View Full Version : Buying Whole Animals

01-10-2013, 01:09 AM
If I wanted to feed my dogs whole chicken is there certain places I need to go to purchase them or could I just go to a local farmer who has chickens and buy them from him?

01-21-2013, 05:14 AM
Use the search engine for 'whole prey feeding'. There may be some one in our area that has things like chickens and rabbits for sale for this. But yes, you can buy them from whoever wherever. Just a side note, get a feel from the seller before you let on to what you are doing. Years ago I was getting lambs from a guy who were dysplastic (show stock were graded early and if it did not make the grade it was off the to the meat packers) or not show material and using them for dog food. He had a lady that he dealt sheep with and she had a few young ones and I got them from her. Weeks later she found out they were being knocked in the head and fed to dogs and she went ape shit. I guess it was OK to go to a meat processor and get knocked in the head and fed to people but to an individual doing the same thing for dogs was an abomination. People are strange that way. EWO

01-21-2013, 05:03 PM
Ain't that some kind of bullshit EWO:question:

01-21-2013, 06:44 PM
can anybody tell me what kind of tool this is....cuz i need one! lol


01-21-2013, 11:04 PM
I thought so but it is only so much you can say other than, "yes mam' and move on. If I said I were feeding them to pit bulls instead of just saying dogs it would have went to an entirely different level. We all know how evil those pit bulls are, as well as the people who choose to own them. LOL

Ain't that some kind of bullshit EWO:question: