View Full Version : I did everything right , she still wouldn't raise the pupps

03-05-2013, 10:48 PM
I had a bitch drop 10 pupps, all 10 died!!! Da bitch wouldn't let them suck her tits. I gave anti-stress to help her relax dat still didn't work. And alot of black stuff was coming out of her, these pupps took alot from her. She was wormed out, cleaned up and in house, I did my job she didn't do her. What makes females do this?

03-06-2013, 11:39 AM
sometimes you just get bad moms...ive heard of bad mothers go as far as eating theyre pups!.....sometimes the job of raising pups gets a little harder on the breeders end...if they dont raise them, they need to be bottle fed,plumbing stimulated, ect..

sorry to hear the bad news, you win some & you lose some, you live & you learn.....better luck next time....