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View Full Version : Question for Jack

01-10-2013, 10:02 PM
My brother-in-law has a puppy who has never been vaccinated or wormed (stupid as hell) and is vomiting, diarrhea thats white, will not eat what so ever and will barely drink water. what are some possible illnessess could this pup have.

scratchin dog
01-10-2013, 10:45 PM
It could be Parvo. Get the pup to a vet.


01-11-2013, 12:37 AM
I thoight stool had to be bloody for parvo

01-11-2013, 02:19 AM
When there's blood, it's a little too late. Although at that stage the pup could still be save. But his chances are not as good. Best way to save a pup is recognize the symptoms right away. As soon as I notice a change in my dog's attitude, I investigate the reason for that change of attitude.
Is he eating normal? If fed kibbles, could it be bad kibbles? Change to raw. Could it be worms? De-worm right away. Has a limp? Hair doesn't look smooth? Body not soft? Weather too cold, he's freezing up. Change bedding, put a lamp on him. Won't come out of bed, looks confused and scare? That's the first sign of parvo. Isolate the pup in the kitchen or bathroom where there's tiles(easier to clean bloody stools) stop all feedings so he won't puke, put IV bag line under skin, shoot him up with penicillin, start feeding solids when he wants to eat but give only small amount and work it back to normal feed when you recognize him coming around.
Keep them pups locked up and supervise them when they're out and their chances of dying are slim.

Officially Retired
01-11-2013, 02:50 AM
I thoight stool had to be bloody for parvo

If you actually read the article, you would see that waiting for "blood to be in the stool" is waiting too long.

The time to get up off your ass and do something is when parvo starts, not when it has fully debilitated the pup.


PS: Don't know if your pup has parvo or not, but I would have been following the instructions of the article already, and NOT still talking about "what's wrong" on a message board.