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View Full Version : Temp drop before labor

01-04-2013, 11:37 PM
I know the gyps temp drops down to around 98/99. And you'll usually see pups in 12-24 hours. But what if her temp drops and stays low for more than 24? What if it goes back up?

I took my gyps temp friday night and it was 98.9. She is now on day 63, saturday. Hoping to see pups soon.

Jack in the bible i didnt see how to administer the oxitocon, im, sq, iv??? I am just wondering

No Quarter Kennel
01-05-2013, 06:27 AM
oxytocin is given IM

01-05-2013, 10:27 AM
eventhough its 62 days after theyve been stuck, i believe it can take up to 5 days from the stick to actually concieve....so in theory, if she was inpregnated on the first stick, first day..........then u should have seen pups by now....but if it took longer.....u may be waiting another 3 or four days still..........my good buddy had the same thing happen with his last breeding................

Barnstormer Bulldogs
01-05-2013, 11:13 AM
i had it happen to me before. if her temp drops below 100 for more than 28 hour u can lose the pups. she maybe holding them in if she is not comfortable. so make sure she is in a spot she wants to be in. and take her on a walk once in a while not far tho

01-05-2013, 11:59 AM
Her temp was 98.9 last niggt and 97.5 today but i think she is having contractions now

Officially Retired
01-06-2013, 06:57 AM
I know the gyps temp drops down to around 98/99. And you'll usually see pups in 12-24 hours. But what if her temp drops and stays low for more than 24? What if it goes back up?
I took my gyps temp friday night and it was 98.9. She is now on day 63, saturday. Hoping to see pups soon.
Jack in the bible i didnt see how to administer the oxitocon, im, sq, iv??? I am just wondering

Good subject to bring up & sorry I didn't see this earlier.

I only give 0.5 ml myself ... more than that is too much.
