No Quarter Kennel
03-20-2013, 07:07 AM
Got a pet bull that stays in the house. My wife's dog.
Took her in to be spayed.

Surgery was at 10am. They kept her for observation through 4:30pm.
I get he home. She's bleeding from incision. IT WILL NOT STOP. It's pulling underneath the skin. Not in the abdomen. I call vet, get her back to him that same night.

He applies pressure wrap.
Vitamen K
Liquid Vitamins
Tetracycline for Eurlechia as he says this could prevent clotting.

We talk this morning. It's better, but still bleeding. WBC is a hair high and platelets are a hair low.
Her blood is NOT clotting.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Officially Retired
03-20-2013, 07:34 AM
It sounds like you're doing everything you can. I would discontintue the tetracycline, obviously, and hope that helps too (tetracycline runs out of the system fast).

Other than that, having donor-transfusion blood ready (not just to replace lost volume but with better clotting ability) would be key.

Good luck.

No Quarter Kennel
03-20-2013, 07:41 AM
Thanks Jack
I appreciate you input.
I'm on it.

No Quarter Kennel
03-22-2013, 07:04 AM
In case anyone experiences a situation of bleeding that WILL NOT STOP. Here's what we did.

Most important - PRESSURE WRAP. Applied Pressure Wrap for 2 - 24 hour periods at a time and yes, she needed it. After 24 hours, she was still bleeding, white gums, etc. Vet says it's about a 1 in 1000 dog that does this. 2nd 24 hour, combined with below info, finally stopped the bleeding.

Vitamine K injection and follow up with Vitamin K tablets
Liquid vitamines - blood building specific

That's about it......biggest key - PRESSURE