View Full Version : Raw vs Kibbles

02-20-2013, 11:57 AM
If you had to work 1 dog for a show and had to choose between kibbles or raw, which meal would you pick?
Raw feed

02-22-2013, 01:44 AM
10 for raw and 1 for kibbles. I knew all that kibble talk was nothing but a sales pitch, just like them vets telling me Science Diet is good for my dogs health

02-22-2013, 02:24 PM
Yea, like I say....its like a world champion MMA fighter surviving on taco bell meat alone and nothing else. Wonder how long he would be champ? If even could make weight lol. Think he would live to see 55 even? Lol.

Limey Kennels
02-26-2013, 05:13 AM
Its not a sales pich!!. there are just many yea sayers on this forum. and as wel all know birds of a feather . bit ignorend to presume the intire world feeds raw. far from it ....

02-26-2013, 05:38 AM
Its not a sales pich!!. there are just many yea sayers on this forum. and as wel all know birds of a feather . bit ignorend to presume the intire world feeds raw. far from it ....
Let me ask you this...when you put a dog in a keep, do you only feed kibble + supplements? Or do you use raw meat + kibbles and supplements?

Limey Kennels
02-27-2013, 01:31 PM
I feed Kibble+ suplemends .
have been feeding raw/ Kibble/ suplemends.
and have been feeding raw many years ago.
wich was minsed meat made from grade 1 beef/goat/ dear/ brown riced/ spinage couple of other veggies/ cotage cheese/ virgin oil / horse fat / with dicalsium fosfate /iron liquit / natural white e

02-27-2013, 02:02 PM
I feed Kibble+ suplemends .
have been feeding raw/ Kibble/ suplemends.
and have been feeding raw many years ago.
wich was minsed meat made from grade 1 beef/goat/ dear/ brown riced/ spinage couple of other veggies/ cotage cheese/ virgin oil / horse fat / with dicalsium fosfate /iron liquit / natural white e

I get why you are against feeding raw...but what you listed above is raw itself. It may not be from the corner store but it is a raw feed..you said "I have been feeding RAW", so I assume that's what you feed them during their keep? Now if you know that's what it takes for them to be at their best health, then why don't you try to simulate that feed year round?
There is not 1 fast lane dogman in the world that would ONLY feed Kibbles and constantly winning. Everyone has to add raw to their feed during a keep. Even amateurs know this. So now were back to why feed kibbles when raw is better for your dogs?

02-27-2013, 11:26 PM
Its not a sales pich!!
This is out of your own mouth on the Red Mill thread
"Sins we got a desend size groop of greyhound people asking for it we started to cell it"
Could you imagine how many customers you'll lose if Limey the great says its okay to feed raw?

Limey Kennels
02-28-2013, 09:23 AM
I get why you are against feeding raw...but what you listed above is raw itself. It may not be from the corner store but it is a raw feed..you said "I have been feeding RAW", so I assume that's what you feed them during their keep? Now if you know that's what it takes for them to be at their best health, then why don't you try to simulate that feed year round?
There is not 1 fast lane dogman in the world that would ONLY feed Kibbles and constantly winning. Everyone has to add raw to their feed during a keep. Even amateurs know this. So now were back to why feed kibbles when raw is better for your dogs? I gues you havend been umongst them!!. please read my post again and tried to read in in the right context,as your way off base..

Limey Kennels
02-28-2013, 09:24 AM
This is out of your own mouth on the Red Mill thread
"Sins we got a desend size groop of greyhound people asking for it we started to cell it"
Could you imagine how many customers you'll lose if Limey the great says its okay to feed raw? Again please read in the right context as that wassend about Red Mills. BUT GAIN..

Limey Kennels
02-28-2013, 09:39 AM
at the same time let me show you your dilisius looking chiken legs sours http://youtu.be/M51lv2bjWm8 6 weeks old if not slaughterd age 7 weeks they died on there own with broken legs and harth failer. they produce 2 1/2 lbs of meat in 7 weeks time 1 due to being geneticly manipulated 2 massif amunds of antibiotics 3 hormons http://youtu.be/ddqps9NR5ZAmake sure you wachs the entire video 4.17 . lets not iven begin to discus beef!!!.. yes your feeding healthy alright..

