroy the record and leave it ??

05-28-2013, 06:00 AM
i'm looking over entries i've made and found something i can't seem to resolve...
in the Addbreeding.php page, i've got id # 236 entered correctly but i've lost the "EDIT" hyperlink in id # 392 and 410 which i wish to remove or edit.
can you help me recover the option to edit these entries. thanks you for your help.

Officially Retired
05-28-2013, 03:44 PM
i'm looking over entries i've made and found something i can't seem to resolve...
in the Addbreeding.php page, i've got id # 236 entered correctly but i've lost the "EDIT" hyperlink in id # 392 and 410 which i wish to remove or edit.
can you help me recover the option to edit these entries. thanks you for your help.


The reason you lost the hyperlink is because the latter two breedings must have been entered by another user (or while you were using another handle--which is against the rules here).


Officially Retired
05-28-2013, 04:00 PM
Is there a way to be notified when someone changes a ped that you entered? For example I put this in
Someone incorrectly added or changed the dam. He is bred like this
The change was made last year but I have only just realised it has been changed.

To answer your question, no, there is (currently) no way to be notified. Sure, it is possible to for us to create this feature, but that would involve a lot of work and code, which we're not prepared to do at this time.

To correct the problem, just change the name back if you like.

Also, keep in mind that each change is logged in the "Change Log" hyperlink, and I have identified the perpetrator of the change and issued a punishment accordingly.

ps The 'my peds' is a great feature

Glad you like it :)

Just spotted another one http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=5478 this has been altered and no longer makes any sense - why not just contact the person that put it in rather than destroy the record and leave it ??

That person has likewise been identified through the ChangeLog and banned for a month. You can correct the pedigree back to the way you had it if you like. If you need help learning how to change a pedigree back, watch this video (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?233).

Hope this helps,


05-29-2013, 08:40 AM
Thanks for your reply, it wasn't until I looked in the 'My Peds' section that I realised how many mistakes there was. I have corrected most of them (mostly my mistakes not putting ' in the right place). As for the messed up ped it probably easier if I change it to a new dog, that way it will help avoid duplicates.

06-09-2013, 03:43 PM
I see an option "for sale" when editing details. How about the "for sale" filter in search bulldogs.

Black Hand
06-09-2013, 03:57 PM
I see an option "for sale" when editing details. How about the "for sale" filter in search bulldogs.

that's a pretty good idea. you could browse all the for sale dogs at once. it would pretty much change the way people browse classified ad's for dogs as you could see everything that's available and contact the person who posted the ped right away. I think it would help with people posting links to other databases also if it's successful in the way that it will only be possible for your dog to be in the for sale search function if the dog is entered into the database here.

06-17-2013, 09:29 PM
All pedigrees I have changed were duplicates or just sitting with no pedigree or off spring. If I took anyone's dog out of the system show me the error and will correct. Do not wish to make a bigger mess than what I am seeing in the system.

Here is a example coming up. Moutain Man's Susie and Bennet's Blackie,someone correct me if I am wrong. Believe Susie and Blackie were the same bitch dog. Must be three or four version's of the Spiderbitem bitch showing one or the other dam. If I looked at it right. Was a fast going over when I looked.

Was contacted about Colby's Oreo and Weaver's (Colby's Diamond). Got that corrected and used Weaver's Diamond to get rid of another duplicate of Colby's Diamond and Weaver's (Colby's) Diamond. In the remarks did add AKA Colby's Diamond.

Just saw two Garner's and Alshakur's Queen. Only need one.

Another is Mayfield's Snake and Jackson's Rattler. Same dog but most know the dog as Mayfield's Snake.

There are two Mt and Mountain Man's Homer listed. Corrected that and have now a Mt Man's Homer with no offspring. Moved the one off spring over to Mountain Man's Homer that has pic and all other siblings and off spring listed. Will later get rid of the Mt Man's NOS ped with another dog.

07-17-2013, 04:50 PM
something i just noticed searching a 4w of jeep
it says 135 offspring, but it shows about 40 when u click it.

07-29-2013, 07:00 AM
Trying to delete my post

Officially Retired
07-29-2013, 07:54 AM
You can delete your own posts, just not threads. I will delete it.

Officially Retired
07-29-2013, 08:32 AM
Sorry for not answering these questions.

My brother just got back from a trip as a consultant, and (after relaxing for a bit) we will address all of these issues this week.

Thank you ALL very much ... both for your patience as well as your good ideas!!!

Much appreciated :pirate:

07-29-2013, 01:10 PM
I have a post I have to delete in the breeding section . The name of the post is Ch. Thurston blood . You said I don't suppose to put a breeding up as a dog . I fix the other two post and you didn't say anything about the one I'm speaking about so I don't know if I was wrong on that one too but if so I would like for it to be delete it and the pedigrees of the breedings becuz you said I supposed to have put it up as a breeding instead of a dog

Officially Retired
08-01-2013, 05:21 AM
something i just noticed searching a 4w of jeep
it says 135 offspring, but it shows about 40 when u click it.

This problem is fixed now.

Officially Retired
08-09-2013, 03:41 AM
A couple more improvements have been made:

1) When adding a dog, or making a breeding, if you put in a name like "Lady" or "Red" (where there was a thousand dogs with those names in it), the list of dogs with that name would cut-off after 100 names, not showing every possibility. Now the list shows every dog with these names;
2) On the offspring list, which also had a cap on it, although the cap was removed all the names were scrambled. Now they are in alphabetical order :mrgreen:

Hope these help,


Wardog Kennels
10-07-2013, 05:07 PM
When I type registered name it says it is already in use. There are going to be lots of dogs with the same name but different sire and dams. Am I doing something wrong? I am trying to add some dogs I've owned and some of their sire or dams aren't in the database yet. Thank you for any help.

Officially Retired
10-07-2013, 05:16 PM
When I type registered name it says it is already in use. There are going to be lots of dogs with the same name but different sire and dams. Am I doing something wrong? I am trying to add some dogs I've owned and some of their sire or dams aren't in the database yet. Thank you for any help.

Please watch this video (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?232).

Then come back with any questions you may have.

Do not add ANY dogs until you read/watch the instructions, thanks.

Wardog Kennels
10-07-2013, 05:25 PM
Thank you

Officially Retired
10-07-2013, 05:38 PM
Sure. It is kind of confusing at first, I know, but once you get the hang of it, you'll really like the way it operates.


10-23-2013, 03:49 PM


Why are these the exact same breeding but the coefficient numbers are different?

Officially Retired
10-23-2013, 03:57 PM
Because they're not the exact same breeding.

In fact, the parents are different, with different parents themselves, and because the tightness of each parent is different, it thereby affects the aggregate quotient.

I understand what you're saying ... in the sense that all 4 grand parents are "the same" ... but because they're stacked differently, therefore they put a slightly different spin on things for each parent.

For example these two dogs have the exact same 4 grand parents also:



However, their W.I.C.s are different as well. Miagi is a bit looser-bred, while Serious is tighter-bred, and that is because Serious' daddy was a 75% inbred Poncho dog, while Miagi's mama was only 50% "double-granddaughter."

So they're really not "the same" at all; just very similar.

That's a good question though ...


10-24-2013, 10:16 PM
No, the pedigrees you referenced are different. It's Poncho being bred to Wild Red Rose in one pedigree and Kitana in the other & Thunder was bred to both of those gyps as well. And I understand why those would be different WCI percentages.

BUT, in the pedigrees I'm asking about...

(Bruiser x Belle) x (Ranger x Lil Brook)


(Ranger x Lil Brook) x (Bruiser x Belle).

If Bruiser was bred to "Lil Brook" in one of those pedigrees it would be understandable, but he wasn't. So, with the exact genetic make-up why are the WCI's not the same? And I'm not trying to argue, I'm genuinely trying to understand it.

Officially Retired
10-28-2013, 11:57 AM
No, the pedigrees you referenced are different. It's Poncho being bred to Wild Red Rose in one pedigree and Kitana in the other & Thunder was bred to both of those gyps as well. And I understand why those would be different WCI percentages.
BUT, in the pedigrees I'm asking about...
(Bruiser x Belle) x (Ranger x Lil Brook)
(Ranger x Lil Brook) x (Bruiser x Belle).
If Bruiser was bred to "Lil Brook" in one of those pedigrees it would be understandable, but he wasn't. So, with the exact genetic make-up why are the WCI's not the same? And I'm not trying to argue, I'm genuinely trying to understand it.

I can't answer your question, because I am neither the creator of the Wright's Inbreeding Coefficient nor am I mathematician enough to explain it to you.

What I can ask you to do is place these same breedings into another (commercial) pedigree program and see if the output is different and then to report your findings here.

On my end, what I can do is ask my brother (a true mathematician) to explain the reasoning to me, if he can, or to correct the mistake (if, indeed, one has been made).

Again, I understand where you're coming from, so hopefully we can find the legitimate answer as to "why" ... or ... correct the mistake in calculation if you've spotted one.



10-28-2013, 09:02 PM
Thanks Jack! I'm truly confused by it, and my friend who is a breeder is the one who brought it to my attention. I will do some more research on it.

Officially Retired
10-29-2013, 02:35 AM
Good deal.

I will be talking to my brother about it tonight, so hopefully we get some clarification soon :)


10-30-2013, 07:48 AM
When I enter these breedings into another (commercial) pedigree database; the WIC for both pedigrees is 10.938%. So, there's something off with this WIC equation.

10-30-2013, 08:40 AM
Is it possible to insert pic of pedigree from URL ? This operation would be much faster than from file.

