View Full Version : Feedback on new website format

01-23-2013, 05:02 AM
http://www.machobuck.com (http://www.machobuck.com/Redboy-Jocko%20Bolio-Tombstone%20Kennels.htm) . I just changed format. I tried to make it as simple as possible. Members, please give your thoughts. Do y'all think the Please read section on the pups page is too much? Any comments appreciated.

01-23-2013, 06:08 AM
Hey Evo i do like this setup a lot better. As far a the puppy page i always told myself that if i ever ran i website with dogs for sale i would put the same thing up. It should save you some head ache.

01-23-2013, 09:07 AM
I like the new format better than the last one. Change can be good at times. I see nothing wrong with the Please read section. It's simple and straight forward. At first I thought it was too much but it has all you need to get the point across. Will save time and BS from tire kickers.

Jon P. Lebron
01-23-2013, 01:42 PM
I like the new format, I don't find anything wrong with the puppy page, it goes straight to the point and it should keep people from asking to many questions.

01-23-2013, 01:57 PM
with all do respect, i noticed something on there that made me second glance it......

"For feed, we only feed Natures Variety Instinct Duck & Turkey. It is the absolute best feed. There is no substitute. If you are not willing to keep your dog this way at a MINIMUM, then you shouldn't own this strain of this wonderful breed. "

Beside the fact that it says there is NO substitute......(BB Wilderness,Solid Gold,ToTW,Orijen EVO,Grandma Lucies,...Ect.) which i think is a little bit biased to say the least, beside that (unless i misread and am misunderstanding) it leads me to believe that your saying if we dont feed your dogs this food than you shouldnt have these dogs??? lol again, forgive me if im mistaken but you can see where i see a flaw here right???

other than that id say it looks great, take care......

Jon P. Lebron
01-23-2013, 02:38 PM
These animals require a lot more attention than most breeds. They will do ANYTHING for you and ABSOLUTELY need human affection. Human touch and praise is so engrained into them, that they suffer psychological damage if not given enough of it. This breed is WONDERFUL with kids and people. However, they are a WORKING breed. An hour walk or play every day is an absolute MUST. If not, they become destructive, destroying their doghouse, water bowl or anything they can get their mouth on. They must be given work. These dogs can (with supervision) get along with each other if raised together, but for the most part, they are VERY dog aggressive and must be walked on a lead at all times. So, if you still want one of these dogs, be prepared to spend A LOT of time with them. I recommend the 10 x 10 Magnum Kennels from Tractor Supply . They are the absolute best. I also recommend the rubber horse stall flooring. They make it in a 10 X 10 and it washes off very easily. I recommend washing once in the morning, and once at night. Also to keep the rain out, you need a heavy duty tarp for each kennel. The best doghouse in the market is the K-9 Hondo Dog Den II. Your dog will love it and you'll never have to buy another doghouse. To be sanitary and keep your neighbors happy, you must build a septic tank. For feed, we only feed Natures Variety Instinct Duck & Turkey. It is the absolute best feed. There is no substitute. If you are not willing to keep your dog this way at a MINIMUM, then you shouldn't own this strain of this wonderful breed.

I'm pretty sure that all of this is what EVO is refering to when he says, If you are not willing to keep your dog this way at a MINIMUM, the you shouldn't own this strain of this wonderful breed.

In all you have to take care of your dog.

01-23-2013, 02:45 PM
i would delete all that stuff and write, if you have no intention's to keep my dogs for what they were bred for dont waste my time.

01-23-2013, 07:24 PM
Duly noted.I'll change the feed part.. I also like r2l's

01-24-2013, 02:08 AM
Better than the previous one, I hope it will not be down every few days as it happens lately. About feeding and cages etc, I guess it is evo's way to say that in his kennel the minimum amount of money spent reflects the quality of his operation and expects nothing less from potential customers, so cheap bastards stay away. It also makes it clear that he is in the uper price segment which for me at least is not bad, he presents in a straight forward way his operation.
Sometimes he presents here breedings from friends etc through his site with direct links, but I am unable to find them through the site puppies etc, maybe this could change some way.

01-24-2013, 10:28 AM
The site looks good, easy to navigate and well laid out. I had to chuckle when I read the Puppies page and the "Stupid Questions" but it is so true as people will ask some damn dumb things!

Only thing I saw that could be changed is that it's K-9 Kondo, not K-9 Hondo dog houses. And those are excellent houses too.

01-24-2013, 02:40 PM
http://www.machobuck.com (http://www.machobuck.com/Redboy-Jocko%20Bolio-Tombstone%20Kennels.htm) . I just changed format. I tried to make it as simple as possible. Members, please give your thoughts. Do y'all think the Please read section on the pups page is too much? Any comments appreciated.

I think you did a great job on it ,you had it all covered .i am planning on doing or getting a web page done at some point and I think I will borrow a few things you wrote .

Officially Retired
01-24-2013, 02:43 PM
http://www.machobuck.com (http://www.machobuck.com/Redboy-Jocko%20Bolio-Tombstone%20Kennels.htm) . I just changed format. I tried to make it as simple as possible. Members, please give your thoughts. Do y'all think the Please read section on the pups page is too much? Any comments appreciated.

