View Full Version : Building above ground kennel

03-22-2013, 05:03 AM
So I just went and bought half the lumber section at Home Depot, and I'm going to attempt to make Jack's above ground kennel set up. I had a few questions Jack, what type of hinge and hook do you use for your door? And for your houses, its all types of plywood choices, so I chose the 17/32, if that makes sense. Is that the size you use for your houses, and is it the same you use for your roofs? I have never built anything before, so here we go, pics to start soon as the sun comes out:D one more thing, to attach the panel to the wood, what do you use for those? Thanks in advance


No Quarter Kennel
03-22-2013, 06:42 AM

I've built several and Jack's plan is as good as any to follow. ESPECIALLY, if you have never built anything before.

Hinges - here's what I use http://www.lowes.com/pd_64172-1277-908CC_4294856551__?productId=3152493&Ns=p_product_avg_rating|1&pl=1&currentURL=%3FNs%3Dp_product_avg_rating%7C1&facetInfo=
Latch - I like these http://www.lowes.com/pd_445623-48446-1381801_4294856551__?productId=4482822&Ns=p_product_avg_rating|1
Just put a quick link or something to hold it shut.

You'll attach your panel to the outside of your pen with large staples - I always use 3/4" (that's the width) and I want then 1 1/2" long. Get you two pounds - that typically does a full pen for you. http://www.lowes.com/pd_58239-37672-532698_0__?productId=3036061&Ntt=staples

Best of luck and have fun. Post up them picks.

One suggestion I got from a guy I built some for once, was to put the door in the middle of the side. That's a good idea as you'll be able to reach inside the entire pen for whatever reason.

Good Luck!

03-22-2013, 04:18 PM
Thank you NQK, I will get pics posted as soon as I start, it's such a big project to me, I afraid to fuck off my wood, lol.

Officially Retired
03-30-2013, 11:57 AM
I am no carpenter, but the plans I built are basic and solid, and they will last a long time.

03-31-2013, 04:40 AM
Thank you NQK, I will get pics posted as soon as I start, it's such a big project to me, I afraid to fuck off my wood, lol.

The old folks say, "Measure twice, cut once". I will try to get a couple pf pictures the two boxes I have. One is a double walled insulated box. And the other is more for older pups before they hit the ground. Building the box is like a lot of other projects. It looks so much more going in than what it really turns out to be. Best of luck. EWO

04-03-2013, 06:38 AM
Ok, after a bout of illness, some long days and nights, I got the damn thing built. It wasn't easy, but I did with the help of a young knucklehead on spring break.

This is what I started with, a truck full of stuff, lol.

So after I download all the "stuff", I start to cut into the 4x4's.

I got an old saw I picked up for 20 bucks, don't know if it's even worth it, but it looked cool. I doesn't have a ruler on the adjustable cutting depth, so I measured with my square.
Needless to say, I was off a bit

So I start to put things together, and I start to see something forming, not sure what but something is coming along

Got all my bottom crossmembers and slats installed, time for the house

Now to put the top crossmembers on and the plywood, and then wrap it, now it's starting to look like the pictures I keep referring too,lol

Call me dumb or stupid, but the damn door was one of the hardest things to make. My construct was a little crooked after all the connecting was done, so it took some improvising to get the door complete, but we got it done(barely).

And now for the finished product

I must say, Jack's plan's work, and I really get a sense of enjoyment and accomplishment from building one for my hounds. I will be making at least two more, and some things I learned from this process are, 1. Have two drills, one for a drill bit to pre-drill holes, and another for the driving of the screws.( I spent a lot of time switching in between drill bits and screw heads) 2. Once you make a cut that you will need multiple of, instead of measuring again, if possible, use the cut you just made to make the measurement. 3. Don't just throw stuff down, be organized. I spent a lot of time looking for Item's I "just" had and now I can't find them. 4. Hands of plenty make for ease of work. The more good help you have, the faster the process. Hope my post was helpful to someone one out there.


04-03-2013, 11:33 AM
Good job. I would use treated wood on the next one. There is a lot of washing and sun over time and the non-treated stuff will eventually give up. The next time it is free soak it down with some sort of water sealant, Thompson's,etc...etc.... Looks good tho. The best thing is that you identified four ways ot improve the build. next time you will find four more, and so on. Blink and you will have an assembly line going. Good job. EWO

04-03-2013, 11:42 AM
Good job. I would use treated wood on the next one. There is a lot of washing and sun over time and the non-treated stuff will eventually give up. The next time it is free soak it down with some sort of water sealant, Thompson's,etc...etc.... Looks good tho. The best thing is that you identified four ways ot improve the build. next time you will find four more, and so on. Blink and you will have an assembly line going. Good job. EWO

Thanks EWO, I'm about to go water seal it right now, it's super sunny out, and that's what I been waiting for. The dog in the pic was just to test the walls out and take a pic, I took the dog out and covered it as soon as I was done.


04-03-2013, 11:59 AM
Looks good. I will try to get a pic of mine like I said I would the other day. I forgot. We built a deck for a guy and he had some odd requests and we ended up with a lot of 5/4 treated deck boards that were like 39" so that is the width of my box, as well as the box itself, the siding for the box, just about everything. Pretty much half the materials were free. I like free. The non treated wood will last for awhile if kept treated. The bleach/disinfectants/sanitizers are hard on the wood and hard on the sealers as well, but if treated regularly they will last damn near forever. The biggest difference is the treated wood is more forgiving if it is not treated as often. Looks good. EWO

04-03-2013, 01:23 PM
Nice!!...good job!...I'm building a pen also but I don't like the way ur house is inside the pen...I like the dog house/whelping pen sticcing out so I can have access to the dog/pups from the bacc...I like two doors, one in the front like u have it and one in the bacc of the dog house/whelping pen!...makes it real easy to access the dog/pups this way!....overall that's a helluva job!!....how long did it take u to build it??