Officially Retired
10-30-2013, 09:15 AM
When I enter these breedings into another (commercial) pedigree database; the WIC for both pedigrees is 10.938%. So, there's something off with this WIC equation.

Okay, thanks. I have scheduled with my brother a time tonight to go over this and see.

The numbers may be off from this database to the other one, because the other database isn't going to have the exact volume of dogs we do.

However, if everything is identical, my brother agreed there should be lateral symmetry on ours. Still, the numbers are near-identical anyway.


Officially Retired
10-30-2013, 09:17 AM
Is it possible to insert pic of pedigree from URL ? This operation would be much faster than from file.

I am not sure I understand. You can right-click any photograph and get the image URL.

Are you wanting an actual image of the pedigree itself?

10-31-2013, 01:36 AM
Now to insert a photo in dog's pedigree i must have pic saved on my pc and insert it through file. Instead if i could insert pic from URL it would be enough copy and paste from other pic. all to make faster operation.

Officially Retired
10-31-2013, 02:45 AM
Now to insert a photo in dog's pedigree i must have pic saved on my pc and insert it through file. Instead if i could insert pic from URL it would be enough copy and paste from other pic. all to make faster operation.

Two things:

1 You can't do it that way and "insert" anything. What you're talking about is for (say) an internet post, which just "displays an image" on your post. But is doesn't work that way for a database entry of a photograph ... which saves the image to the database. For that, you have to SUBMIT (insert) a photograph, which necessitates actually doing so from a hard drive. Our pedigree system is a DATABASE, and it requires the submission of photographs and data, not copied hyperlinks.

2. Speed-wise, there is no difference between the two. I can right-click an image, save it to my drive, and then submit it to the pedigree database as fast as you can copy/paste a link, set it in your post, format the BB code, and then place a post.

Hope this clarifies.


10-31-2013, 07:02 AM
comon why ask to resgister if yu can't look anything without paying ???

Officially Retired
10-31-2013, 07:21 AM
comon why ask to resgister if yu can't look anything without paying ???

Because you can't Subscribe (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/howto.php) (pay) without first being Registered ... so Registration = Step 1

I mean, really, how in the world can we accept a payment from you, and assign it to an account, unless you've created an account first? :idea:


11-03-2013, 02:12 AM
When ever I create a pedigree that's not my actual dog it show on my ped how if I can just have my dogs only on my peds not the dog I had to creat to complete my dogs peds?

Officially Retired
11-03-2013, 03:18 AM
When ever I create a pedigree that's not my actual dog it show on my ped how if I can just have my dogs only on my peds not the dog I had to creat to complete my dogs peds?

Because the "My Pedigrees" feature = the dogs you created on this database (i.e., the pedigrees you're responsible for), not the dogs you actually own.


Officially Retired
11-03-2013, 03:20 AM
PS: If you want to see the dogs you actually own, then go to the Search Bulldogs feature and just type your name as the owner, and you can see the list of all the dogs you own as well :)

11-03-2013, 09:05 AM
Oh,ok I'm just so use to peds online when you click on my peds it just shows my ped's . Thanks jack

11-03-2013, 09:17 AM
Maybe mark your own dogs as favorites :O All your dogs will show up in the favorite list when u go to tab search bulldogs

Officially Retired
11-03-2013, 09:33 AM
Oh,ok I'm just so use to peds online when you click on my peds it just shows my ped's . Thanks jack

You're welcome. Just keep your name as owner consistent.

In other words, for me (let's say), I don't want to put CA Jack sometimes ... and Vise-Grip others ... and Vise-Grip Kennels on occasion ... because those are 3 different names for the same guy (me). So if I am inconsistent this, then I will not be keeping accurate data.

Instead, I should enter my name as Vise-Grip Kennels every time, which will make my database searches uniform and complete :mrgreen:

Have fun!

11-03-2013, 10:21 AM
PS: If you want to see the dogs you actually own, then go to the Search Bulldogs feature and just type your name as the owner, and you can see the list of all the dogs you own as well :)

If u really want to see the dogs you own. Get your ass outside :-)

Officially Retired
11-03-2013, 10:39 AM
If u really want to see the dogs you own. Get your ass outside :-)

True :lol:

Although, with me now, all I have is a house doggie.

11-04-2013, 09:19 AM
True :lol:

Although, with me now, all I have is a house doggie.

I was down to 2 this summer. Didnt like it at all

Officially Retired
11-04-2013, 03:57 PM
I was down to 2 this summer. Didnt like it at all

Yeah, it gets tough sometimes looking through old pictures ... or thinking about possible breeding combinations I let go of :(

11-20-2013, 05:30 PM
That shows how much time until you have to renew?

Officially Retired
11-20-2013, 06:07 PM
No, but I think you get a reminder emailed to you a month before you go.

Just make sure you keep your email current ...

11-20-2013, 06:23 PM
The count down ticker is actually a good idea! But, more content ugh Jack! :lol:

11-21-2013, 06:01 AM
No, but I think you get a reminder emailed to you a month before you go.

Just make sure you keep your email current ...

Ok, thanks.

Officially Retired
11-21-2013, 06:03 AM
The count down ticker is actually a good idea! But, more content ugh Jack! :lol:

LMAO ... we already have so much more to do :shocked:

But it is a good idea :mrgreen:


Officially Retired
11-21-2013, 06:03 AM
Ok, thanks.

Sure. (PS I looked you up and you are good till March :D )

PSS: You can take advantage of the Christmas deal, though, and it will tack-on to what you already have :idea:

11-21-2013, 06:16 AM
Sounds good Jack. I like the X-mas deal too, just might have to jump on it.

11-21-2013, 06:36 AM
I typed in the sire x dame ,and clicked save ,the ped showed up as it should .i then went to planned breedings on the pedigree section ,it was not on it .

Officially Retired
11-21-2013, 06:48 AM
Hi Sonny;

1) You should not be entering in planned breedings in the actual breedings slot. (They should be entered in the test breeding feature).
2) Test breedings never get recorded. We only store actual breedings in the database, not planned breedings.

Are you using the test breeding or actual breeding feature? Actual breedings do get recorded, and should be there, but test breedings will not (which is by design).

11-21-2013, 08:52 AM
Actual breeding ,rattler x fanta
And crazy eyes jr x Maggie
Had trouble once b4 and ended up with same litter several times recorded

11-21-2013, 08:53 AM
Most likely something i did wrong or did not do ,

11-21-2013, 09:00 AM
Just tried again ,no luck

Officially Retired
11-21-2013, 09:10 AM
They're all there, Sonny, and you've added 5 of them ... can you re-do the other 4 into other breedings please.

When you click on Rattler (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=7900), look under Breedings Made.

11-21-2013, 09:28 AM
I will try thanks

Officially Retired
11-21-2013, 10:15 AM
I will try thanks


As new breedings come up, you can Edit the duplicate breedings/dates to be from dogs. Also, if you sync the litter dates with the date of birth of the pups produced, then the pups will show up on the Breeding page same as the breedings will show up under the parents.

11-21-2013, 02:56 PM
Got it done .

Officially Retired
11-21-2013, 04:33 PM
Good deal!

12-02-2013, 12:34 PM
I followed the video that jack put up and i picked a female with the same exact name as the female i was looking for and its the wrong ped. I deleted the dog and the ped is still there does anybody know how to delete it

Officially Retired
12-02-2013, 03:05 PM
What dog are you trying to add?

12-08-2013, 05:59 AM
Now that i start adding some dogs again, just 2 things i would personally find helpful.
1. is leaving land of birth and country open or unknown instead of USA. lot of times i dont know the land of standing or i dont want to put the land of standing, takes time changing them so what i think most people will do is just leave it on USA. Did it a few times also, will correct them later.
2. if there would be 3 different boxes for month/day and year, preferably if u can just select the number. This will reduce the ammount of mistake there big time.


Officially Retired
12-08-2013, 06:14 AM
Now that i start adding some dogs again, just 2 things i would personally find helpful.

Thank you for your input, and I will try to respond ...

1. is leaving land of birth and country open or unknown instead of USA. lot of times i dont know the land of standing or i dont want to put the land of standing, takes time changing them so what i think most people will do is just leave it on USA. Did it a few times also, will correct them later.

1. The breed is the AMERICAN pit bull terrier and so the USA should be the default place of birth ...
2. We actually used to have the default as "Unknown" ... but quickly saw that 99.99% of the people were too lazy to change it ... which is why there are so many earlier dogs with Unknown as the place of birth, etc. ... even dogs like Carver's XX (which any fool should know was a USA dog) were left as "unknown" just because the lazy person never changed it to USA where it belonged.
3. Thus, by leaving the default as USA ... again for the American pit bull terrier ... it will be correct 99% of the time for any dog entered by default, even when the person doesn't bother with it.

2. if there would be 3 different boxes for month/day and year, preferably if u can just select the number. This will reduce the ammount of mistake there big time.

This is a great idea, and we will probably incorporate it, if possible!


Thanks again :mrgreen:


12-08-2013, 06:59 AM
1. The breed is the AMERICAN pit bull terrier and so the USA should be the default place of birth ...
2. We actually used to have the default as "Unknown" ... but quickly saw that 99.99% of the people were too lazy to change it ... which is why there are so many earlier dogs with Unknown as the place of birth, etc. ... even dogs like Carver's XX (which any fool should know was a USA dog) were left as "unknown" just because the lazy person never changed it to USA where it belonged.
3. Thus, by leaving the default as USA ... again for the American pit bull terrier ... it will be correct 99% of the time for any dog entered by default, even when the person doesn't bother with it.

