View Full Version : Problem with females heat. Question for jack?

04-10-2013, 04:07 AM
Hi jack I have question for you and I have tried to search for an answer to with no luck from anyone that I feel I should trust about a female that I have. I have had her since she was close to a yr old and I have realized that she doesn't come into heat normal. At first I thought she had an unnormal heat cycle but I'm starting to think that she may be coming into heat and I'm missing it. She has proven that she is worrthy of breeding but my lack of knowledge of breeding has caused me to miss her heat times. I bought your breeding cd awhile back to educate myself but with this female she never seems to bleed or show easy to spot signs that she is ready to breed so my question is this what are some good signs that I should look for to tell if she is ready to breed? She swears in her back area but I'm not sure if this is a good clue that she is coming into heat. Did I miss something in the DVD that covered this problem? Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing your input on this when you have time to answer back

Officially Retired
04-10-2013, 04:05 PM
Hey there;

First question is how old is your female?

The next comment is it sounds like she has what are called "silent heats" ... where it's really hard to tell that they're in heat at all (no swelling, don't bleed much, keep themselves clean, etc.). The two best ways to monitor bitches with silent heat cycles are:

1) Keep her in an above-ground pen, where she's not getting dirty, and where you can see what little blod spots are there on the wood when she does come in; or
2) If she can be an indoor dog, keep her inside with a friendly male ... and, trust me, when she comes in heat his nose will let you know when she's ready ... because he'll suddenly start licking her and trying to mount her all the time ;)

Good luck,


04-11-2013, 02:13 AM
She is three going on four. I will put here in an above ground pen to see if I can spot anything one reason that I ask is because she is chained beside a male and I realized over the last few days that he is paying a lot of attention to her side to his chain spot

Officially Retired
04-11-2013, 03:34 AM
Well, I have always paid attention to the way a male acts, because (ultimately) it is more reliable than a human-made blood serum progesterone kit, and it's free to boot ;)

When Silverback was with a bitch not in heat, they were just buddies ...
When he would start licking them constantly, but wouldn't really mount, I knew they were coming in (or in) heat ...
And when Silverback could not stop mounting them, and would whine and get "pussy drunk" if I separated him, then I knew they were ready, no blood test needed, and he was always right :mrgreen:


04-13-2013, 05:17 PM
The above ground pen is a good idea. I have a yard beagle that runs along the fence (my dogs are on chains but the area is fenced) and barks and paces (maybe struts!) whenever something starts coming in. He is like an early detection system. EWO

04-14-2013, 08:34 AM
Jack's adivce is on point also i have found the women's one a day will help a Gyp regulate her cycles and also make her flow more visible it must say " to promote a healthy reproductive system "


04-16-2013, 12:00 PM
After watching the female that I thought had problems with her heat for a few days I have realized that her swelling wasn't a sign of her heat starting. She actually started to look as if she was carrying or just birthed a litter of pups. Then I seen that she has started taking her food bowl into her dog house with her. So I believe what I'm dealing with is a female with a false litter could I be right about this? I have never owned a female that done this so now I'm wondering what is next? She is still young and I'm don't know anything about this type of situation. Can she even carry a litter now?

04-18-2013, 03:59 PM
Are there any products or suplements to give a female that doesnt come into heat regularly some help with that, like there are products to help with a males sperm count ?