View Full Version : Adding Garner Blood

12-31-2011, 05:34 PM
I live 45 mins away from Tom Garner, Someone i know wants to sell me a pup who has dogs from him. The pup is off of ch dynomite. What you think?

Officially Retired
12-31-2011, 05:38 PM
Is the guy who has this dog a good dogman, or "a guy with a pup he wants to sell?"

I personally wouldn't buy a single thing from anyone who has not repeatedly and consistently produced his own winners ...


12-31-2011, 05:45 PM
Not sure jack, I seen pics of the brother and sister that he is keeping. The one male must have not past his schooling process. But the ped is all toms stuff. I have bullet blood, virgil blood and mims blood. I was wondering if i should mix garner stuff in with it?

12-31-2011, 05:49 PM
I only know him off facebook.

Officially Retired
12-31-2011, 06:17 PM
This belongs on the Bloodlines Forum.

My honest opinion is there is no way I would buy a dog from "a guy I met on Facebook," but that is just me.

I also would not discuss ANY "sporting" activities with him at all.

This is not a game and you have to use some basic sense and precautions.



12-31-2011, 07:23 PM
Thank you understund.

12-31-2011, 09:24 PM
Why not just get one from TG himself? I know I would get one off of Bobby Peru if I wanted to add some of his blood into a program.

01-01-2012, 05:30 AM
His pups are 1200 dollars now!

01-01-2012, 07:13 AM
Sometimes quality isn't cheap. I by no means can say what you have will be great but you have a good chance to win and if you hit jackpot you win big. Yes a pup might be $1200 but is it better to pay $1200 For a good genetic breeding of some quality or is it better to buy 3 $400 pups of no quality and hope one cuts the mustard so you can breed it with hope you finally get a good one. At least with breeders such as Garner, Vise Grip, etc is you know there is a higher chance of getting somethin special and if not great at least something that offers value to you and your yard not just a turd who made it across..

01-01-2012, 09:06 AM
True but this guy has garners blood. The ped is nothing but garners. I was just thinking, Whats the different in buying a pup from him, or TG at 6 weeks old. So really how do you know what you are getting.

01-01-2012, 09:52 AM
It's true that you don't know what your getting but a couple things to think about:
1. You met the guy on Facebook ( your risk is high)
2. TG not only an established breeder but also lives close to you. Plus TG has produced winners
3. You met the guy on Fcebook
At the end of the day it's your call but I would go to the source and pay the money to increase my chances.

01-01-2012, 10:42 AM
True thank you. I will not get the one off facebook. Thanks guys i am new to this.

01-01-2012, 04:13 PM
True but this guy has garners blood. The ped is nothing but garners. I was just thinking, Whats the different in buying a pup from him, or TG at 6 weeks old. So really how do you know what you are getting.

Tom now DNA profiles his dog. So if you set up an appointment with him you cantakepart in the process. You can put any dog with any paper work i have seen some salty things done in this sport take there advice go right to the source! Plus it's good to go and meet and old dog man any chance you can as long as HE IS A DOG MAN. people can say what they want the man has produced more then one champion how many people you know have produced just one? Just my thoughts.

01-01-2012, 04:54 PM
True, Meet people that tell you there stories.

Officially Retired
01-02-2012, 02:33 AM
True but this guy has garners blood. The ped is nothing but garners. I was just thinking, Whats the different in buying a pup from him, or TG at 6 weeks old. So really how do you know what you are getting.

Because the guy who created everything behind those dogs always knows how to breed his own dogs better than the guy who just "bought them."

For example, I see people making breedings on dogs they got from me that I would never personally make: e.g., inbreeding on a game bum, rather than breeding to a dog with more ability ... or breeding in the direction of a short-winded, stupid individual (or section) of the family, rather than in the direction of longer-winded, smarter individuals/sections of the family ... etc., etc. In other words, the breeder knows things about what's behind his dogs, that the 'buyer' can't possibly know, and consequently the breeder can make better decisions with his own stock than can a novice.

At the end of the day, everybody "thinks" that the breedings they're doing "are going" to produce high-caliber dogs ... but the fact is very few people are actually able to do this AT ALL, let alone reliably and consistently, and it is rare to the vanishing point to find breeders able to sustain a high-powered program over the years.

Most people "buy from breeders," and within a generation or two, they make foolish breeding choices and breed all of the quality and consistency right out of what they have ... and have to "start over" again ... which is always why no one will pay a beginner anything for their pups, because they haven't proven they can breed consistently high-quality dogs yet.


PS: My real question to you is this: Why are you adding so many different lines to your yard? If you read the book I sold you, in The Art of Breeding Dogs chapter, you will see that the key to breeding success is sticking with something and forming a linebreeding program around the best individuals ... while the key to failure is trying to "buy everything and mix it up," especially without any real working knowledge of the blood you're using. And even where crosses are concerned, there is a big difference between making a strategic cross, based on known performance reasons, and just randomly and senselessly "interbreeding different strains together" without actually knowing a thing about any of the individuals or bloodline propensities you're working with. My sincerest best advice to you would be to work with what you've got, and linebreed toward what's best in there, or (if nothing works) then start out with something new altogether, but keep it clean and well-bred, as opposed to running a hodgepodge of different lines.


01-03-2012, 07:22 AM
Look man all they are saying is it would be best to buy the dog from the source because most likey and should know exactly what you are getting.
Getting a dog from someone on facebook can be anything from anywhere. You stated that its ped is noting but TG, How do you know exactly that thats that dog pedagree for sure. And plus there has to be a reason he is getting rid of the pup and keeping the siblings. Just do not trust everyone

You can buy that dog if you want....But i would be safer to go to the man TG himself and buy a pup.

01-03-2012, 06:27 PM
This is a very interesting subject I do agree on alot that is said here, I myself have bought pups off Jack himself because I like what he was doing, people can say what they want about him that's between them, I agree with him and YigYang if you want a Tom Garner dog buy from Tom, you want a Vise-Grip dog buy from Jack if it's just a name your looking for then buy whatever name you want, but if your looking at traits things in the individual dog or dogs parents, then buy from said dogs that you want what they got. I have people all the time asking for Vise-Grip dogs I have pup from Jack he created them individual pups but the breedings I make with them dogs are by my choice by my vision for the traits I'm looking for and trying to acheive, nobody's to blame for my breedings but me. I've done that breeding with my to Vise-Grip dogs and had remarkable results better than what I hoped for. If Jack or anybody else would have did the same breeding I don't no, I did and I love it. Now Jack has done a fine job I love both my dogs I got from him and they are top notch dogs, but they have diffrent things that I love more than the other, so I have my own vision of my dogs, my yard. I guess in short create your own vision,and alway becareful who you buy from.