View Full Version : cryptorchidism

Black Hand
03-28-2013, 06:09 PM
Anybody have experience with this problem or a line that seems to produce it

Officially Retired
04-01-2013, 03:16 PM
Yes, it is fairly common for males to be born with one nut.

Some dogs can produce just fine like that; others never can.

Your dog will have a greater likelihood of getting cancer like that ... but Indian Bolio (for example) had one nut and not only produced just fine, but lived a pretty long life. Patrick's La Bamba also had one nut.


04-01-2013, 11:34 PM
Just to mention that cryptorchidism is for the mamal that has both nuts but for whatever reason didn't come down from the scrotum, and this condition increases cancer risk, while also there are males born just with one nut and in this case the cancer risk is not considerably higher.

Black Hand
04-03-2013, 05:02 PM
Anybody know exactly how it is passed or is this not known yet? I have heard of dogs having it, being bred, inbred, linebred on and still produce fine dogs that are healthy. Meanwhile there are cases where the dog doesn't have a one nut dog anywhere close in the ped yet it still is born with the defect. Seems kind of unpredictable and sporadic, not like what the vet says...along the lines of "if u breed him, u will have a bunch of one or no nut dogs".