View Full Version : BERENIL and doing health checks for 2013

01-15-2013, 02:34 AM
Would like to know the safety of this drug..in the bible there is an article about it..is it safe to treat a heatlhy dog with it for the prevention of tic bite fever..?(Except for babesia) I know you got to get the right amount, according to the dogs weight.I know of a guy who's dog got tic bite fever about two months ago and recovered from it..he recently used Berenil for future risk,and his dog is almost dead sick now..booked into the vet for 3 days now..a little confused now..want to treat my yard but a bit scared off that stuff now..

As this is the start of a new year..i would like to get my dogs health into shape..from worming and and gettin them to bennefit the best care possible..raw diet..the full monty..

Please share what you guys do..

01-15-2013, 02:44 AM
The dosage is about 0.1 ml per 2 kg. Dont use this a prevention for tickbites. It is in fact a treatment and prevention for babesia but it will not give protection for any more then 14 days. As a treatment it can knock babesia back into remission. Your friend obviously had no clue what he was doing.

01-15-2013, 02:57 AM
Thanks man so it should only be given if there is a risk of babesia..? so other wise you dont use it at all..? Is it then okay to treat all healthy dogs..male and female with Doxybiotic..? and treat them with "Fipronil" to be on the safe side?

01-15-2013, 03:18 AM
No, as you can read in Jacks article you can treat babesia with this product, when a dog is sick. It doesnt cure the dog from the babesia but it knocks it back into remission. Some, including Jack say this will bring back the old dog just a good as an expensive cure would do. Others say a dog will never be the same as before if its not completely cured.

Berenil promises to give 14 days protection to babesia, according to Jack you could give it in advance of a roll when you know or don't know the opponent is carrying babesia. I have never tried this though. I keep it in the house so i can treat my dogs fast if needed.

Im not from your country so im not familiar with this products, but there is plenty of good/innocent products to protect your dogs from ticks. I believe you can buy special tick&flea collars as well.

01-15-2013, 03:24 PM
I will say that I've never had any issues with a dog not being the same by using berenil. I've used the zithromax/mepron treatment on a few dogs, and there was no difference in the dogs after that treatment or the dogs treated with the berenil/doxycycline protocol that Dr. B has come up with.

I've seen the Berenil/Doxy treatment work successfully on a dog that became sick the last 3 weeks of a keep. Following Dr. B's treatment plan, the dog was able to still work through the sickness, recover from it, and prevail in his outing.

Officially Retired
01-15-2013, 03:52 PM
Would like to know the safety of this drug..in the bible there is an article about it..is it safe to treat a heatlhy dog with it for the prevention of tic bite fever..?(Except for babesia) I know you got to get the right amount, according to the dogs weight.I know of a guy who's dog got tic bite fever about two months ago and recovered from it..he recently used Berenil for future risk,and his dog is almost dead sick now..booked into the vet for 3 days now..a little confused now..want to treat my yard but a bit scared off that stuff now..
As this is the start of a new year..i would like to get my dogs health into shape..from worming and and gettin them to bennefit the best care possible..raw diet..the full monty..
Please share what you guys do..

Why does the dog need to go to the vet if the guy has Berenil?

Even if his dog became sick after awhile (and you didn't say how long after the shot the guy rolled his dog--nor how long after the roll it took the dog to get sick) ... another shot of Berenil would put the thing into remission.


Officially Retired
01-15-2013, 04:00 PM
No, as you can read in Jacks article you can treat babesia with this product, when a dog is sick. It doesnt cure the dog from the babesia but it knocks it back into remission.


Some, including Jack say this will bring back the old dog just a good as an expensive cure would do.


Others say a dog will never be the same as before if its not completely cured.

Others with low IQs and/or zero experience with the disease.

If you only knew how many dogs have recovered from babesia to make Champion, you would simply not repeat the stupidity of the ignorant.

I have had multiple dogs with babesia go right back to high blood counts and 100% full function. Experienced dogmen with 20-80 dogs living in the country deal with babesia constantly. It is only the UNexperienced dogman, with a tiny yard of 2-10 dogs, who has never really seen babesia before, who still worries about this infection.

Berenil promises to give 14 days protection to babesia, according to Jack you could give it in advance of a roll when you know or don't know the opponent is carrying babesia. I have never tried this though.

According to my interpretation of the manufacturer's label, yes.

I keep it in the house so i can treat my dogs fast if needed.
Im not from your country so im not familiar with this products, but there is plenty of good/innocent products to protect your dogs from ticks. I believe you can buy special tick&flea collars as well.

Good for you; that is the responsible way to handle & look at it.
