View Full Version : overdosed on wormers

pig mad
02-04-2013, 11:19 AM
Just od a whole litter of pups on imax gold horse wormer 7 died 2 still alive i did wrong calculations in a rush and dosed them at 10 x what i should have so be careful when playing with products triple check your calculations save the heart ache. I am wondering if the last 2 are going to have brain damage or something...

02-06-2013, 02:27 PM
Pups shouldnt be given ivermectin at all until 16 weeks if i remember correctly, and i cant see giving them praziquantel either, as its for tapeworms. I do know one guy who uses that product on pups but he gives a little tiny dab. Is this the first time u used the Imax Gold? Just curious

02-06-2013, 02:43 PM
I'm sorry to hear of your loss of your pups, I've been giving pups Ivermectin for years as early a 3weeks for thier initial worming. The method I use is 3 drops of the 24 gauge 3cc syringe at room temp. Just draw it up and watch the drops. 3 per pup. We have never lost one and after this first worming they get a .great start in thier growth.

02-06-2013, 06:48 PM
Fendbenzole & pyrantel is all ill ever use on young pups?

Officially Retired
02-08-2013, 03:08 AM
Just od a whole litter of pups on imax gold horse wormer 7 died 2 still alive i did wrong calculations in a rush and dosed them at 10 x what i should have so be careful when playing with products triple check your calculations save the heart ache. I am wondering if the last 2 are going to have brain damage or something...

You are simply an idiot, and you're the one with brain damage.


02-08-2013, 03:56 AM
Ouch, felt that one coming.

You are teaching no one anything on here by posting this, just showing how stupid you were/are. How are you going to rush with any medicine?

02-21-2013, 12:31 PM
I'm sure CA JACK and R2L you 2 never made a mistake. Pig Mad was admitting his mistake and telling people to be more careful.GEt REAL

Officially Retired
02-21-2013, 01:39 PM
I'm sure CA JACK and R2L you 2 never made a mistake. Pig Mad was admitting his mistake and telling people to be more careful.GEt REAL

I understand how this looks to a newcomer, but you simply don't understand the history of Pig Mad here at this forum.

You also don't understand that he has been banned from virtually every Australian/New Zealand forum for being a prick.

In fact, this right here is probably a prank post just to get a rise out of folks. Normally, we try to offer reasonable advice for mistakes, but flagrant stupidity/trolling is something else.
