View Full Version : Inconsistent stool and raw feed

01-18-2013, 07:03 PM
Hello all, I've been feeding raw for almost two weeks now and been having problems with my dog stool. I feed him whole chicken only including organs. In the morning, his stool would be loose but in the evening it would be very hard, sometime almost to the point of constipation. I try giving antibiotic in the evening but his stool is still very loose in the morning. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated, many thanks.

P.s. I feed once per day in the evening.

01-18-2013, 07:32 PM
Antibiotic for stool texture?

01-19-2013, 01:02 AM
Sorry, I mean to say probiotic like yogurt.

01-19-2013, 09:38 AM
It takes time to adjust. Any change in feed, even one dry to another, will cause loose to inconsistent stools. If all you are feeding is raw chicken you may need some things to add some balance in the diet. Even going whole prey will have some grasses and grains in the guts of the prey item. Dosom eresearch on a more complete diet and then give that one a few weeks to settle out. EWO

scratchin dog
01-19-2013, 10:22 AM
How much organ meat are you giving? Too much will cause loose stool. Maybe you're just feeding too much food at once. Like EWO said, do some research on a complete raw diet, not just raw chicken and organs.

01-19-2013, 06:50 PM
Thank you very much Ewo and Scratching dog. I'm feeding whole raw chicken right now which weigh around .8 kg. This maybe a little too much per meal so will try to split the meal and look into a more balance diet.

01-21-2013, 05:04 AM
Over the years I have fed just about every possible way. I was feeding RAW in the late 80's early 90's. And not because it was the better way or I believed the dogs looked better or were any healthier. It was free. I lived next door to a guy who ran a processing plant and packaging plant. He would bring boxes of all things cow and all things chicken two to three times a week. Back then I had stool issues as well but it was usually from feeding too much. Looking back, and being slightly more knowledgeable now (slightly) it was not a very balanced diet at all. it was straight meat and bone and organ. I am not sure how far out of balance it was as beef tripe and stomach was in there on occasion. But it was free. Then like most as the dogs multiplied feeding dry became easier and easier. The beef/chicken changed from daily to four or five times a week to three or four and then just a couple times a week. That took time to settle the stools as well, the daily back and forth. Just remember it takes time for it to adjust and settle itself out. EWO

01-24-2013, 01:31 AM
Thank you Ewo for the honest opinion. I would also like to see for myself if feeding raw would make any difference.

06-17-2014, 06:21 AM
Whenever I have issues with my raw diet like soft stools, I always go back to basics and just feed 1 chicken quarter only the next time. I'll do that until stool returns to normal or even offer extra bone content as in chicken necks or backs.