Assuming 99% of the users are from the USA, you are correct :D
In the meanwhile we have dogs with more then 10 generations of European dogs only from many different small countries. Can be hard to find out where each one of them came from.
Am i thinking to high of your brother to create a check box "set/use USA by default" ? :)
Its not that im to lazy, but im sure if the amount of European users on this database will increase, u will get plenty dogs with the false land of standing, rather then unknown. For the same reason people from USA are not changing unknown to USA.
Anyway, just ideas.

12-11-2013, 10:19 PM
Am I missing something? I haven't had time yet, to post any pedigrees but I will when the time permits. I am a new to your site but, I seem to be having prblems viewing some pics in the forums and when I type a name in the quick search blank it is not taking me to a pedigree instead, it takes me to the how to post pedigrees videos. It thanks, izdontlie2

Officially Retired
12-12-2013, 04:44 AM
Assuming 99% of the users are from the USA, you are correct :D
In the meanwhile we have dogs with more then 10 generations of European dogs only from many different small countries. Can be hard to find out where each one of them came from.
Am i thinking to high of your brother to create a check box "set/use USA by default" ? :)
Its not that im to lazy, but im sure if the amount of European users on this database will increase, u will get plenty dogs with the false land of standing, rather then unknown. For the same reason people from USA are not changing unknown to USA.
Anyway, just ideas.

It is as simple as this:

1. Leaving the default to "Unknown" will be WRONG 99x out of 100;
2. Leaving the default to USA will be RIGHT 99x out of 100 :)

Officially Retired
12-12-2013, 04:58 AM
Am I missing something? I haven't had time yet, to post any pedigrees but I will when the time permits. I am a new to your site but, I seem to be having prblems viewing some pics in the forums and when I type a name in the quick search blank it is not taking me to a pedigree instead, it takes me to the how to post pedigrees videos. It thanks, izdontlie2


While I welcome you as a new member, your question here underscores the entire problem with most people: they fail to follow the instructions sitting right in front of them.

When you came onboard, you were automatically PM'd a message entitled IMPORTANT INFORMATION, which told you how to do things here and it gave you a link to all of my video tutorials SHOWING YOU (guess what?) ... how to do things :idea:

Did you follow the instructions? No.
Did you click on the link to view and learn (ahem) "How to do things?" No.
So what are you having trouble with? You guessed it: How to do things :rolleyes:

Sorry, but when I give people explicit information ... and spend um-teen-dozen hours providing ALL the information you need to learn how to do things ... and you don't even bother to read/watch it ... it gets kinda frustrating :angry:

So now I have to re-write the instructions I have already taken the time to spell out (and make videos of) for you already. So let me give you a clue: the quick search is not what you use for searching pedigrees. That is what you use to search the forums and the articles.

If you want to learn the what/where/when as to the Pedigree Database, then I suggest you actually follow the instructions I already provided you in these tutorials (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?229). One of them you will discover is called The Ultimate Search Engine, and if you actually take the time to view it, all of your questions will be answered :)

In closing, after you get done being mad at me for this post (even though it's your own fault), and after you get finished watching the tutorial(s), you will then be able to use this resource properly ... and, when you start doing so, I hope that you see how really POWERFUL and COOL all the features really are, and I hope you forgive me for my impatience with your laziness :mrgreen:


12-14-2013, 05:40 PM
hey jack, im looking for a way to print ( like print friendly) so i can keep a hard copy of my peds

Officially Retired
12-15-2013, 12:34 AM
hey jack, im looking for a way to print ( like print friendly) so i can keep a hard copy of my peds

We do not create such a feature ... as the whole idea here was to be paperless :)

However, we have been asked this question a couple of times now, so maybe we will create a "print friendly" window next year.


bobby bones
12-18-2013, 11:34 AM
some how I entered a pedigree and it is not showing that I created it. it has a blank spot there. how can this be corrected?

Officially Retired
12-18-2013, 11:38 AM
Which dog?

Post the URL.

12-18-2013, 12:09 PM
We do not create such a feature ... as the whole idea here was to be paperless :)

However, we have been asked this question a couple of times now, so maybe we will create a "print friendly" window next year.


Or maybe you can add a future that makes an htm version template with a link : "created by pit bull bible" just a thought

bobby bones
12-18-2013, 02:58 PM
Which dog?

Post the URL.
Dog ID: 31698

Officially Retired
12-18-2013, 03:33 PM
Have no idea ...

Officially Retired
01-08-2014, 03:46 PM
That shows how much time until you have to renew?

Revisiting this, there actually *is* a countdown ticker ... just click the Subscribe Now (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/payments.php) link and your ticker will be up top :)


01-21-2014, 04:08 PM
I'm just thinking out loud here, but would it be possible to implement a calendar system into the database to keep track of a bitch's heat cycle?

Officially Retired
01-21-2014, 06:48 PM
I'm just thinking out loud here, but would it be possible to implement a calendar system into the database to keep track of a bitch's heat cycle?

Nothing wrong with thinking out loud.

We do have a Calendar already here. Click on the subnavigation link Calendars, and then you will see Add New Event.

You can click Recurring, and set it for every 6 months :)


01-25-2014, 11:26 AM
I dont know if this was brought up already. But if u change the amount of pedigrees showed, you lose the dog id in your url.
Would be nice if that didnt happen incase you want to copy paste it to someone else.

02-18-2014, 11:00 AM

02-18-2014, 03:58 PM
I think there may be a problem with the make favourite tab. I'v tried to add a few dogs to my favourites list, only when I click the make favourite tab, there's nothing showing in my favourites list.

Officially Retired
02-19-2014, 07:48 PM
Yes, the Favorites tab isn't working right now.

We've been working on another database for awhile, a photography database, and that's been taking up a lot of our time lately.

We'll get back to this one once the other is finished.


04-18-2014, 01:51 AM
finally posted some peds hope they are above par. I did have a couple of their pics but the upload option wasn't working from this particular device. I will try from another one when I get the chance.

Great board jack you and your brother have done outstanding and continue to do even better.

05-13-2014, 10:58 AM
Say you have a dog that you have raised to the age of 18 months. its name and litter is in the data base. now lets say they it dies. is it proper to take it out the data base? no pups off it and no other record. now you can use the name again on another pup. at the same time it subtracts the number that was in the litter. THOUGHTS:

Officially Retired
05-13-2014, 11:01 AM
Say you have a dog that you have raised to the age of 18 months. its name and litter is in the data base. now lets say they it dies. is it proper to take it out the data base? no pups off it and no other record. now you can use the name again on another pup. at the same time it subtracts the number that was in the litter. THOUGHTS:

Good question ... and my thoughts are NO, don't get rid of it.

Leave it in. The dog was a legitimate dog, it lived, and "erasing it" is actually a falsehood of sorts.

Not to mention this database might be the only record (and memory) of its existence.

In fact, I have purposely added dogs of mine, that I loved, but that died prematurely for one reason or another ... if only to "let their memory live" somewhere.


05-13-2014, 11:21 AM
good reason. im with you on that one

Officially Retired
05-13-2014, 01:12 PM
Agreed, and again, good question :hatsoff:

At some point before I croak, I am going to document and record every dog I've bred (whether it lived or died), and every photo I took of it, for the reasons stated above.


05-15-2014, 06:32 AM
Quick question Jack. I Accidently duplicated breedings. How do I delete unwanted breedings? Tutorial video does not cover such matter. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Officially Retired
05-15-2014, 07:00 AM
finally posted some peds hope they are above par. I did have a couple of their pics but the upload option wasn't working from this particular device. I will try from another one when I get the chance.
Great board jack you and your brother have done outstanding and continue to do even better.

I missed this; thank you very much--glad you like it :)

Officially Retired
05-15-2014, 07:01 AM
Quick question Jack. I Accidently duplicated breedings. How do I delete unwanted breedings? Tutorial video does not cover such matter. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Okay, not to worry :)

You can just "edit" it and create a new breeding.

At this point, we don't have a delete button for breedings, but you can always change the sire/dam/date to be a brand new breeding.


05-18-2014, 03:17 AM
We think it would be cool to post some pictures of awesomely conditioned/structured animals for people of this community to vote on.. Why would anyone need to win something for sharing a picture within this community? We're assuming you would have to have a complex if you ACTUALLY put your dog into top condition to win a "Picture Competition" on the internet though.. Hahaha.

We don't think you would attach names or pedigrees to the dogs entered each month, until a winner was chosen. Then
just spotlight the winner each month or something to that effect.

Good point I like his plan on this

06-05-2014, 10:22 AM
I have watched the video and have a question. I just done a off the yard breeding and want to add the sire of the litter to the database so I can put the breeding together in the database also. Only problem is I don't own the sire of the litter and while the owner doesn't mind me adding the breeding he doesn't want his personal info in the database. Meaning he doesn't want his government name put down as the owner. So, to fully fill out the ped I need to enter something in the owners slot that doesn't go against his wishes. What can I put down as the owner in this case? His commonly known handle? Just wondering what would be best to make sure that the info is entered correct

Officially Retired
06-05-2014, 08:35 PM
I have watched the video and have a question. I just done a off the yard breeding and want to add the sire of the litter to the database so I can put the breeding together in the database also. Only problem is I don't own the sire of the litter and while the owner doesn't mind me adding the breeding he doesn't want his personal info in the database. Meaning he doesn't want his government name put down as the owner. So, to fully fill out the ped I need to enter something in the owners slot that doesn't go against his wishes. What can I put down as the owner in this case? His commonly known handle? Just wondering what would be best to make sure that the info is entered correct

Yes, his common handle is just fine. For example, I don't put my real name up as breeder (even though I don't care if it's up there), I just put Vise-Grip Kennels.