Bravo! Looks great 8)

01-24-2013, 07:00 PM
I think you did a great job on it ,you had it all covered .i am planning on doing or getting a web page done at some point and I think I will borrow a few things you wrote .

Let me know, I will trade my web skills for fur, paws, and noses.... yellow preferred

01-24-2013, 07:01 PM
Bravo! Looks great 8)

Thanks Jack

01-24-2013, 08:54 PM
Looks Great, some very nice breedings.

scratchin dog
01-25-2013, 01:22 AM
I think the new site looks very much like the old one. It's kind of busy looking with pictures and text everywhere. I think the first page should have an impact and the other pages have the smaller pics with the text arranged in a way that is pleasing to the eye. I think what you have written is great and I wouldn't change it, except for what the other members mentioned. This is how I would like to see your home page. 8)


01-25-2013, 01:51 AM
Let me know, I will trade my web skills for fur, paws, and noses.... yellow preferred

We might can work with that.

Officially Retired
01-25-2013, 02:52 AM

Now that's badass, Scratchin Dog. I see your design skills haven't left you 8)

Officially Retired
01-25-2013, 02:56 AM
I think the new site looks very much like the old one. It's kind of busy looking with pictures and text everywhere. I think the first page should have an impact and the other pages have the smaller pics with the text arranged in a way that is pleasing to the eye. I think what you have written is great and I wouldn't change it, except for what the other members mentioned. This is how I would like to see your home page. 8)

I agree. And, just to nitpick, the trend nowadays is smaller lettering, not ALL CAPS. Smaller letters looks more poised and professional, whereas ALL CAPS feels like you're being screamed at, ESPECIALLY IF YOU MAKE THEM BIG, which gets old after navigating through a few pages of it. Makes you feel like the person is having a fit :lol:

If you have to use ALL CAPS, or HUGE LETTERING, do it sparingly, but it's generally best not to use them at all IMO. Traditional italics (or even bolding) generally look better.


PS: As a final note, I had to chuckle about the "stupid questions" part. I used to post similar things on my site, almost begging idiots to just go away :lol:

01-25-2013, 06:27 AM
I think the new site looks very much like the old one. It's kind of busy looking with pictures and text everywhere. I think the first page should have an impact and the other pages have the smaller pics with the text arranged in a way that is pleasing to the eye. I think what you have written is great and I wouldn't change it, except for what the other members mentioned. This is how I would like to see your home page. 8)


Well I'll be damned, that is badass. Send me that logo and I'll put a link to your page right underneath it.

01-25-2013, 06:29 AM
I agree. And, just to nitpick, the trend nowadays is smaller lettering, not ALL CAPS. Smaller letters looks more poised and professional, whereas ALL CAPS feels like you're being screamed at, ESPECIALLY IF YOU MAKE THEM BIG, which gets old after navigating through a few pages of it. Makes you feel like the person is having a fit :lol:

If you have to use ALL CAPS, or HUGE LETTERING, do it sparingly, but it's generally best not to use them at all IMO. Traditional italics (or even bolding) generally look better.


PS: As a final note, I had to chuckle about the "stupid questions" part. I used to post similar things on my site, almost begging idiots to just go away :lol:

Duly noted. I'll bold and or use italics.

scratchin dog
01-25-2013, 09:43 PM
Now that's badass, Scratchin Dog. I see your design skills haven't left you 8)

Thank you! No, not at all. I've still got my design skills. :D

scratchin dog
01-25-2013, 10:12 PM
Well I'll be damned, that is badass. Send me that logo and I'll put a link to your page right underneath it.

Thank you EVO! Check your email. 8)

01-26-2013, 07:51 AM
Thank you EVO! Check your email. 8)

You can add Machobuck to the t shirt line up, I'm not in the T-shirt business. So I don't mind. Send me a few mediums . One white and one black. I'll pay you for them. Once you make the t-shirts, I'll advertise them on my web for you.

scratchin dog
01-26-2013, 09:59 AM
You can add Machobuck to the t shirt line up, I'm not in the T-shirt business. So I don't mind. Send me a few mediums . One white and one black. I'll pay you for them. Once you make the t-shirts, I'll advertise them on my web for you.

Thank you very much! Will do. ;)

01-26-2013, 12:10 PM
Final Website done. Thanks all for your input

scratchin dog
01-26-2013, 02:43 PM
Wonderful! Looks great EVO!!

01-28-2013, 06:05 AM
You got yourself a nice website and most important some very nice dogs. With dogs like that webpages and ads doesn't mean that much. The dogs and the blood you got speaks for themselves. That Isabella prospect is one of those dogs that looks as good as she are bred. Very nice and hats off to you.

01-28-2013, 06:25 AM
THANKS skipper, we took a 12 minute peek at Isabella yeaterday... She's a Rocket. Gonna be a superstar

01-28-2013, 06:38 AM
I don't doubt that for a second. Congrats!

01-28-2013, 07:48 AM
Site looks great! Good job.