02-28-2013, 10:07 AM
What about the tons of DogFood dat gets recalled every year ?? Plenty of dogs dying coz of that !!

03-01-2013, 01:01 PM
Who gives a shit about how chicken and cows are bred, raised, and slaughtered. You picked the nastiest videos and posted up so you could get people to flip and buy your products. Just like the ASPCA show the ugliest and most brutalized videos of dogs..add a sad song by Sarah McLachlan and tell people to snitch on dog fighters..but yet they kill more dogs than anyone else in the world. Not only do they kill them they also use the meat to make dog food.
The chicken, beef, supplements, vegetables and everything else I feed my dogs are for humans. Shit they eat better than most people. So how is it kibbles is better than raw. You did not make the kibbles. You are only selling it. I prepare my dogs meals from scratch so I know what I put in. You don't know what's in there or if Tom took a shit in the kibble blender. All you're going off is what a label is telling you. I am a blue collar worker, worked at factories most of my life so I know that anything that's cooked up is not perfect or the healthiest.
Organic is the healthiest way to eat. If you wanted to sell kibbles, just sell it on the classified page. No need to come on here and show those videos and trying to make a point. When it comes to conditioning I respect your knowledge but since you got on this forum, you contributed a few lines of good info and since then you made yourself look like an idiot. You can't change how people feed their dogs. If they been feeding raw and it's working, they're not gonna listen to what you have to show or say. The only way they'll switch if they are broke and have too many dogs or they just got lazy.
Do what you do best and tell the forum some of your secrets to conditioning and stop rambling about how animals are raised and slaughtered. Or Greyhound this and Greyhound that. This is a Pitbull forum I or any one else could give 2 shits about them mutts.

03-01-2013, 07:07 PM
OG said....Tom took a shit in the blender! Lmao!!! Classic right there bro. I actually laughed out loud at work. True as hell though man.

03-02-2013, 01:34 AM
In Limey's defence, I think he uses the greyhound studies etc, since it is a legal multimillion dollar industry that operates legally and it is expected to have some research done, always for the profit but it doesn't matter. Ofcourse as I already said, I do believe that in multimillion industries financial interests can order tailored researches to help them grow, but then again this is my silly comment.

Limey Kennels
03-10-2013, 12:09 AM
Who gives a shit about how chicken and cows are bred, raised, and slaughtered. You picked the nastiest videos and posted up so you could get people to flip and buy your products. Just like the ASPCA show the ugliest and most brutalized videos of dogs..add a sad song by Sarah McLachlan and tell people to snitch on dog fighters..but yet they kill more dogs than anyone else in the world. Not only do they kill them they also use the meat to make dog food.
The chicken, beef, supplements, vegetables and everything else I feed my dogs are for humans. Shit they eat better than most people. So how is it kibbles is better than raw. You did not make the kibbles. You are only selling it. I prepare my dogs meals from scratch so I know what I put in. You don't know what's in there or if Tom took a shit in the kibble blender. All you're going off is what a label is telling you. I am a blue collar worker, worked at factories most of my life so I know that anything that's cooked up is not perfect or the healthiest.
Organic is the healthiest way to eat. If you wanted to sell kibbles, just sell it on the classified page. No need to come on here and show those videos and trying to make a point. When it comes to conditioning I respect your knowledge but since you got on this forum, you contributed a few lines of good info and since then you made yourself look like an idiot. You can't change how people feed their dogs. If they been feeding raw and it's working, they're not gonna listen to what you have to show or say. The only way they'll switch if they are broke and have too many dogs or they just got lazy.
Do what you do best and tell the forum some of your secrets to conditioning and stop rambling about how animals are raised and slaughtered. Or Greyhound this and Greyhound that. This is a Pitbull forum I or any one else could give 2 shits about them mutts.