At least 50% (if not more), do so as well.

Thanks for asking,


06-06-2014, 09:18 AM
Pat myself on my back here I have 81 peds entered. But I entered them when the site first opened and I just got done going into each one to fill out all info that I know and now looking up more detail info for each ped. Great job on the site jack hope I can help inprove the info

09-03-2014, 02:24 AM
Jack, made a mistake and added a new dog, when i was adding pups to a breeding.
Deleted the duplicate dog. But it's still in the list (jane) How do i remove it?
Should have renamed it, but to late.

EDIT: think i found a way to fix it, lol. Changed breeder name, and all pups disappeared.

Officially Retired
09-03-2014, 05:38 AM
Jack, made a mistake and added a new dog, when i was adding pups to a breeding.
Deleted the duplicate dog. But it's still in the list (jane) How do i remove it?
Should have renamed it, but to late.

EDIT: think i found a way to fix it, lol. Changed breeder name, and all pups disappeared.


Not sure what you're asking actually.

The breeding profile adds pups based on identical breeding and identical DOB.

Any dog with the same pedigree, and same DOB, is going to show up on the breeding profile, as it should.

You have not deleted Jane, because there she is.

PS: When you say "it," what are you referring to, Jane?

Slow down when you write, and be precise in what you say, and it will help me understand what you're trying to say :)

09-03-2014, 06:26 AM
Ah lol, you don't understand because its already gone.
I added a duplicate "Jane" without kennel name infront of it.
Then i deleted the duplicate ped, but the name of the dog was still in the list of pups of that particular breeding.
Then i changed the breeders name of the breeding profile, which delete all pups on the list of the breeding profile!
Then added the proper dogs.

Hope you understand what i mean now. But its solved.

Officially Retired
09-03-2014, 06:32 AM
I saw what you meant, because there was another Jane on the list, which is now gone.

I clicked on the link and it took me to a dog, so that dog couldn't have been deleted.

What might have happened is your breeding page was never "refreshed" ... but did so when you changed the name??

09-04-2014, 08:49 AM
Great feature Jack, we appreciate all of the bells and whistles the site has to offer!

One thing I'm having an issue with is getting to the "User Statistics" while on a cell. It is bunched together with the "Advanced Search" link. Which makes the "Advanced Search" link the only clickable link for me.

I do not know if this is an issue for anyone else, but it is for 2 of my devices.

Officially Retired
09-05-2014, 11:30 AM
Great feature Jack, we appreciate all of the bells and whistles the site has to offer!
One thing I'm having an issue with is getting to the "User Statistics" while on a cell. It is bunched together with the "Advanced Search" link. Which makes the "Advanced Search" link the only clickable link for me.
I do not know if this is an issue for anyone else, but it is for 2 of my devices.

SOLUTION: Don't use a cell for that.

There simply are too many sub-navigation menu links below the Pedigrees tab to neatly fit on a cell.

I will ask my brother if there's a way around that, but the text can only be made so small (to be seen) and there are a lot of different, independently-functional links on that page.

Cell phones can be used for many computer-related tasks, but not all.

In some cases, "size matters" ...


12-25-2014, 10:43 AM

I have a question concerning renewal of one's membership.

First I'll start with some facts, I joined here on 9/9/13, I renewed this past September. I just recently took advantage of the Christmas savings special and bought another subscription a couple of days ago.

Now, my question is:

Does this add a year to my previously subscribed time?


Does this just buy me a subscription from 12/14 thru 12/15, to run consecutive with my current membership?


12-25-2014, 10:57 AM
Yes, I did last year an I'm good until the Dec. 2015

Officially Retired
12-25-2014, 06:12 PM

I have a question concerning renewal of one's membership.

First I'll start with some facts, I joined here on 9/9/13, I renewed this past September. I just recently took advantage of the Christmas savings special and bought another subscription a couple of days ago.

Now, my question is:

Does this add a year to my previously subscribed time?


Does this just buy me a subscription from 12/14 thru 12/15, to run consecutive with my current membership?


I will tack it on to the end of your last one ...

12-25-2014, 07:50 PM
Thank you Jack for allowing me to be a cheap mofo. :-bd

Officially Retired
12-25-2014, 08:14 PM
That's not being cheap, S_B, that's getting what you paid for.

As Ben Franklin said, "Watch your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves." :mrgreen:

01-01-2015, 06:13 PM
Currently loaded pictures are above.
You will overwrite the existing file and you will be banned if you do this.
Only upload your photo in an empty slot.

Jack, does this rule go for the pedigree`s i created also?

Officially Retired
01-01-2015, 06:43 PM

You actually can't override your own photo.

Unfortunately, awhile back we had some jagoff start falsely-editing dogs, uploading gay porn overtop of legit images, etc., so we removed members' ability to override any existing photo.

We may change that, but for now that's the way it is.

01-02-2015, 05:21 PM
That definitely suck`s not too have full access to our own pedigree`s. That is the ONLY advantage Online Pedigree`s has is that ..(its a big one) but it`s the only flaw i see.... I still like this database a lot better though, and im sure in due time it will be worked out. >>>No disrespect intended.<<<

Officially Retired
01-03-2015, 01:52 PM
That definitely suck`s not too have full access to our own pedigree`s. That is the ONLY advantage Online Pedigree`s has is that ..(its a big one) but it`s the only flaw i see.... I still like this database a lot better though, and im sure in due time it will be worked out. >>>No disrespect intended.<<<

We will get that aspect fixed.

Actually, we used to give MORE freedom than anyone else, and everyone was welcome to add photos/info/etc. on any dog listed on this database.

Unfortunately, that POS Milky fucked that privilege up for everyone.

Really study PedsOnline, and you will see that you canNOT have control of ANY key dog (Dibo, Poncho, Mayday, Eli) ... but only "your own" dogs entered WAY after the fact.

We will correct our own anomaly soon, in that I am going to transfer ALL DOGS over to "me" ... and then create a button that I can switch any dog over to the person that he/she rightfully owns.

New dogs entered will become the property of who entered them, but if they're historical dogs, they will ultimately get switched over to me too.

There is no reason for anyone other than an Administrator to have control over key dogs like Dibo/Frisco, etc.

The only dog any person needs control over is his own.


01-03-2015, 03:54 PM
We will get that aspect fixed.

Actually, we used to give MORE freedom than anyone else, and everyone was welcome to add photos/info/etc. on any dog listed on this database.

Unfortunately, that POS Milky fucked that privilege up for everyone.

Really study PedsOnline, and you will see that you canNOT have control of ANY key dog (Dibo, Poncho, Mayday, Eli) ... but only "your own" dogs entered WAY after the fact.

We will correct our own anomaly soon, in that I am going to transfer ALL DOGS over to "me" ... and then create a button that I can switch any dog over to the person that he/she rightfully owns.

New dogs entered will become the property of who entered them, but if they're historical dogs, they will ultimately get switched over to me too.

There is no reason for anyone other than an Administrator to have control over key dogs like Dibo/Frisco, etc.

The only dog any person needs control over is his own.


:appl: :-bd

01-04-2015, 11:13 PM
How do i go about correcting false info on a pedigree entered by a banned member? This person put the wrong breeder on a dog that i bred

Officially Retired
01-05-2015, 05:46 AM
How do i go about correcting false info on a pedigree entered by a banned member? This person put the wrong breeder on a dog that i bred


01-05-2015, 09:40 AM
Big thanks Jack :)


They put the wrong breeder on his littermate bro too. "Troy polamalu", i've been a steelers fan since i was a little kid. Illinoise boyz*is a packers fan, no idea who steelcity likes

Officially Retired
01-07-2015, 04:45 AM

01-12-2015, 09:14 AM
I dont use adba or any paper reg system to reg my dogs. I have always believe that those papers dont mean anything when the people adba wasnt at the yard instead at an office when the breedings were made. which in turns means that a person could tell them anything about a breeding. Since i've join jack's board and put all my dogs on his board i have found the best answer to papers. On the breeding person jack has one slot to load pictures which we can use for proof of a breeding and date:


Not me on the picture:lol:

I think all that is needed to make this breeding page perfect is one more slot to add the picture of the litter at birth so there couldn't be any confusion on how many pups, colors, or whatever for the years that follow.


Pit Bull Committed
01-12-2015, 12:17 PM
I agree with Stopem. It really makes no sense paying a registry to hold some papers for you. As the breeder can falsify anything if he/she really wanted to. Great post and great breeding you guys did there and thanks for sharing too.

01-12-2015, 01:04 PM
a.d.b.a will register anything with a pulse, your dog is as good as the man who bred them. ..Good looking breeding you guy`s have made

01-13-2015, 05:37 PM
Stopem the sire to those pups is nice my man...

01-13-2015, 06:07 PM
thank you. he is a bulldog

Officially Retired
01-14-2015, 07:55 PM
StopEm, if everyone used the breeding database, as it should be used, I agree it would remove the need for paper registration.

A picture's worth a thousand words, and photos of the breeding, mama on pups, individual photos of all the pups, all under the control of the breeder are worth tens of 1000's more than "paper documents" printed by folks a thousand miles away who can only go off the word of the breeder anyway.

If more people watched the Add Breedings Tutorial (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?235), and implemented that, the more they would "get" the idea behind this place and realize how much more efficiently it was set up ... if only people had the mental wherewithal to read, and follow instructions, before the set about adding/misspelling/duplicating every dog that pops into their heads.

