View Full Version : Nursing bitch ...

01-13-2013, 09:28 AM
Hello everybody, my bitch has a litter of 5 pups on ground as we speak. Today they are exactly 1 month old.
I dewormed them in week 2 and 4. Last week i started with a meal raw once a day for the pups.
My bitch is a small 30lb dog and i keep her nice and lean troughout the year but with her giving birth and nursing the pups i struggled to keep her weight on. I upped her feed with 75% the first two weeks and the last two weeks i started feeding 3 times her normal food a day.
Still she wasn't realy catching on, would look right one day and the day after not so.
Last week i ordered a batch of food for her for the more active dog, it contains a wee bit more fat than the normal one does.

Today she started vomiting, and i mean the kilo plus food she ate yesterday and the first meal she had today came out in 5 times of vomiting troughout the day.

I can't seem to draw a good conclusion as to what causes her vomiting. She's a very good mother to the pups, and i haven't seen any droppings of the pups until, today when i put her in a separate space from them because of her vomiting, and me just thinking it would be better to give her the rest she needs now. Could it be her nursing the pups that well caused some kind of problem that upset her stomache ? Is it that the pups are getting weaned of now and their stool has changed because they eat raw now ? Is it that the new food wit the wee bit more fat caused this problem ? Or maybe she caught a virus from something ?

I' boiling a bit of rice and chicken broth for her as i type this, cause honestly that's all that i ever heard of to do when a dogs stomache is upset. ( and giving probiotics ) I'm realy lost in what to do next. Except for running to the vets first thing tomorrow !

Officially Retired
01-13-2013, 09:40 AM
When you say you "wormed" this bitch, tell me exactly what that means (drugs/dosage/frequency)?


01-13-2013, 09:57 AM
Milbemax containing : milbemicine oxime, and praziquantel. Before giving birth, than same as pups week 2 and 4.
One tablet contains 12,5 mg milbemicine oxime, and 125 mg praziquantel.

Dosage was 1 tablet for dogs from 5 to 25 kg. So for my 30lb bitch one tablet should have been the right dosage.

Thnx in advance.

Officially Retired
01-13-2013, 10:11 AM
I would give a triple-dose of pyrantel to the mama and pups too. You can give this at large doses safely.

I had a bitch on pups that I wormed with ivermectin and pyrantel at standard doses also. Yet even after worming her with two products, she still looked skinny and so did her pups.

So I decided to triple-dose her with pyrantel (and her pups), gave a double-dose of ivermectin to her (alone), and gave her and the pups a standard dose of piperazine, and three days of double-dosing fenbendazole.

That poor bitch shit-out nothing but worms for nearly 3 straight days :shocked:


Using standard doses of worming medicine often will NOT stop heavy worm infestations at all ... and you need to take stronger measures.


01-13-2013, 10:32 AM
Jack, thanks for the answer. I wil try and get pyrantel asap. It's weird they label a dewormer from 5 to 25 kg. It's a big difference if your dog is just 5 kg compared to 25 if you ask me, so you make a lot of sence !

The pups look very good actualy, nice healthy. So no worries about them.

Can i give her an antibiotic like amoxiciline in case she has some type of stomache infection ?