your words are meaningless as for one there isend a single man from my country here but 1!!. so why would il try to sell people here dogfood as most of them live across the pond!!??.
So that one is out of the window. 2 that isend the nastiest video i put up thats common!! in the bio industry..
3 I belive IF your feeding RAW then you MOST SIRTINLY whant to know how chikens cows are bred and raised and whats being fed to them..
4 are you seriusly compearing ME with the ASPCA to come up with some kind of weight in your wrightings to prove me wrong??.. aint that ignorance and weakness in your debate towards me on your side..
5 for your record we ARE in the prosses of making our own kibble...
6 organic meat would be the best to feed when your feeding raw yes. but 99% of the people do not feed organic due to costs AND unavailebilety.
7 sins i am a paying MEMBER i can post and place and show what ever i feel to do so. as long as i dont slander use foul talk. and as long as there is a debate .
and sins when can you tell ore dictate me what to post!!. Are you the moderater ore owner of this forum??. if not the i sirguest you stick to your knolige guns and debate!! with nolige.
Your post looks like its build up the same formulated as Jack,s last post on the other topic..
You respect my knolige as a conditioner. but at the same time im make myself look rediculess. How the hell can you be a good conditioner if you dont know how to feed dogs????????????... looks to me you dont have the right ammo and start to twist and turn and come up with NON SENS in order to win a debate..
Let me askt you ore anybody els here who is a sporting dogman to show your raw vs kibble world wide record in order to be able to be worthy enoughf to claim your know what the hell your on about..
and im NOT trying to convinse people to change from raw to kibble. I only ecspose the BS claims made bij the raw feeders against kibble feeding .. wich in all fairness i alredy done. Sins then im one of the old timer IDIOTS i make a FOOL of myself, yet im a great conditioner breeder (who bij the way REARLY SELLS DOGS could have made a FORTUNE in doing so) and people respect me for other rezens. you know how WEAK that sounds!.... As it is i am debating alone in the lions den, against varius people who uptill now CAN NOT prove me wrong, and prove there right!!!....

Limey Kennels
03-10-2013, 12:17 AM
In Limey's defence, I think he uses the greyhound studies etc, since it is a legal multimillion dollar industry that operates legally and it is expected to have some research done, always for the profit but it doesn't matter. Ofcourse as I already said, I do believe that in multimillion industries financial interests can order tailored researches to help them grow, but then again this is my silly comment.

Actualy this post make more sense!!. and yes ofcours profits are made its bisenis and without profit there is no scene ore sport, just like football basketball. and we all know you can only sell BS for so long. when food ore suplemends dont work for wat your ""doing"" you look for something els that thuse... . just like Jack made this into a paid forum and sells books and dvd,s and promode his stand on feeding raw. a quik calculation on how many members this forum has x 30 usd a year, combined with the books he sells and his dvd,s clearly show that besides his good"hounest intentions he makes a living out of this forum . and way to go to him.. He like the greyhound scene world wide are not a philanthropists. Nothing comes for free...

03-10-2013, 04:30 AM
I think that whatever side of the fence one sits on any given topic there are studies that prove you are right. For every study promoting a single kibble product there are two more showing the effects of their recall. Vets, who of all people should be the most knowledgeable, fight like cats and dogs over food choices. It really comes down to personal preference for each individual person. I have fed a number of different ways over the years based on these factors, 3.. the amount of time I have per feeding. 2. cost what I am feeding multiplied by the number of dogs. 1. how I see the dogs on whatever feed plan I am working with. I try to find a happy medium between the three. I personally like RAW and it is cheaper for me to feed that way. The issue is time as I work 50-55 hours a week with an hour drive each way. Time plays a big factor. I try to keep around 10 grown dogs and a handful of puppies. If I could find the perfect bag of of food that did not cost an arm and a leg I would go that route. If it were cost effective, easy to acquire, easy to prepare and the dogs looked/performed well on it I would be offering up my double blind study on my way and the rest of you people that did not agree with me would just be plain idiots. LOL. EWO

03-11-2013, 09:54 AM
5 for your record we ARE in the prosses of making our own kibble...
So that's the reason why you come on this forum and rant about kibbles and nothing else:embarrassed:
Enough said, by the way...19 for Raw and 2 for kibbles