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View Full Version : Strongid-T Paste Dosage

04-03-2013, 09:18 AM
I'm having a hard time finding the Strongid-T paste dosage for dogs over the Internet. Tube contains 3.6 grams pyrantel base in 23.6 grams of paste. Dosage for horse is 3 mg per lbs of body weight. Anyone know for dog dosage?

Officially Retired
04-03-2013, 01:59 PM
Dosage for horses has nothing to do with dosage for dogs.

3.6 grams = 36,000 mg

How many ml of product is there?

Take 36,000 and divide by how many ml of product you have in the tube, and you will get "x" mg/ml (that is your guide).

Knowing each ml of product in your tube has "x" mg in it, then you need to know that dogs are supposed to get 20 mg/lb as a dosage. But it doesn't end with dosage, now you have to worry about frequency ... which is once if rounds, then another dose 12 days later ... or twice/day, 3 days in a row for hooks, then another follow-up 10 days later).