04-03-2013, 02:24 PM
Is it true that pressure treated and weather treated wood is more cancerogenic (spelling) i guess you could say? Looks good as well. If you dont mind what was the total cost for this day and age.

Black Hand
04-03-2013, 02:27 PM
I built one for cheap. Less than 200. but I already had grid panels, so that wasn't included in the cost. And I used cement board for the floor which has held up over a year but I am going to replace with slats as it was just a pain in the ass to clean sometimes if they happen to smash it to the floor. but for the most part, it just sprayed right off but the slats are ideal.

04-03-2013, 02:34 PM
the only thing that makes me feel a little uneasy about the slats is i could only imagine if a little pup gets its leg snagged in there...... other than that i do see the conveniance in keeping it clean...... although i would think if one were to apply some sort of linoleum that would make up for the inconveniance of scrubbing as hard because its not as textured.... anybody ever tried that??

Black Hand
04-03-2013, 02:39 PM
In jacks videos you see the pups feet slide right in between the slats, they just pull it back out and if they are fed raw there is no mess to clean it falls threw the slats.

04-03-2013, 02:47 PM
im already knowing about the raw

......... hey jack have you ever had a pup get his leg caught in a slat?.......

04-03-2013, 11:55 PM
Is it true that pressure treated and weather treated wood is more cancerogenic (spelling) i guess you could say? Looks good as well. If you dont mind what was the total cost for this day and age.
usually pressure treated woods get some glue product added and it is ok since it is assumed that it stays out and it is not used as a human bed or whatever. As a kennel I suspect it could have some effect, but usually it is worst in young mamals than in adults.

04-04-2013, 02:59 AM
I am not an expert on the treated wood but here goes...in years past wood was treated to a standard or .40 or .45. Pressure treated wood was a darker shade back then. It is now treated to a standard of .25 or so. It should be stamped on the wood. Now it almost takes a second glance to see if it is pressure treated or just plain lumber. Cheaper,cheaper,cheaper. As far as the carcinogen there are some facts there. School playgrounds can no longer have pressure treated wood structures here in NC. They are being removed and replaced as of 2011. We did a fundraiser and had a wood jungle gym built at my son's elementary school in 2009. In 2010 it was torn down and another fundraiser for a powder coated metal structure.
I will try to get pics of mine but I do not have that capability with my phone. The next time my son and I have a day off together I will post them from his phone. My pen is made with the wire to the inside of the posts vs. the outside. My end panel is a door with the wire to the inside. This keeps the chewers off the wood for their benefit as well as the longevity of the pen. EWO

04-14-2013, 07:56 PM
Damn fine job on your box man!

I built this one for less then 100 not much to look at but funtional and strong built in heat lamp and fan with dimmer control. The box is insulated i use compressed steel for the cat walk floor ( diamond grate ) very strong and the holes are small enough that 5 week old pups feet wont get caught in them. Double pane plexy glass viewing window so you can check on mama and pups without disturbing them. Only down side it can never be moved that box is ridiculously heavy.

The day i finished
Night shot
A litter of happy warm pups


04-15-2013, 10:13 AM
The old folks say, "Measure twice, cut once". I will try to get a couple pf pictures the two boxes I have. One is a double walled insulated box. And the other is more for older pups before they hit the ground. Building the box is like a lot of other projects. It looks so much more going in than what it really turns out to be. Best of luck. EWO EWO im still waiting to see yours sir :mrgreen:

04-15-2013, 10:59 AM
Maybe this weekend. I am "digitally disabled". I have the most basic of phones and no digital camera. I normally use my son's phone when we both have the same days off. Later in the week we will be off together. I will try to remember to get it then. It is nothing spectacular, but it works. EWO

04-17-2013, 08:57 PM
Damn fine job on your box man!


Thanks man, it took alot but I got it done. Jack has awesome plans.

10-03-2013, 01:12 AM
nice work man

10-04-2013, 07:37 AM

03-30-2014, 04:59 PM
http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120406_144953.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120406_144953.jpg.html)

03-30-2014, 05:10 PM
Will post some finished pictures when I get a chance.
As you can see I got the main plan from Jacks book and then modified it a little. I really like it and it makes it a lot easier to clean and get to the pups when they are real small.

http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120331_204202.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120331_204202.jpg.html)[/IMG]http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120331_204334.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120331_204334.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120405_114511.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120405_114511.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120406_140504.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120406_140504.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120406_144953-1.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120406_144953-1.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120406_145753.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120406_145753.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120406_162959.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120406_162959.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120406_183103.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120406_183103.jpg.html)

07-26-2014, 09:56 PM
Nice work on the pens everybody. I've been thinking of ways to save space with the chaing gang growing so fast. Pups on the way and I may giveit a whirl. I have a whelping box built. It worked last litter, but I think these pens are a more practicle option.

Btw, new her so where can I find the original plans?

08-05-2014, 09:40 AM
Will post some finished pictures when I get a chance.
As you can see I got the main plan from Jacks book and then modified it a little. I really like it and it makes it a lot easier to clean and get to the pups when they are real small.

http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120331_204202.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120331_204202.jpg.html)[/IMG]http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120331_204334.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120331_204334.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120405_114511.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120405_114511.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120406_140504.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120406_140504.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120406_144953-1.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120406_144953-1.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120406_145753.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120406_145753.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120406_162959.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120406_162959.jpg.html)http://i807.photobucket.com/albums/yy359/ericarnold33/20120406_183103.jpg (http://s807.photobucket.com/user/ericarnold33/media/20120406_183103.jpg.html)

Scratch, I like this modification. Can you post recent pictures?