The thoughtful user, who takes the time to do everything correctly, will come to enjoy INVESTING his time adding dogs/breedings here ... where all of the statistical data are hooked-into a fully-functional system ... rather than wasting their time adding dogs/pups, where you can't harvest a single meaningful fact about the dogs you enter. The other systems aren't setup that way :-O

Between the breeding database, the dog database, our unique Search Features (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?231), as well as our Statistics Cruncher (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?234), no other APBT Resource compares ... not by a longshot.


PS: At some point, we are going to add a second photo (mama on pups) as you suggest. Good idea :-bd

01-20-2015, 09:09 AM

Officially Retired
01-20-2015, 09:45 AM


Unfortunately, that is because you've had your privileges revoked. If you look below your name, you will see a Subscribed Member (B) status. That means you still have access to the forum and articles, but you can no longer add pedigrees.

The reason why you can no longer enter in pedigrees is because you're doing a horrible job of entering in your dogs.
Yesterday, it was brought to my attention (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/showthread.php?1915-gt-gt-gt-PEDIGREES-THAT-NEED-DELETING-OR-FIXING-lt-lt-lt&p=32165&viewfull=1#post32165) that you entered in the same dog FIVE TIMES ~X(

I simply can't have this kind of sloppiness here.
I can't have people adding the same dog, again and again, spelled all kinds of different ways.

You need to PAY ATTENTION.
You need to WATCH THE VIDEO (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?232) on how to enter in dogs correctly.
There is no excuse for not watching this video. None. Zero.

You should be aware of what you've already entered, and you should become familiar with how to SEARCH FOR A DOG (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?231) BY NAME ONLY *FIRST*.

I am happy to restore your privileges, once you have (1) given me your word you've watched all the videos (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?229), and (2) if you agree never to just "keep adding the same dog" again.

I am not trying to be mean, rude, or disrespectful.

I simply canNOT keep letting you just "wing it" and totally botch your data entry.

You need to TAKE CARE, spell correctly, use proper punctuation, and search for a dog FIRST before just entering MULTIPLE poorly-spelled duplicates.

If I don't do this, all of the features we offer here are worthless, if there are 5-10 duplicates of each dog, all poorly-spelled, all with duplicate offspring, etc.

It's your choice: you can either take care or take a hike.

I cannot, and will not, allow anyone to keep doing what you're doing. Everybody likes to think they can just "start entering dogs," and MOST blow it when they do this. You cannot keep entering the same dogs, over and over again, changing their spelling each time, without a clue what you're doing, and destroying the data here.

So please take the time to actually watch the videos so you understand how things work here.

I have an automatic email to everyone, that sends the moment they join, politely asking them to PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEOS, and about 90% don't do what they're politely asked to do ... and that is watch the damned videos before doing anything.

The amazing thing is, if you actually watch ALL the videos, your appreciation for what this place can do will grow tenfold :idea:


01-21-2015, 04:36 AM
I have watched all the Videos, and will just start over with my entries.


Officially Retired
01-21-2015, 04:58 AM
I have watched all the Videos, and will just start over with my entries.


Okay, thank you.

Please remember to search the dogs name (only) first.

Look carefully at the list that pops up (W.E.'s Gage was already there as N2W's Gage, for example.)

If you see Gage already there, then just select that dog who becomes the sire to whatever dog you're entering.

If it's not there, then enter the full name of the dog, which will conduct a second search, then enter.

I deleted the extra dogs and you're back in.

03-01-2015, 08:31 PM
It would be nice to be able to edit and change our photo's .... any luck with changing that?

03-13-2015, 10:57 AM
I don't think it's working.

Officially Retired
03-13-2015, 01:47 PM
I don't think it's working.

Should be fixed.

04-03-2015, 03:04 PM
It is my understanding that we have the ability to delete our own pedigrees that we previously entered into the database. However, I do not see a delete option or at the least, an edit option under any of my pedigrees. I am viewing the pedigree it self, as well as the page listing all peds. Am I just looking in the wrong place, or is this a permissions issue? Please advise. Thanks.

Officially Retired
04-03-2015, 04:50 PM
It is my understanding that we have the ability to delete our own pedigrees that we previously entered into the database. However, I do not see a delete option or at the least, an edit option under any of my pedigrees. I am viewing the pedigree it self, as well as the page listing all peds. Am I just looking in the wrong place, or is this a permissions issue? Please advise. Thanks.

No one can delete anything but me.

You can change/edit your pedigrees, but not delete.

Why are you trying to delete a dog?

04-04-2015, 06:52 AM
Jack..I did a quick search against the forums and thought I read on one of your threads that you are able to delete peds as long as its your own. I was hoping to delete one thats a duplicate. No offspring so figured it was not a big deal. In addition, I wanted to update the names on some others on my list, but noticed i can only update descriptions.

04-04-2015, 08:08 AM
pesifik_oshen. That is what we the Super moderators are for. If you have a duplicate pedigree let us know. There is no need to just delete that pedigree. if any offspring, they can be moved to the most correct pedigree with the most offspring. Then that duplicate pedigree with no offspring can have the word duplicate placed in front of the dog's titled name. Which can be replaced later with a new dog entry.

If you have a new dog entry I can handle it for you. I have already replaced a bunch of the duplicate pedigrees. The only ones I can not replace are ones with pictures attached or has those ghost offspring that only shows a blue bar.

Once I use up all the duplicate no offspring pedigrees with a new dog pedigree. I will let Jack know about what is left.

Now for as the mess that ProjectX caused, because he wanted to take his marbles and go home. Jack has the system set up now to prevent that. Changing pedigrees to incorrect ones or just deleting them because of anger issues or being malicious will cause havoc in the system. Not implying you wish to do so. We lost a lot of privileges due too two malicious persons and others just dumping duplicate pedigrees into the system. Cheers

Officially Retired
04-04-2015, 08:31 AM
Jack..I did a quick search against the forums and thought I read on one of your threads that you are able to delete peds as long as its your own ...

You thought wrong.

Try doing a slow search, and reading slowly and carefully, and you'll be less likely to be wrong again in the future ;)


PS: All you have to do, if you make a duplicate, is change (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?244) the duplicate into a new, usable dog. There is no reason to delete a thing. Moreover, if you're adding dogs correctly (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?232), which means searching correctly by entering in JUST the dog name (e.g., Jeep) first, you will pull up EVERY dog named Jeep in the next step ... and can check to see if the right dog is already in there BEFORE you actually enter a thing.

Every time you enter in a duplicate dog, all it means you're not following instructions.

04-17-2015, 08:45 PM
It seems the right click feature is blocked. I'm not able to copy and paste content into the reply here....what's up with this?


04-24-2015, 01:32 PM
thanks CA JACK ,,is there anyway that we can get the ped stats of breedings and test breedings to be the same as when we create a normal pedigree ,with the dogs running in order by blood% ???

It might be that I noticed the same in the past for when I looked at "Breedings Made" pedigrees the percentages didn't run in order from highest to lowest percentages but in a muddle. I thought I had brought this to attention but now I realise that I forgot to. So after I read jrizzelcincy's post above I thought it will be the perfect time to do so now and immediately checked a few "Breedings Made" pedigrees but I came to see that as far these pedigrees are concerned the percentages run in order now.:)

@CA Jack
Can I delete my own "Test Breedings"?

Please restore the themes for I used "basic light style" and became really accustomed to it and it would be nice to have it back. Thanks!

Officially Retired
04-24-2015, 01:42 PM
Can I delete my own "Test Breedings"?

Are you putting your test breedings into the actual breeding database? :-q

The test breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_testbreeding.php) feature stores NOTHING, that is the whole purpose of having a test breeding feature is NOT to add bullshit (never-actually-happened) breedings into the actual, Add Breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_searchbreedings.php) data tables.

Please tell me you haven't been "missing the whole point" and adding non-existent crap into our physical data tables ~X(

Please restore the themes for I used "basic light style" and became really accustomed to it and it would be nice to have it back. Thanks!

We will do so soon, yes.


05-05-2015, 03:14 PM
What is everyone opinions on adding a tab for DNA profiles?

05-06-2015, 04:46 PM
What is everyone opinions on adding a tab for DNA profiles?
No one has any input on this?I remember reading that a certain peddler didnt want to DNA his stud.He was against doing it because of the law against breeding for certain purposes.

Officially Retired
05-06-2015, 05:09 PM
No one has any input on this?I remember reading that a certain peddler didnt want to DNA his stud.He was against doing it because of the law against breeding for certain purposes.

I personally would never, at any time, waste either my time or my effort in getting one of my own studs DNA Profiled.

This is usually done only by either neophytes, or people on a gung-ho campaign to further-"legitimize" paper tigers.

As a breeder, I have always posted my breedings, my pups, their history as they grew up, year-after-year, and so pretty much everyone who followed my dogs "knew" what was what with my yard.

Those who didn't know, could follow the photos and documentation.

If that wasn't good enough, and if they couldn't take me at my word, then I guess I would have to learn to live without their approval :lol:

And, regarding pure performance dogs, I promise you no one will be asking to breed to Gr Ch Titere because his owner got him "DNA-profiled" :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:


Officially Retired
05-06-2015, 05:55 PM
What is everyone opinions on adding a tab for DNA profiles?

That being said, we could add a checkbox (with a space to record a DNA Profile #) to the features, sure.

My opinion isn't all opinions, and it is storable data regardless.

05-09-2015, 07:39 AM
@CA Jack
Can I delete my own "Test Breedings"?

