View Full Version : Allergies

02-12-2013, 06:07 AM
Over a month ago I added wheat germ oil to my bulldogs diet. I noticed he's developed allergies since I've added wheat germ oil so I stopped. I suspect this was the cause of the allergies. No changes in his feed and we're getting snow/rain so it can't be the pollens in the air. Been a month since I've stopped adding wheat germ. He still has allergy symtoms.
I understand it can take months for allergens to go away. Anyone know if a detox would help? Or any other ideas to ease the allergies. For now he's on his normal diet with fish oil.

02-12-2013, 11:07 AM
Now that you figured it out, try to avoid certain oils. Maybe go with fish oil instead of wheat germ oil. Whoever you got your dog from, you should ask him if he had the same problem. I have a couple of dogs that had a history of mange from that particular line. After some research, i found out that other owners of the same line had the same problem. If they are fed with optimum food(avoid kibbles)and clean housing, you wouldn't even know they were born with that problem. I don't know if this help but that's my version of how I took care of my dog's problem.

02-12-2013, 05:45 PM
What about his bedding? If you're using straw, he could have had a reaction to maybe some moldy straw.

02-12-2013, 08:47 PM
Thanks OGDOGG. Yup, he's on optimum nutrition and fish oil for now.
FrostyPaws, he's crated indoors at night. Spends outdoors during the day.
I read some good holistic detox articles online. Involves supplements like echinacea, spirulina, and milk thistle purified water, excercise and good chow. Will let you guys know how it goes. Like I said prior to the wheat germ his coat was flawless and he didn't itch and stink. Want to get him back to that.

Limey Kennels
02-17-2013, 11:25 PM
If your dog still has a problem in the near future send me a PM...

02-18-2013, 01:30 AM
I'm having a weird allergy with one of my dogs...his coat is thinning out on his head and face. Not patches...like a receding hairline. He initially had bald patches on his flanks also like mange but had negative test...I changed his diet...those bald patches went away...but his head has stayed the same. Its from the base of his skull...ears...around eyes...and muzzle. I'm clueless at the moment. I can't figure it out. Blood work is fine...negative demodex. No watery eyes...runny nose...stool is great...no sneezing...no ear infections. I dunno.

02-21-2013, 08:30 PM
Got a pic?

02-22-2013, 04:18 PM
I can't post pics on here from my phone...format doesn't match up I guess. But is there a way to email you or you email me? Mines Kimo1615@gmail.com. Anyone is welcome to email me for a pic so maybe I can figure this shit out.

02-22-2013, 09:58 PM
Kimo what phone do you have?