Are you putting your test breedings into the actual breeding database? :-q

The test breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_testbreeding.php) feature stores NOTHING, that is the whole purpose of having a test breeding feature is NOT to add bullshit (never-actually-happened) breedings into the actual, Add Breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_searchbreedings.php) data tables.

Please tell me you haven't been "missing the whole point" and adding non-existent crap into our physical data tables ~X(

No, I never added any breeding to the database. And of course I would never add only a test breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_testbreeding.php) into the actual, Add Breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_searchbreedings.php) data tables! That's why we have the test breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_testbreeding.php) feature. I'm not that stupid! But it could have been that also the test breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_testbreeding.php) feature stores test breedings. So it stores nothing, cool. But also after watching the specific video tutoral I had doubts whether it does and that's why I asked before starting to test breed, hence the saying "when in doubt find out". Actually the whole thought behind my question was that some of us might want to "privately" test a few breedings without others to see their planning/work in progress.

I repeat, no, I have never ever added non-existent crap into our physical data tables.:D To the contrary together with S_B I helped to clean up the database more than once. Therefore I want you to please revoke my (B) status and give me my rights back. Thanks!

Please restore the themes for I used "basic light style" and became really accustomed to it and it would be nice to have it back. Thanks!

We will do so soon, yes.


When will you have restored the themes, Jack?


What is everyone opinions on adding a tab for DNA profiles?

No one has any input on this?I remember reading that a certain peddler didnt want to DNA his stud.He was against doing it because of the law against breeding for certain purposes.

I personally I don't see why Jack shouldn't add a checkbox (with a space to record a DNA Profile #) to the features, sure. It is up to each and every dog owner whether he wants to have his dogs DNA-profiled or not as to add it to the database or not. And I have to quote Jack once again "it is storable data regardless". But like him I think that regarding pure performance dogs, I guess people's decision whether to breed to Gr. Ch. .... will not depend on the fact whether his owner got him DNA-profiled or not, it's about his performance and/or producing record. Also people who are in the performance part of these dogs usually know each other or know somebody that knows somebody who knows whether the dog is bred as said or not. It is a tight-knit circle of real dog men at least in the respective countries/regions. On the other hand it would be a lie to deny the fact that there are for sure cases where it is under discussion whether a certain dog is bred as said/as papered or not. We all know about it or at least heard of these cases.

But back to your question Bingo. If somebody would ask me, yes, I would vote for a checkbox (with a space to record a DNA Profile #).


Officially Retired
05-09-2015, 09:12 AM
No, I never added any breeding to the database. And of course I would never add only a test breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_testbreeding.php) into the actual, Add Breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_searchbreedings.php) data tables! That's why we have the test breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_testbreeding.php) feature. I'm not that stupid! But it could have been that also the test breeding (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_testbreeding.php) feature stores test breedings. So it stores nothing, cool. But also after watching the specific video tutoral I had doubts whether it does and that's why I asked before starting to test breed, hence the saying "when in doubt find out". Actually the whole thought behind my question was that some of us might want to "privately" test a few breedings without others to see their planning/work in progress.

I repeat, no, I have never ever added non-existent crap into our physical data tables.:D To the contrary together with S_B I helped to clean up the database more than once. Therefore I want you to please revoke my (B) status and give me my rights back. Thanks!

Okay, thanks.

When will you have restored the themes, Jack?

Whollah * Restored


05-10-2015, 04:53 AM
Whollah * Restored


Thank you, I appreciate it.


05-17-2015, 06:43 AM

Officially Retired
05-17-2015, 08:13 AM

1) Please post everything where it belongs. Do not make your own individual posts.

2) That would be easy to do.

Why do you find it worth a "thumbs up" and how do you feel a "reverse pedigree" like this would be helpful?


05-17-2015, 04:55 PM
Because it can give you an idea and direction of where certain lines are going and look at what combinations have been used with certain dogs. You can also look at multiple branches and check which dogs have been used extensively over a period of time and possible find combinations and individuals who can point you in the right direction.

Officially Retired
05-17-2015, 06:11 PM
Because it can give you an idea and direction of where certain lines are going and look at what combinations have been used with certain dogs. You can also look at multiple branches and check which dogs have been used extensively over a period of time and possible find combinations and individuals who can point you in the right direction.

I remember the Reverse Pedigree feature from CompuPed Back in the early 90s.

Haven't seen anyone really use that for decades.

I can see the value now, thinking about it.

We may well implement this, after we deal with some other upgrades and features.

Thanks for the suggestion.


06-26-2015, 09:19 AM
I think it would be a good idea if the "Test Breeding" feature could be set to store the test breedings for the members until either the breeding actually takes place, at which time it could be converted over to a breeding made. Or until the members clears or deletes the saved data.

This would possibly deter the clogging up of the actual breedings made pedigrees. Maybe you could give each member enough space to store 4 test breedings. I think I would use this feature, as it stands now I just put the text breeding together and screen shot the page.

Jack this could be taken a step further and actually make all breedings a "Test" breeding with the ability to later turn into an actual breeding made once the date of the breeding is entered. Instead of two separate tabs, what do you think about that?


Officially Retired
06-26-2015, 09:49 AM
I think it would be a good idea if the "Test Breeding" feature could be set to store the test breedings for the members until either the breeding actually takes place, at which time it could be converted over to a breeding made. Or until the members clears or deletes the saved data.

This would possibly deter the clogging up of the actual breedings made pedigrees. Maybe you could give each member enough space to store 4 test breedings. I think I would use this feature, as it stands now I just put the text breeding together and screen shot the page.

Jack this could be taken a step further and actually make all breedings a "Test" breeding with the ability to later turn into an actual breeding made once the date of the breeding is entered. Instead of two separate tabs, what do you think about that?


All you have to do is save the link, or post it, and there you have the test breeding preserved (as it will display) without wasting resources here physically storing data to preserve fantasy.

The whole idea is NOT to store anything that didn't actually happen ... while at the same time allowing folks to "see" what the breeding looks like.


07-20-2015, 06:16 PM
Adding a delete button and being able to edit your own photos would be awesome.

Officially Retired
07-20-2015, 06:36 PM
There will NEVER be a delete button for anyone but me. Ever.

It would be even more awesome if people had the wherewithal to read and follow instructions :mrgreen:

We will eventually have an unlimited amount of photos ... and very soon :-bd

07-31-2015, 02:48 PM
I have alot of bulldogs to add to the database and I want to make sure that I get it right. Many of thier ancestors, owners, and breeders are not in the database.
I've watched all of the videos and most of them more than once.
I have a few owners and breeders that need to be added and I want to know the best way to do it. I've already checked to make sure that the ones I need added are not in the database.
I believe I should click on Pedigrees, then go to the owners/breeders database, and then click on add owners/breeders. After these are saved/submitted and approved by the administration, I then wait untill they appear amoung usable owners/breeders before I can begin to add bulldogs.

Sorry for the bother, but like I said, I want to make sure that everything is done correctly and everything is filled out. Does all of this sound like I understand the process?

Officially Retired
07-31-2015, 03:03 PM
Yes, exactly, and I sincerely appreciate your efforts to contribute at all, let alone to make sure you do it right.

Just realize that, right after you add a breeder/owner, there will be a delay in seeing things, because I have to approve it first.

Also, please make sure to put in full information, if known, rather than initials.

Thanks again,


Officially Retired
07-31-2015, 03:06 PM
PS: I just approved a couple you put in, so you did it right.

I just have to approve names, and tend to reject names like M. Carver (when we all know it's Maurice Carver).

You did everything right, so thanks :-bd

07-31-2015, 03:46 PM
Thank you Jack. I sure appreciate it.

Officially Retired
08-12-2015, 04:54 AM
Adding a delete button and being able to edit your own photos would be awesome.

You should be able to delete your own photos now, on any non-core dog you've entered.

09-12-2015, 07:34 PM
Suggestion; On the test breeding page if it is possible to go a few generations down the road it would be badass. For instance, I made a breeding today and to see how it would look bred to another pup that is already born or to play around with two different breedings. Another suggestion; another tab on maybe the dog data page to let you compare how two dogs (males, male/ female, females) are bred similar or in contrasted, just to play with peds a little more.

Officially Retired
09-13-2015, 05:01 AM
Suggestion; On the test breeding page if it is possible to go a few generations down the road it would be badass. For instance, I made a breeding today and to see how it would look bred to another pup that is already born or to play around with two different breedings. Another suggestion; another tab on maybe the dog data page to let you compare how two dogs (males, male/ female, females) are bred similar or in contrasted, just to play with peds a little more.


IOHO, The Test Breeding feature already is badass.

The trouble with your theory is, in order for the Test Breeding to show "two fake breedings" bred to each other, we would then have to enable the storage of fake breedings :idea:

The whole idea of having "test" breedings is NOT to store fabricated BS in the database, so what you're suggesting is that we become a storehouse of bullshit breedings, which never actually happened, which we are never going to do.

Hope this clarifies,


09-14-2015, 01:59 PM
Let me clarify what I was saying. I love the test breeding feature, nothing like it anywhere. What I was trying to say is if I make a test breeding and want to look at it bred to another test breeding that may take place years down the road. It would be unlimited and gives the breeder a direction if he saves it. In other words look 2, 3 generations down the road without placing fake peds in the data base. Example of what im saying;
http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_breedings_test.php?sire_id=20557&dam_id=819 Bred to http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_breedings_test.php?sire_id=394&dam_id=819 Just put them together as another test breeding or if you just wanted to make another tab for planned future breedings for breeders that won't save or take up room.

Officially Retired
09-16-2015, 05:30 AM
Let me clarify what I was saying. I love the test breeding feature, nothing like it anywhere. What I was trying to say is if I make a test breeding and want to look at it bred to another test breeding that may take place years down the road. It would be unlimited and gives the breeder a direction if he saves it. In other words look 2, 3 generations down the road without placing fake peds in the data base. Example of what im saying;
http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_breedings_test.php?sire_id=20557&dam_id=819 Bred to http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_breedings_test.php?sire_id=394&dam_id=819 Just put them together as another test breeding or if you just wanted to make another tab for planned future breedings for breeders that won't save or take up room.

What you're not understanding is that in order to "put" two dogs together in the Test Breeding feature, each dog used has to EXIST in the database (i.e., BE STORED).

The test breedings you're making are only mock-ups; the breeding created is NOT actually stored; the "test breeding" merely displays two ACTUAL dogs together (without storing the data you're seeing).

The only reason we can "display" a test breeding is because the two dogs you're plugging into the Test Breeding page ARE actual dogs and ARE stored.

The ONLY way you could make a second test breeding (with both your original test breedings put together) would be to STORE the results of the first two test breedings.

For the 10th time: You can only plug-in an ACTUAL dog to be able to see a test breeding :idea:

Just stop and THINK for a minute: how could you possibly "search" for any dog, to plug it into the Test Breeding feature, that wasn't IN the database? :confused: ;)

Therefore, once again, you are asking us to allow you to create and STORE bullshit pedigrees, so you can "see" what two bullshit (prospective, but not actual) breedings "look like" ... which we are unwilling to provide the storage space to do.


Edit: In order to realize your idea, we would have to create a separate "false Pedigree" database where any dog created by a Test Breeding would have to be STORED and then designated as "Theoretical," so other people would realize it was a Theoretical Dog, not an Actual Dog. Worse, this group of "fake dogs" would also have to be coded differently, so they would be unsearchable in the "real" dog database, and YET be searchable in the Test Breeding feature (which right now ONLY searches ACTUAL dogs, not theoretical dogs). Right now, the Test Breeding feature only allows you to see what two ACTUAL dogs would look like bred together, so we would have to allow it also to search a brand new "Fake Dog Database," created just for you.

Your idea of creating depth to the Test Breeding feature, to mate two NON-Actual dogs together, "sounds like a great idea" ONLY if you're NOT thinking too deeply about what it would take to do, and the ramifications of doing it. It would require a ton of work, it would introduce the need for a totally new database, a totally new search engine (to be able to search for NON-actual dogs, and distinguish them from actual dogs), and it would require unlimited bandwith/storage space ... adding a LOT of confusion ... all so that people can "fantasize" about dogs that don't exist, and represent nothing but the imagination :confused: :rolleyes:

Um, NO :-q

09-16-2015, 11:30 AM
You could give each member two ped spots that must be labeled as test breeding. Vise grip test breeding #1 and Vise grip test breeding #2.Then we would have the ability to go back and edit and look a little bit more into future breedings.

09-16-2015, 12:54 PM
Nevermind man, you made a suggestion forum and I made a suggestion that you used (more than one slot for pictures on the breeding made tab) so I was giving you another that might would help the "Ferrari" be even better. I wouldn't get anything out of it either way. :censored:

scratchin dog
12-02-2015, 08:42 AM
I would like to suggest bringing back the favorite dog feature, if it's possible. I miss having my favs all in one place instead of constantly having to use the search or going through the whole list of peds I entered.

Officially Retired
12-02-2015, 11:02 AM
I would like to suggest bringing back the favorite dog feature, if it's possible. I miss having my favs all in one place instead of constantly having to use the search or going through the whole list of peds I entered.

Okay, will discuss.

01-04-2016, 10:12 AM
Jack/ Moderators,

I can no longer access the sections of this site that is reserved for paying members. I don't believe my yearly subscription has lapsed and I do not believe I have committed any infractions that would have banned me. I tried to subscribe once again but the only option is to buy the site :( Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

Also, I am very saddened to hear of Jacks departure from the dogs and this site. I completely understand his reasons and know he will succeed in anything he puts his mind too but non the less, I'm saddened. I really hope some good people step up to the plate to carry the torch. It is hard to imagine someone as talented, motivated and sincere as Jack carrying this forward but I sure hope it happens. Happy New Year to everyone.

Officially Retired
01-04-2016, 03:53 PM

Your subscription ran out 1/1/16.

Thanks for your well-wishes :)


PS: All you have to do is hit the "Subscribe Now" link to see the status of your subscription.

01-05-2016, 05:03 PM
Are these two books not being published anymore?

I know the web site is up for sale but the books are printed on demand at LULU press. They are not showing there now and Amazon has the Pit Bull Bible for $500 and up --


Ouch! I have my copy but I recommended it to someone who said they could not get it.

Seems a shame to shut down the books too since they are already written and LULU handles all the printing and shipping.

01-05-2016, 07:59 PM
Also, I guess this means no future Vise-Grip Kennel book either :( Unfortunately there is only one Ca. Jack and he can only be spread so thin. Damn, I'm glad I have his old books already.

Officially Retired
01-06-2016, 05:37 AM
Are these two books not being published anymore?

I know the web site is up for sale but the books are printed on demand at LULU press. They are not showing there now and Amazon has the Pit Bull Bible for $500 and up --


Ouch! I have my copy but I recommended it to someone who said they could not get it.

Seems a shame to shut down the books too since they are already written and LULU handles all the printing and shipping.

It is a shame to my wallet, too, as I sold over 30 last month.

But I told people the book would no longer be available after the new year, and it has been out since 2008, so ... snooze, you lose.

A large part of the book is on here, and I will continue to add more (including the keep) as time permits.


Officially Retired
01-06-2016, 05:42 AM
Also, I guess this means no future Vise-Grip Kennel book either :( Unfortunately there is only one Ca. Jack and he can only be spread so thin. Damn, I'm glad I have his old books already.

Thank you.

Yeah, I will probably not finish the book.

When I wrote The Bible (and The Hollingsworth Dogs), I spent (literally) day and night writing them ... round the clock writing, adding photos, re-formatting them ... until I passed out ... only to wake up again and keep writing ... until I passed out ... repeat.

Same thing when I first began this Database at the end of 2011, lived and breathed its creation, and couldn't think of anything else ...

Back then, I was living and breathing these dogs 24/7 ... but I am no where near that person (with nowhere near that kind of time) anymore :crying:


01-07-2016, 02:26 PM
But I told people the book would no longer be available after the new year, and it has been out since 2008, so ... snooze, you lose.


I must have missed that info about the two books going out of print in 2016. Both are fine and useful books, even though the Pit Bull Bible was put out in 2008, the info in it is invaluable.

I would hope you might reconsider making the books available again as since they both are already written and LULU does all the printing/shipping work, so those books would not take any of your time.

I do know what a huge amount of work it takes to write a book and I am also sorry to hear you will not finish the Vise Grip book. But I understand that time moves on and our lives change...

Officially Retired
01-07-2016, 05:56 PM
I must have missed that info about the two books going out of print in 2016. Both are fine and useful books, even though the Pit Bull Bible was put out in 2008, the info in it is invaluable.

I would hope you might reconsider making the books available again as since they both are already written and LULU does all the printing/shipping work, so those books would not take any of your time.

I do know what a huge amount of work it takes to write a book and I am also sorry to hear you will not finish the Vise Grip book. But I understand that time moves on and our lives change...

I may do that ... getting a lot of requests "post mortem" :lol:

01-07-2016, 11:47 PM
You still reserve 40 colored / numbered copies of the Hollingsworth Dogs for printing, right?

01-09-2016, 07:54 AM
Yes, it seems a shame to have the Pit Bull Bible offered at $500 plus, why let those prices be the norm?

Since the 2 books are done and printed at LULU, you do not have to invest your time into them since it is all handled by LULU.

Hope you will make the books available again, they are both excellent and no need to let them go out of print.

Officially Retired
01-14-2016, 08:04 PM
Yes, it seems a shame to have the Pit Bull Bible offered at $500 plus, why let those prices be the norm?

Since the 2 books are done and printed at LULU, you do not have to invest your time into them since it is all handled by LULU.

Hope you will make the books available again, they are both excellent and no need to let them go out of print.

Your wish (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/books.php) has been granted :D

01-30-2016, 11:36 AM
Noticed on peds online that the database sold, luckily enough my iPhone still had me signed in to the page.
I can't even remember my password to the site, can a moderator email it to me?

Also I'm a operations manager at a business and could donate a few hours a day to help this site out, I really like the ped set up but hate the fact a user can't delete pedigrees. There are several duplicate peds I've noticed some I have entered that I would love to correct without getting banned.

Rob B. Dangerous

01-31-2016, 08:10 PM
There is a forgot password function but you will have to log out!

Post the duplicates for review please!

Officially Retired
02-02-2016, 10:32 AM
Just a heads-up on the dog photo issue ... my brother is working on it now.

For whatever reason, an error is being thrown when the file is being moved to the permanent directory.

Will announce when resolved.


Officially Retired
02-04-2016, 03:36 PM
Hello everybody;

The photo issues have been resolved :mrgreen:

Apparently, the folders of my webhost were configured differently from the folders of the new webhost (even though they're the same web host, they're different versions).

At any rate, the access names, permissions, etc. were all different; consequently the read/write permissions of adding photos to folders via .php code were blocked in a bizarre way: they allowed images to be uploaded in newly-created photos/breedings, but not in already-established photo/breedings.

It was a cluster-f***, but it has been resolved, so please feel free to upload your images now :lotsagreen:


Officially Retired
02-14-2016, 02:50 PM
For whatever reason, this post was moderated.

I have approved both posts.

02-15-2016, 10:23 PM
If you have a personal bulldog website and you want to advertise it can now be posted in the Product, Services, and Websites area :dancin::appl:

Please do not advertise dogs here, just your website.

02-19-2016, 08:10 AM
Since the site has come back up it wont let me add new dog
I cant load up dogs sire nor dam its saying there not in the system and doest generate the list of names for me like it use to please help

02-19-2016, 08:26 AM
maybe the sire and dam are not in the system and need to be added!

What are the names?

02-19-2016, 10:22 AM
Suggestion: I keep a written ped folder on my dogs and I don't file papers with any of the breeding companies. So would it be possible to add a print pedigree button on the ped page to print out pedigrees for our hard copies.

02-19-2016, 11:19 AM

02-19-2016, 03:04 PM
STANLEE'S FITZWATER GOLD in the database. You might have to add the dam first as she may not be in the database. Then you can add your dog.

02-19-2016, 03:29 PM
Ive put him in a long while ago also have offspring to him its just the ayatem not letting me add anyone

02-19-2016, 05:09 PM
This dog is in the system. Maybe the dam needs to be entered. If both dogs are not in the database you will not be able to create a new pedigree. Also make sure your spelling is correct: STANLEE'S not STANLEE



What is the name of the bitch + give me a 3 gen pedigree so I can research/enter it for you

02-19-2016, 06:57 PM
Thanks mr brick face she is a litter mate to fitzwater named Stanlee's Boomer
The offspring im trying to enter is
Trevillions Ironhead 1xw
But that still wont allow me to access my add dog feature i still highly appreciate your efforta

02-19-2016, 07:28 PM
Here's the pedigree it will show in your my pedigrees tab. if you need help with the offspring let me know!


02-20-2016, 01:34 PM
Damn your a good man thanx

02-20-2016, 07:20 PM
Very good suggestion. I think it was mentioned to Jack before but nothing came about. It would be a nice feature to have for reasons mentioned above.

Officially Retired
02-20-2016, 08:02 PM
Real simple:

Screen Shot; save as .pdf; print.

02-23-2016, 11:55 AM
That won't work Jack. It's not a printed pedigree page. It prints the whole page out. Just looking for the pedigree or maybe the picture with it.

Officially Retired
02-23-2016, 12:39 PM
That won't work Jack. It's not a printed pedigree page. It prints the whole page out. Just looking for the pedigree or maybe the picture with it.

It will work.

Shrink, crop, adjust image to fit your printing field.

Don't confuse your inability/lack of comprehension with "impossibility" ... they're two totally different subjects :mrgreen:

03-09-2016, 06:27 AM
My kennel partner has been locked out his account
And locked out his email
How could he get his info again

Officially Retired
03-09-2016, 06:31 AM
Here or on his personal computer?

If he is locked out of his own email, there is nothing we can do for him here.

He can't be "locked out of his account" here.

He can "forget his password," but that is not our fault, and if he can't access his own email, then he can't change his password.

Officially Retired
03-15-2016, 03:06 PM
Sad, but THE most qualified man for president isn't even talked about: GARY JOHNSON


♦ Self-made millionaire.
♦ Hand-Built his own home with his wife.
♦ As a youth, started a door-to-door handyman business to help pay his way through college;
♦ Built his construction company into the one of the largest in New Mexico.
♦ As Governor of NM, got rid of over 100 government jobs, without letting go of a single person (in other words, improved efficiency).
♦ The ‘most fiscally conservative Governor’ in the country;
♦ As Governor of NM, vetoed more than 750 bills during his time in office — more than all other governors combined;
♦ When he left office, New Mexico was one of only four states in the country with a BALANCED BUDGET. Term-limited, Johnson retired from public office in 2003;
♦ Turned DEBT into ASSETS and had a balanced budget. (NM had a positive cash flow under his leadership.)
♦ An avid skier, adventurer, and bicyclist, he has scaled the highest peak on each of the seven continents, including Mt. Everest;
♦ In the 2012 presidential election, Johnson placed third and garnered more votes than any other Libertarian candidate in history;

Gary Johnson is the ONLY old-school, legit-quality man in the running (and, naturally, the soulless media doesn't give him the time of day).

But YOU can make a difference in this country :-bd

Do NOT just "follow the media" (like blind lemmings) ... BE INFORMED ... and change this country :idea:

Donald Trump = Lying, ignorant POS
Hillary Clinton = Lying, scheming POS
Bernie Sanders = Weak Socialist



Officially Retired
03-15-2016, 03:08 PM
♦ Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/govgaryjohnson)
♦ Gary Johnson 2016 (https://garyjohnson2016.com)

Officially Retired
03-15-2016, 03:45 PM

Officially Retired
03-15-2016, 05:17 PM
Came into a deficit as New Mexico Governor and left the state with a BILLION-DOLLAR SURPLUS, withOUT raising taxes, and withOUT firing anyone.

NEVER raised taxes in his 8 years and actually lowered them.

Yielded an 11.6 percent job growth because he "kept the government in check," while allowing "hard-working, entrepreneurs and businesses to fulfill their potential."

There is NO candidate who comes close to Gary's credentials.

Do NOT let the media dupe you into thinking this is a "democrat v. republican' race: LIBERTARIAN is the true American party, and Gary Johnson espouses true American ideals :-bd

Officially Retired
03-16-2016, 03:39 AM
Libertarian Party Sues for Access to Presidential Debates (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/may/13/libertarian-party-sues-chance-stand-2016-president)
“Most Americans have no idea that the official-sounding and acting Commission on Presidential Debates is, in reality, a private organization created by the Republican and Democrat Parties and funded by special interests whose goal is to protect the status quo,” the Libertarian Party says in its mission statement. “Thus, it is no surprise that the Debate Commission has adopted ‘rules’ that make it virtually impossible for independent or third-party candidates to ever participate in the all-important presidential debates.”

03-16-2016, 04:03 AM
Can one of the moderators move this to the appropriate section?

I would hate for a valued member to be banned for posting in the wrong section, not reading the rules and not abiding by rules that are clearly stated for even an idiot to understand.

For future reference please read what is expected in each forum group and post accordingly.

Thank you.


03-16-2016, 04:04 AM
Funny. Funny. Funny.


Can one of the moderators move this to the appropriate section?

I would hate for a valued member to be banned for posting in the wrong section, not reading the rules and not abiding by rules that are clearly stated for even an idiot to understand.

For future reference please read what is expected in each forum group and post accordingly.

Thank you.


Officially Retired
03-16-2016, 04:13 AM
Funny. Funny. Funny.


Well, the future of this country is actually no laughing matter.

Further, even an idiot should comprehend the difference between an Administrator and a "Member."

Members are required to follow the rules, while Administrators create the rules (not to mention everything else about the place).

I have made the executive decision to put Gary Johnson's name out here also, because the "private" forums are not visible by all, but this ANNOUNCEMENT section is (and the above is an "Administrative Announcement," is it not?).

In all seriousness, I think Gary Johnson is the best, most honest, most qualified man to lead this country, and if you decide to stop thinking everything in life is a joke, or about dogs, and actually read his biography, then "even an idiot" would have to agree.

For that matter, Gary Johnson is the only candidate that would also be okay with legalizing these dogs (being a Libertarian), and in fact started his own Legalized Cannabis company as well: Cannabis Sativa, Inc. (http://cannabissativainc.com)
(He resigned as CEO (http://marijuanastocks.com/cbds-gary-johnson-pursues-political-opportunities) to run for President.)


05-02-2016, 03:11 PM

05-07-2016, 11:31 AM
What do I have to do to read them? The white colored one's open when I click on the word. The others don't open.
Am I doing something wrong? Thanks

05-07-2016, 01:55 PM
The white ones are active articles. The others Jack has not added yet

05-07-2016, 05:38 PM
Thanks for the info......

05-25-2016, 08:02 AM
BRICKFACE. Iv added this breeding for a second time http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_breedings_profile.php?breeding_id=7686 because i couldnt find it using the search function. Now that iv added it again. I still can't find it using search breedings. Tried every combination.

Officially Retired
05-25-2016, 06:10 PM
The administrator has to approve breedings.

I mentioned it in one of the tutorials I made, but there is a lot of stuff to learn.

Here is what the Administrator has to do:


05-25-2016, 08:40 PM
I've heard that ppl get frustrated when entering dogs that have no ancestors in the database. If this is you send me a link and I will enter the dogs.

You can also do this yourself by simply adding the said dog and leave the parents box blank. When you open the ped, you should see add dog (starting with the parents) and as you add dogs it will build the pedigree and places every dog you enter behind the first dog into the database!


07-28-2016, 09:52 AM
Sorry guys I almost lost the site trying to upgrade services so I had to get in there and fix'er myself #:-S

We did lose a couple days of data but I can live with that!

The Pedigrees database is not functioning, but I'm on it! Let me know if anything else is not working

07-28-2016, 01:30 PM
Site should be functional, still have some hiccups

07-28-2016, 03:30 PM
should be 100% functional

07-28-2016, 04:38 PM
Welcome Back! :-bd

08-01-2016, 04:56 PM
Anyone else having or seeing issues on the site?

12-16-2016, 06:05 PM
It's December already... how about a Christmas Special?

Any discounts for subscribers? I see Jack's books are not available anymore...